New criticism for DemonRATS who threatened SCOTUS in gun case

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
You fucking DeathRATS now have opened a can full of worms that just might eat your Unconstitutional desires.....Bitch being THIS STUPID...BUT THEN AGAIN look who it is....the party of INFANTICIDE!!!!


The dispute is over a brief submitted to the justices by several Democratic senators. The case involves a New York gun law that was challenged and eventually withdrawn by the city. The court case still is pending and some fear the court could establish a nationwide precedent they may not like.

Already, Harvard professor Laurence Tribe has scolded the senators for threatening the justices.

The senators' brief said the court is not well, and unless it heals itself they may have to resort to stacking the court with more justices who are amenable to the Democrats' ideology.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Not surprising the arrogance of these POS assclowns. It's a common theme among the Democommies that there is absolutely NO question that whatever they proclaim is correct. From the lowliest lib voter to the 'rank'ing house leaders. ANYTHING. Can we imagine if some 'conservatives' talked of stacking the court with justices more amenable to 'republican' ideology the head poppin' that would occur? Even larry tribe thinks this is not a good idea. And he is not friend.

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