New House GOP Rule Lets Lawmakers Fire Individual Federal Workers

Funny. The side that is supposed to be about "bringing back jobs" now shows it's true colors - it's about making people jobless.
The PRIVATE sector.....Fewer public sector workers means revenue actually is spent on essentials.

I thought all people deserve jobs.

I hear McDonald's is hiring.

We need smaller government.
there is no unemployment problem, only underpayment under Any form of capitalism.
That's because there's no enough wealth to pay everyone a high salary.

Nobody believes that everyone should have a "high salary" but there is plenty of money to pay a living wage.

Wage Growth Flows to Top 1%

A CEO should not be paid over 300 times what his production workers earn.

In 2015, CEOs of S&P 500 Index companies received, on average, $12.4 million in total compensation, according to the AFL-CIO's analysis of available data. In contrast, production and nonsupervisory workers earned only$36,875, on average, in 2015—a CEO-to-worker pay ratio of 335 to 1.
Funny. The side that is supposed to be about "bringing back jobs" now shows it's true colors - it's about making people jobless.
The PRIVATE sector.....Fewer public sector workers means revenue actually is spent on essentials.

I thought all people deserve jobs.

I hear McDonald's is hiring.

We need smaller government.
there is no unemployment problem, only underpayment under Any form of capitalism.
Ha ha.. the type of socialism that makes you orgasm is NEVER going to happen here. That is because your version of socialism is nothing more than THEFT
The PRIVATE sector.....Fewer public sector workers means revenue actually is spent on essentials.

I thought all people deserve jobs.

I hear McDonald's is hiring.

We need smaller government.
there is no unemployment problem, only underpayment under Any form of capitalism.
That's because there's no enough wealth to pay everyone a high salary.

Nobody believes that everyone should have a "high salary" but there is plenty of money to pay a living wage.

Wage Growth Flows to Top 1%

A CEO should not be paid over 300 times what his production workers earn.

In 2015, CEOs of S&P 500 Index companies received, on average, $12.4 million in total compensation, according to the AFL-CIO's analysis of available data. In contrast, production and nonsupervisory workers earned only$36,875, on average, in 2015—a CEO-to-worker pay ratio of 335 to 1.
Blah blah blah.
Ok, one more time. Your idea of "share" does not exist.
Company officers and rank and file workers are not paid from the same source. Fact is, most officers are paid salaries, but 90% are stock options. Most in fact are "paper millionaires"...
BTW, to satisfy the notion of 'sharing in profit' many Dot Com outfits paid their line workers in very much the same manner. The employees insisted on it. The thinking was if the company successes were due to the performance of the employees, they should be paid similarly to the investors. So the employees of many of Simi Valley's largest Dot Com, IT, software and other related firms also became "paper millionaires"......Well guess what? When the Dot Com bust occurred and stock prices for these companies became worth just pennies on the IPO dollar, the workers cried foul. They suddenly wanted it both ways.
Sp while your side bitches and moans about Board Member pay. they conveniently forget that those people while incredibly wealthy are also taking ALL of the risk.
Anyway. your thoughts here are mere deflections. We are talking about cutting government employees. Employees that are a burden to the taxpayers.
Funny. The side that is supposed to be about "bringing back jobs" now shows it's true colors - it's about making people jobless.
The PRIVATE sector.....Fewer public sector workers means revenue actually is spent on essentials.

I thought all people deserve jobs.

I hear McDonald's is hiring.

We need smaller government.
there is no unemployment problem, only underpayment under Any form of capitalism.
Ha ha.. the type of socialism that makes you orgasm is NEVER going to happen here. That is because your version of socialism is nothing more than THEFT
it isn't socialism. it is capitalism.

there is no unemployment problem, only underpayment under Any form of capitalism.
Trump’s transition team has been asking for names of specific government employees.

WASHINGTON ― House Republicans resurrected a decades-old provision in their new rules package that allows lawmakers to lower the salary or eliminate the job of individual federal employees.

Rep. Morgan Griffith (R-Va.), a member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, championed the arcane provision, called the Holman Rule for the Indiana congressman who created it in 1876, as a tool to allow lawmakers to make targeted spending reductions or eliminate positions they deem unnecessary. In an interview with The Washington Post, Griffith said he would like members to use the Holman Rule like a sniper rifle instead of like a shotgun.

Democratic lawmakers representing districts in the Capitol region, where many federal employees work, said in a statement that the rule would “undermine civil service employee protections by stripping away necessary safeguards.” Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) called the measure “the Armageddon Rule,” and said it’s “a backdoor way for Republicans to dismantle the federal workforce.”

Democrats also said they feared the rule gives Republicans the tools to root out individual federal workers who hold views or perform work that is not favored by the incoming administration. President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team reportedly asked for the names of individual Department of Energy employees who worked on the Paris climate accord.

