New Organ Found in Human Body


Wise ol' monkey
Feb 6, 2011
Okolona, KY
Mebbe dat's where dysentery comes from?...

Mesentery: New organ discovered inside human body by Irish scientists
4/01/2017 - A new organ has been discovered hiding in plain sight inside the human body.
Known as the mesentery, it was previously thought to be just a few fragmented structures in the digestive system. But scientists have realised it is in fact one, continuous organ. Although its function is still unclear, the discovery opens up “a whole new area of science,” according to J Calvin Coffey, a researcher at the University Hospital Limerick who first discovered it. "When we approach it like every other organ… we can categorise abdominal disease in terms of this organ," he said. “Now we have established anatomy and the structure. The next step is the function. If you understand the function you can identify abnormal function, and then you have disease. “Put them all together and you have the field of mesenteric science.”


A digital representation of the small and large intestines and associated mesentery​

The research has been published in The Lancet medical journal. Following its reclassification, medical students are now being taught that the mesentery is a distinct organ. Gray’s Anatomy, the world’s most famous medical textbook, has been updated to include the new definition. Medical students and researchers can now investigate what role the mesentery might play in abdominal diseases, which it is hoped could ultimately lead to new treatments.

The organ is a double fold of peritoneum - the lining of the abdominal cavity - that holds our intestine to the wall of our abdomen. It was described by the Italian polymath Leanardo da Vinci in 1508, but it has been ignored throughout the centuries, until now. Although there are generally considered to be five organs in the human body, there are in fact now 79, including the mesentery. The heart, brain, liver, lungs and kidneys are the vital organs, but there are another 74 that play a role in keeping us healthy.

Mesentery: New organ discovered inside human body by Irish scientists -
You know, I might give this guy credit, except for one thing.

Ever heard about the drawings Da Vinci did of the organs of the human body from his dissections? It took until the LATE 1990's for the medical gold standard of anatomy, "Grey's Anatomy", to catch up to him.

And oh the way.............apparently Da Vinci was STILL ahead of modern day doctors, because he'd already drawn this organ.
Mebbe dat's where dysentery comes from?...

Mesentery: New organ discovered inside human body by Irish scientists
4/01/2017 - A new organ has been discovered hiding in plain sight inside the human body.
Known as the mesentery, it was previously thought to be just a few fragmented structures in the digestive system. But scientists have realised it is in fact one, continuous organ. Although its function is still unclear, the discovery opens up “a whole new area of science,” according to J Calvin Coffey, a researcher at the University Hospital Limerick who first discovered it. "When we approach it like every other organ… we can categorise abdominal disease in terms of this organ," he said. “Now we have established anatomy and the structure. The next step is the function. If you understand the function you can identify abnormal function, and then you have disease. “Put them all together and you have the field of mesenteric science.”


A digital representation of the small and large intestines and associated mesentery​

The research has been published in The Lancet medical journal. Following its reclassification, medical students are now being taught that the mesentery is a distinct organ. Gray’s Anatomy, the world’s most famous medical textbook, has been updated to include the new definition. Medical students and researchers can now investigate what role the mesentery might play in abdominal diseases, which it is hoped could ultimately lead to new treatments.

The organ is a double fold of peritoneum - the lining of the abdominal cavity - that holds our intestine to the wall of our abdomen. It was described by the Italian polymath Leanardo da Vinci in 1508, but it has been ignored throughout the centuries, until now. Although there are generally considered to be five organs in the human body, there are in fact now 79, including the mesentery. The heart, brain, liver, lungs and kidneys are the vital organs, but there are another 74 that play a role in keeping us healthy.

Mesentery: New organ discovered inside human body by Irish scientists -

Pretty amazing. Probably responsible for composting or recycling or something. :cool-45:
Mebbe dat's where dysentery comes from?...

