New Hampshire Democrats Keep Experimenting With Sarah Palin Death Jokes


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2004
Hot air ballon
New Hampshire Democrats Keep Experimenting With Sarah Palin Death Jokes

Yesterday, a Democratic candidate for Congress in New Hampshire, Keith Halloran, joked on Facebook of the fatal crash that killed former Alaskan senator Ted Stevens, "Just wish Sarah and Levy [sic] were on board." Nobody was laughing, and Halloran eventually apologized. In the meantime, a second New Hampshire Democrat, State Representative Timothy Horrigan, resigned after writing that "a dead Palin wd be even more dangerous than a live one...she is all about her myth & if she was dead, she cldn't commit any more gaffes,"

New Hampshire Democrats Keep Experimenting With Sarah Palin Death Jokes -- Daily Intel

way to keep classy dems
There are two types of Marxist Progressives: those who wish humiliation and/or death on Sarah and those too cowardly to admit it openly
the democrat party lacks class.

They can't lack what they haven't had for a long time.
The Democrat party of old had class, but it has now been hijacked by the Socialist, Radical Bill Ayers types, Commies, etc etc.
it's amazing to me more people don't see this who still vote for them. but hopefully in time they will and STOP putting them in the position of POWER over us and our country.

all we can do is hope I guess.
The Democrats are snotty A*sholes for the most part. Personal smears are all they have left at this point. They can't possibly run on their policies and beliefs so they have to fall back on spending $Millions on personal smears. Wishing death on political opponents has unfortunately become the norm for Democrat A*sholes. They even attack their young children. I think most Americans are sick of the Democrats. Lets hope so anyway. Make 2010 count people.
Bunch of snotty little A*sholes. I hope the Democrats get their a*ses kicked this year. Get out and vote!
Have you guys forgotten the shit you say about Obama all the time?

it does no good to try and use reason, logic and facts on these.....subhumans.....

they don't really care how often conservatives gleefully discuss killing liberals and democrats.

to them, that is free speech!

and anyone attempting to stop them from gleefully discussing various methods of killing liberals is a "facist" who "hates freedom" and is trying to "destroy the constitution!"

it only pisses them off when dems do it....

I, personally, disapprove of ANYONE doing it.

political speech should be constrained by truth, reality, facts and decency

extreme, unjustified, hate speech is the greatest threat to democracy and our freedoms
If republicans said something like this about a well-known democratic figure (like Carville for example) then the media would be outraged, complaining about "what has our politics come to when political opponents wish death on each other? Oh the humanity!"
If republicans said something like this about a well-known democratic figure (like Carville for example) then the media would be outraged, complaining about "what has our politics come to when political opponents wish death on each other? Oh the humanity!"

Bingo! The corrupt Liberal Media turds over at CNN & NBC would be ranting about it 24/7 for several weeks. Most Dems are snotty little A*sholes. That's been my experience anyway. So this stuff doesn't surprise me.

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