New York Times Runs Profile of ‘Groper in Chief’ Trump


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
New York Times Runs Profile of ‘Groper in Chief’ Trump
by Lindsey Ellefson | 10:04 pm, October 7th, 2016
New York Times Runs Profile of ‘Groper in Chief’ Trump

The New York Times just dropped a piece by Nicholas Kristof that hails Donald Trump as the “Groper in Chief.” This comes mere hours after the Washington Post released old audio of the GOP nominee for the presidency talking about how he can’t stop himself from kissing beautiful women and how famous men can “grab them by the p*ssy” when they want to.

The NYT piece focuses on testimony from Jill Harth, a woman who — along with her boyfriend, George Houraney — did business with Trump in the 1990s. What she told Kristof of a dinner in 1992 when he sat next to her and ran his hand up her leg to her crotch was this:

He was relentless … I didn’t know how to handle it. I would go away from him and say I have to go to the restroom. It was the escape route.

Houraney was present at the dinner at the time.

Harth has been speaking out against Trump throughout the election season. Notably, she spoke with Mediaite’s Dan Abrams for an exclusive with our sister site, Law Newz. During that conversation, she detailed her 1997 lawsuit against Trump for sexual assault and remaining desire for an apology from the mogul.

The “Groper in Chief” profile revisits accusations that he groped her in Ivanka Trump‘s Mar-a-Lago bedroom and told Houraney point-blank that he was attracted to her, even though she and her boyfriend made it clear that they’d been together over a decade. That’s coincidental, considering that years later, Ivanka would be called on to defend her father against accusations that he is “a groper,” which she did.

Trump is a real pig!
Run with it. The only ones complaining are the hypocrites.

The only ones? The only ones complaining are the ones who do what Trump does?

No, the only ones complaining about what he said are those who have engaged in similar conversations, but enjoy throwing stones so they can appear all moral and stuff.

You do not read English well. You should remedy that. Perhaps ESL classes.
Run with it. The only ones complaining are the hypocrites. the only ones NOT complaining about it are hypocrites. it's ok though, we know that dumb donald's angry, uneducated, white supremacist males think it's ok.

do you even understand it's about sexual assault...which is EXACTLY what he's been repeatedly accused of.

and don't say bill clinton even though it's what the voices in your head are telling you.
Run with it. The only ones complaining are the hypocrites.

The only ones? The only ones complaining are the ones who do what Trump does?

No, the only ones complaining about what he said are those who have engaged in similar conversations, but enjoy throwing stones so they can appear all moral and stuff.

You do not read English well. You should remedy that. Perhaps ESL classes.

actually *you* don't read english well. but whatever. it's not about talking abut having sex with women, nutter butter, it's about sexually assaulting them.... and about him sitting in a boardroom (which is the rest of the story) asking if the men at the table would f**k the women at the table.

it's so sad that you aren't capable of getting it.
Run with it. The only ones complaining are the hypocrites. the only ones NOT complaining about it are hypocrites. it's ok though, we know that dumb donald's angry, uneducated, white supremacist males think it's ok.

do you even understand it's about sexual assault...which is EXACTLY what he's been repeatedly accused of.

and don't say bill clinton even though it's what the voices in your head are telling you.


"Voices in head" is not a phrase I would toss about lightly, were I you.
Run with it. The only ones complaining are the hypocrites.

The only ones? The only ones complaining are the ones who do what Trump does?

No, the only ones complaining about what he said are those who have engaged in similar conversations, but enjoy throwing stones so they can appear all moral and stuff.

You do not read English well. You should remedy that. Perhaps ESL classes.

actually *you* don't read english well. but whatever. it's not about talking abut having sex with women, nutter butter, it's about sexually assaulting them.... and about him sitting in a boardroom (which is the rest of the story) asking if the men at the table would f**k the women at the table.

it's so sad that you aren't capable of getting it.

Did the women complain? Name the ones who did.
Let me help the loons out, while Trump was talking about it Bill Clinton was actually doing it.

That's the thing with lefties. Talking naughty is far worse than doing naughty. As long as their side is doing naughty. Cause you know? They are right and we are wrong.
This is where Liberals seem to have an extreme case of amnesia.
Agreed...but some consider Bill a rock star, so his abhorrent behavior is forgiven cause he is one of them.

...but that MFing Trump should be imprisoned.:uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:
It is just so mind boggling the New York Times, Washington Post, Huffington Post, etc., actually exist. Who the fuck pays for their operations. No citizens buy the papers or subscribe to their bullshit except a small group of qu33rs.
Well, while the assholes that have been the fevered Trump supporters make excuses and statements of support for that kind of behavior, the leaders of the GOP are even more worried about losing not only the Presidency, but the Senate by far more than they previously thought possible. For, as Ryan and the rest pushed for the party to support Trump, Trump's past has stabbed them all in the back. And the people that are primary in supporting Trump are actually celebrating the destruction of the GOP. Truly amazing times we live in.

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