Mesentery: New organ discovered inside human body by Irish scientists
4/01/2017 - A new organ has been discovered hiding in plain sight inside the human body.
Known as the mesentery, it was previously thought to be just a few fragmented structures in the digestive system. But scientists have realised it is in fact one, continuous organ. Although its function is still unclear, the discovery opens up “a whole new area of science,” according to J Calvin Coffey, a researcher at the University Hospital Limerick who first discovered it. "When we approach it like every other organ… we can categorise abdominal disease in terms of this organ," he said. “Now we have established anatomy and the structure. The next step is the function. If you understand the function you can identify abnormal function, and then you have disease. “Put them all together and you have the field of mesenteric science.”


A digital representation of the small and large intestines and associated mesentery​

The research has been published in The Lancet medical journal. Following its reclassification, medical students are now being taught that the mesentery is a distinct organ. Gray’s Anatomy, the world’s most famous medical textbook, has been updated to include the new definition. Medical students and researchers can now investigate what role the mesentery might play in abdominal diseases, which it is hoped could ultimately lead to new treatments.

The organ is a double fold of peritoneum - the lining of the abdominal cavity - that holds our intestine to the wall of our abdomen. It was described by the Italian polymath Leanardo da Vinci in 1508, but it has been ignored throughout the centuries, until now. Although there are generally considered to be five organs in the human body, there are in fact now 79, including the mesentery. The heart, brain, liver, lungs and kidneys are the vital organs, but there are another 74 that play a role in keeping us healthy.

Mesentery: New organ discovered inside human body by Irish scientists -

Pretty amazing. Probably responsible for composting or recycling or something. :cool-45:

Actually, the current theory is that it's there to keep all your organs in place and not swishing around all over the place.
Now if they an just figure out what male nipples and the appendix are there for..

Dunno what male nipples are for, but the appendix has been thought to be an organ with various bacteria that is there to help a young growing body process food, because they don't have all the bacteria in their digestive system yet.
Now if they an just figure out what male nipples and the appendix are there for..

Dunno what male nipples are for, but the appendix has been thought to be an organ with various bacteria that is there to help a young growing body process food, because they don't have all the bacteria in their digestive system yet.
the male nipples were probably for all the gheyness of early man, so they had something to pinch and lick...
Mebbe dat's where dysentery comes from?...

Mesentery: New organ discovered inside human body by Irish scientists
4/01/2017 - A new organ has been discovered hiding in plain sight inside the human body.
Known as the mesentery, it was previously thought to be just a few fragmented structures in the digestive system. But scientists have realised it is in fact one, continuous organ. Although its function is still unclear, the discovery opens up “a whole new area of science,” according to J Calvin Coffey, a researcher at the University Hospital Limerick who first discovered it. "When we approach it like every other organ… we can categorise abdominal disease in terms of this organ," he said. “Now we have established anatomy and the structure. The next step is the function. If you understand the function you can identify abnormal function, and then you have disease. “Put them all together and you have the field of mesenteric science.”


A digital representation of the small and large intestines and associated mesentery​

The research has been published in The Lancet medical journal. Following its reclassification, medical students are now being taught that the mesentery is a distinct organ. Gray’s Anatomy, the world’s most famous medical textbook, has been updated to include the new definition. Medical students and researchers can now investigate what role the mesentery might play in abdominal diseases, which it is hoped could ultimately lead to new treatments.

The organ is a double fold of peritoneum - the lining of the abdominal cavity - that holds our intestine to the wall of our abdomen. It was described by the Italian polymath Leanardo da Vinci in 1508, but it has been ignored throughout the centuries, until now. Although there are generally considered to be five organs in the human body, there are in fact now 79, including the mesentery. The heart, brain, liver, lungs and kidneys are the vital organs, but there are another 74 that play a role in keeping us healthy.

Mesentery: New organ discovered inside human body by Irish scientists -

Pretty amazing. Probably responsible for composting or recycling or something. :cool-45:

Actually, the current theory is that it's there to keep all your organs in place and not swishing around all over the place.
When I used to drink a lot of beer it sounded like the intestines were swishing around when walking...

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