New Polls Now Show Trump With A Clear Lead

When Potato is leading, the libturds clap like trained seals and bray like the jackasses they are.

But when Trump is beating Potato, that’s when some libturds recognize that polling this far out is kind of meaningless.
Try to find a grown-up to post for you instead of embarrassing yourself and your party.
Your guy is going backwards. The more you go after Trump the stronger he gets. Your stupid logic is once Trump is indicted things will go sour for him and yet that has not happened so now you switch to once Trump is found guilty things will go sour for him. This is the very definition of TDS, the total and complete obsession with getting Trump that is more important even than this helping Trump to get re-elected. You can't help yourselves. And, you can't even see that Trump couldn't even possibly be found guilty until after the election has already happened.

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