New Poll Results Freaking out Democrats

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Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
New Poll Results Freaking out Democrats
The Liberal mainstream news media have a narrative about Donald Trump and they do not deviate. The constant refrain is that the President is unhinged, idiotic, tyrannical and especially racist.... In this toxic media environment, it is amazing that a new Rasmussen poll shows that Trump has a 50% overall approval rating.... Despite the constant media portrayal of the President as a flaming racist, the August 15, 2018 poll showed that 36% of African American respondents gave the President a positive approval rating.

Obama began and created this toxic environment as part of his "Fundamental Transformation of America" with lots of help from the National Press Corpse aka Obama's Fifth Column, knowing that the only hope for the Progressive Marxist Socialist Party is a race war. African Americans are leaving the 'Democratic Plantation' in droves. They are beginning to experience freedom from their Democrat enslavers.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Left wing want us to be divided. By keeping us as a divided 'hyphenated' people they hope that they can conquer.
Obama began the lie big in 2009 stirring up a race war to distract black people. Murder rates in our Democrat disastrous plantation cities are setting new records; I guess that's what Democrats wanted.
What Democrats and the Fifth Columnist Media refuses to admit and the public needs to ask is why Trump's support from groups that he supposedly hurts is rising so dramatically.

Democrat Disaster Cities | Scragged
CNN gave the US Census rankings for cities with the most poverty and showed how long these cities have been run by Democrats: Detroit, Buffalo, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Miami, St. Louis, El Paso, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, and Newark
Five of our poorest cities have been led by Democrats for more than 45 years. The two other cities on the list, Miami, FL and El Paso, TX have never had Republican mayors. Not ever.
Americans know an unfairness when they see it.
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I am curious about these polls. For instance no one ever asks me what I think? Polls are anti Orc I guess.
Apparently..after it being pointed out to you numerous times... you still don't understand the difference between predictive and opinion polls.

Not a surprise--now is it? Giuliani stated today that "the truth is not the truth"--I guess he was talking about polls as well?

Or was he?

Don't flatter yourself,dipshit. If it was you explaining it I likely rolled my eyes.

Polls are utterly a poll and I'll counter with another saying the opposite
Apparently..after it being pointed out to you numerous times... you still don't understand the difference between predictive and opinion polls.

Not a surprise--now is it? Giuliani stated today that "the truth is not the truth"--I guess he was talking about polls as well?

Or was he?

Don't flatter yourself,dipshit. If it was you explaining it I likely rolled my eyes.

Polls are utterly a poll and I'll counter with another saying the opposite
LOL...yup,I expect you bad echoes allowed in the echo chamber that is your head.

Polls are a tool...and so are you.
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