“The Republican Rules package provides them with the surgical tools necessary to reach into the inner workings of the federal government and cut away each part and employee that runs afoul of their ideological agenda,” Connolly said in a statement. “This, coupled with the President-elect’s proposed federal hiring freeze and the nomination of individuals to head agencies they openly oppose, could be devastating to the critical mission of the federal government.”

Rep. John Sarbanes (D-Md.) called the rule “political theatre.”

“With the inclusion of the Holman Rule in the House rules package, House Republicans have made it clear that they plan to continue their assault on our nation’s civil servants and to subject hardworking federal employees to the ideological and political whims of Congress,” Sarbanes said in a statement.

Congress has always held the power to appropriate or cut funds for executive-branch agencies. What makes the Holman Rule unique is that it allows individual members of Congress to cut the salaries or entirely eliminate the jobs of individual workers. These targeted cuts would override existing federal workplace protections.

More: New House GOP Rule Lets Lawmakers Fire Individual Federal Workers

I feel sorry for government workers who will now be subjected to this McCarthyism bullshit.

Good luck finding a new job, drone!
Trump’s transition team has been asking for names of specific government employees.

WASHINGTON ― House Republicans resurrected a decades-old provision in their new rules package that allows lawmakers to lower the salary or eliminate the job of individual federal employees.

Rep. Morgan Griffith (R-Va.), a member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, championed the arcane provision, called the Holman Rule for the Indiana congressman who created it in 1876, as a tool to allow lawmakers to make targeted spending reductions or eliminate positions they deem unnecessary. In an interview with The Washington Post, Griffith said he would like members to use the Holman Rule like a sniper rifle instead of like a shotgun.

Democratic lawmakers representing districts in the Capitol region, where many federal employees work, said in a statement that the rule would “undermine civil service employee protections by stripping away necessary safeguards.” Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) called the measure “the Armageddon Rule,” and said it’s “a backdoor way for Republicans to dismantle the federal workforce.”

Democrats also said they feared the rule gives Republicans the tools to root out individual federal workers who hold views or perform work that is not favored by the incoming administration. President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team reportedly asked for the names of individual Department of Energy employees who worked on the Paris climate accord.

“The Republican Rules package provides them with the surgical tools necessary to reach into the inner workings of the federal government and cut away each part and employee that runs afoul of their ideological agenda,” Connolly said in a statement. “This, coupled with the President-elect’s proposed federal hiring freeze and the nomination of individuals to head agencies they openly oppose, could be devastating to the critical mission of the federal government.”

Rep. John Sarbanes (D-Md.) called the rule “political theatre.”

“With the inclusion of the Holman Rule in the House rules package, House Republicans have made it clear that they plan to continue their assault on our nation’s civil servants and to subject hardworking federal employees to the ideological and political whims of Congress,” Sarbanes said in a statement.

Congress has always held the power to appropriate or cut funds for executive-branch agencies. What makes the Holman Rule unique is that it allows individual members of Congress to cut the salaries or entirely eliminate the jobs of individual workers. These targeted cuts would override existing federal workplace protections.

More: New House GOP Rule Lets Lawmakers Fire Individual Federal Workers

I feel sorry for government workers who will now be subjected to this McCarthyism bullshit.
Are you a fucking moron Washington Redskin? You Just don't hire people for the sake of hiring you fucking piece of shit. If someone does not live up to their job fucking Can their ass, fuck this unionize fucking pansy ass shit… you're just a typical progressive that wants something for nothing.
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The PRIVATE sector.....Fewer public sector workers means revenue actually is spent on essentials.

I thought all people deserve jobs.

I hear McDonald's is hiring.

We need smaller government.
there is no unemployment problem, only underpayment under Any form of capitalism.
That's because there's no enough wealth to pay everyone a high salary.
Henry Ford had enough wealth to double salaries and realize gains from efficiency.
In this day and age Henry Ford could not make it, the federal government would choke him out… fact
So, are some of y'all saying that if you hire someone to do something around the house for you, and they finish the job you wanted but they don't have anything else to do on another job, are you going to keep paying them even though you don't need their service anymore. Isn't it the same thing

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You a ,gov worker?

Not one that Mango Mussolini could effect. The money I get from the Feds is a retirement check. Also not something the Gropenfuhrer could do much about. :lol:

Yes, that was English. I'm retired military working for local government. Nothing that Twitler's administration can do much about. Oh sure, he and the GOP can fuck up the VA and privatize it (against the wishes and desires of actual veterans), but I don't use the VA.
You can tell you're a .gov worker....

Because of my tireless dedication to my fellow man? Thanks!
As long as you can tirelessly spend your fellow-man's (and woman's) hard earned money for your "employer's" (aka: government) pet projects.
I thought all people deserve jobs.

I hear McDonald's is hiring.

We need smaller government.
there is no unemployment problem, only underpayment under Any form of capitalism.
That's because there's no enough wealth to pay everyone a high salary.
Henry Ford had enough wealth to double salaries and realize gains from efficiency.
In this day and age Henry Ford could not make it, the federal government would choke him out… fact
Sadly, this is the truth.
I thought all people deserve jobs.

I hear McDonald's is hiring.

We need smaller government.
there is no unemployment problem, only underpayment under Any form of capitalism.
That's because there's no enough wealth to pay everyone a high salary.
Henry Ford had enough wealth to double salaries and realize gains from efficiency.
In this day and age Henry Ford could not make it, the federal government would choke him out… fact
If Capitalists cannot do it; why does the fantastical right wing blame the poor for not being able to do it.
So, are some of y'all saying that if you hire someone to do something around the house for you, and they finish the job you wanted but they don't have anything else to do on another job, are you going to keep paying them even though you don't need their service anymore. Isn't it the same thing

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
the analogy is, we pay our military during times of peace.
I hear McDonald's is hiring.

We need smaller government.
there is no unemployment problem, only underpayment under Any form of capitalism.
That's because there's no enough wealth to pay everyone a high salary.
Henry Ford had enough wealth to double salaries and realize gains from efficiency.
In this day and age Henry Ford could not make it, the federal government would choke him out… fact
Sadly, this is the truth.
only lousy capitalists, say that.
I know plenty of federal workers who work hard and do a good job. If it's about making it easier to fire non-performing workers, that is one thing. If it's all about firing for ideological reasons, then that is another.

The fact that people are gleeful that they will be losing their jobs is a bit disgusting. They are just as worthy of respect as workers as the people in manufacturing.

If they work hard and do a good job they have nothing to fear. Trump's government will be RESULTS-oriented where workers are expected to produce at least 3 times what they are paid just like in the real world. :eusa_angel:
I hear McDonald's is hiring.

We need smaller government.
there is no unemployment problem, only underpayment under Any form of capitalism.
That's because there's no enough wealth to pay everyone a high salary.
Henry Ford had enough wealth to double salaries and realize gains from efficiency.
In this day and age Henry Ford could not make it, the federal government would choke him out… fact
If Capitalists cannot do it; why does the fantastical right wing blame the poor for not being able to do it.
The nanny state never makes for a successful country… fact
there is no unemployment problem, only underpayment under Any form of capitalism.
That's because there's no enough wealth to pay everyone a high salary.
Henry Ford had enough wealth to double salaries and realize gains from efficiency.
In this day and age Henry Ford could not make it, the federal government would choke him out… fact
Sadly, this is the truth.
only lousy capitalists, say that.
Only people that have no clue what they are talking about need to make such asinine statements like 'only lousy capitalists.' Starting a business in this day and age of government meddling is extremely difficult and costly for almost any sector. This is one of the core reasons that wealth has been moving in the direction it has been - competition is stifled.
there is no unemployment problem, only underpayment under Any form of capitalism.
That's because there's no enough wealth to pay everyone a high salary.
Henry Ford had enough wealth to double salaries and realize gains from efficiency.
In this day and age Henry Ford could not make it, the federal government would choke him out… fact
If Capitalists cannot do it; why does the fantastical right wing blame the poor for not being able to do it.
The nanny state never makes for a successful country… fact
Why do we have nanny-State, wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror?
That's because there's no enough wealth to pay everyone a high salary.
Henry Ford had enough wealth to double salaries and realize gains from efficiency.
In this day and age Henry Ford could not make it, the federal government would choke him out… fact
Sadly, this is the truth.
only lousy capitalists, say that.
Only people that have no clue what they are talking about need to make such asinine statements like 'only lousy capitalists.' Starting a business in this day and age of government meddling is extremely difficult and costly for almost any sector. This is one of the core reasons that wealth has been moving in the direction it has been - competition is stifled.
Yet, businesses get started all the time. Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages, not minimum wages, and realized gains from efficiency.
Henry Ford had enough wealth to double salaries and realize gains from efficiency.
In this day and age Henry Ford could not make it, the federal government would choke him out… fact
Sadly, this is the truth.
only lousy capitalists, say that.
Only people that have no clue what they are talking about need to make such asinine statements like 'only lousy capitalists.' Starting a business in this day and age of government meddling is extremely difficult and costly for almost any sector. This is one of the core reasons that wealth has been moving in the direction it has been - competition is stifled.
Yet, businesses get started all the time. Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages, not minimum wages, and realized gains from efficiency.
He was able to afford raising pay that much because he was already making a lot of money. Companies operating on a 3% profit margin cannot do that, but you knew that already because I already told you that.

Businesses get started all the time and fail all the time. I'll let you look up how many business startups fail in the first year.

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