New Attack On Education.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The attack comes from the most dangerous source: the Department of Education.

"The New York City Department of Education is waging a war on words of sorts, and is seeking to have words they deem upsetting removed from standardized tests.

Abuse (physical, sexual, emotional, or psychological)

Alcohol (beer and liquor), tobacco, or drugs

Birthday celebrations (and birthdays)

Bodily functions

Cancer (and other diseases)

Catastrophes/disasters (tsunamis and hurricanes)


Children dealing with serious issues

Cigarettes (and other smoking paraphernalia)

Computers in the home (acceptable in a school or library setting)


Death and disease



Expensive gifts, vacations, and prizes

Gambling involving money



Homes with swimming pools


Junk food

In-depth discussions of sports that require prior knowledge

Loss of employment

Nuclear weapons

Occult topics (i.e. fortune-telling)





Rap Music


Religious holidays and festivals (including but not limited to Christmas, Yom Kippur, and Ramadan)

Rock-and-Roll music

Running away




Television and video games (excessive use)

Traumatic material (including material that may be particularly upsetting such as animal shelters)

Vermin (rats and roaches)


War and bloodshed

Weapons (guns, knives, etc.)

Witchcraft, sorcery, etc."
War On Words: NYC Dept. Of Education Wants 50 'Forbidden' Words Banned From Standardized Tests « CBS New York

Perhaps they are unaware of this word:
The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, esp. at a school or university: "a new system of public education".
The theory and practice of teaching.
Hard to imagine that taxpayers are throwing over ten thousand dollar per child into this boondoggle inappropriately named 'education.'

Education, from 'e- ducare,' to lead out of....supposedly to lead out of ignorance.

As a home-schooling parent I find it impossible to imagine similar parents hushing each other to keep vocabulary from their child.

This is a crime.
The so-called 'Department of Education' should be charged with fraud.
Public education is governed by the public. A large percentage of deeds done by states and local boards of education are done to keep the public quiet and docile. Did you ever complain to your local board of education regarding school matters?
When corporations take over education there'll be plenty to howl about.
Public education is governed by the public. A large percentage of deeds done by states and local boards of education are done to keep the public quiet and docile. Did you ever complain to your local board of education regarding school matters?

reggie, this is the People's Democratic Republic of New York.
The OP refers to the "local boards of education."
Do you like what they did?
I didn't think so.

Since I know that reality is defined by actions, not by words, we have
declined to place our children under the direction of the New York
City Department of Education.
We educate at home.
Nor do we have any vocabulary we deem 'upsetting' to the children, and decline
from using.

Wouldn't you agree that all indications are that the system of education is the latest version of featherbedding?
When corporations take over education there'll be plenty to howl about.

So, you actually think it would be worse than the present version?

I subscribe to a private corporation for the lessons we use.
I'm impressed and more than satisfied.
Public education is governed by the public. A large percentage of deeds done by states and local boards of education are done to keep the public quiet and docile. Did you ever complain to your local board of education regarding school matters?

reggie, this is the People's Democratic Republic of New York.
The OP refers to the "local boards of education."
Do you like what they did?
I didn't think so.

Since I know that reality is defined by actions, not by words, we have
declined to place our children under the direction of the New York
City Department of Education.
We educate at home.
Nor do we have any vocabulary we deem 'upsetting' to the children, and decline
from using.

Wouldn't you agree that all indications are that the system of education is the latest version of featherbedding?

Good for you, I have a lot of respect for people who choose to do that. I can also understand it, considering where you live.
When corporations take over education there'll be plenty to howl about.

So, you actually think it would be worse than the present version?

I subscribe to a private corporation for the lessons we use.
I'm impressed and more than satisfied.

Wait until cost cutting measures appear like using Kelly Girl temps to teach where all is needed is a high school diploma. Turnover will be head-spinning.
Public education is governed by the public. A large percentage of deeds done by states and local boards of education are done to keep the public quiet and docile. Did you ever complain to your local board of education regarding school matters?

reggie, this is the People's Democratic Republic of New York.
The OP refers to the "local boards of education."
Do you like what they did?
I didn't think so.

Since I know that reality is defined by actions, not by words, we have
declined to place our children under the direction of the New York
City Department of Education.
We educate at home.
Nor do we have any vocabulary we deem 'upsetting' to the children, and decline
from using.

Wouldn't you agree that all indications are that the system of education is the latest version of featherbedding?

It didn't sound like featherbedding at all, but rather removing some words from some usage in the schools. Why they did it I don't know nor do I really care. This is a matter for their local government which I assume is some type of board of elected officials. If the people in that district are happy then I'm happy. Democracy in action. But the bigger question: is this one of America's educational problems, local control? Should schools be teaching what the local boards want taught or the states or national government? Has the need for quality education out-grown local concepts?
Public education is governed by the public. A large percentage of deeds done by states and local boards of education are done to keep the public quiet and docile. Did you ever complain to your local board of education regarding school matters?

reggie, this is the People's Democratic Republic of New York.
The OP refers to the "local boards of education."
Do you like what they did?
I didn't think so.

Since I know that reality is defined by actions, not by words, we have
declined to place our children under the direction of the New York
City Department of Education.
We educate at home.
Nor do we have any vocabulary we deem 'upsetting' to the children, and decline
from using.

Wouldn't you agree that all indications are that the system of education is the latest version of featherbedding?

It didn't sound like featherbedding at all, but rather removing some words from some usage in the schools. Why they did it I don't know nor do I really care. This is a matter for their local government which I assume is some type of board of elected officials. If the people in that district are happy then I'm happy. Democracy in action. But the bigger question: is this one of America's educational problems, local control? Should schools be teaching what the local boards want taught or the states or national government? Has the need for quality education out-grown local concepts?

"I don't know nor do I really care. "

"The United States may be a superpower but in education we lag behind. In a recent comparison of academic performance in 57 countries, students in Finland came out on top overall. Finnish 15-year-olds did the best in science and came in second in math. Other top-performing countries were: Hong Kong, Canada, Taiwan, Estonia, Japan and Korea.

How did the U.S. do?

Students in the United States performed near the middle of the pack. On average 16 other industrialized countries scored above the United States in science, and 23 scored above us in math. The reading scores for the United States had to be tossed due to a printing error."
Global grade: How do U.S. students compare? - Academic skills | GreatSchools

I'm an American. I care.
reggie, this is the People's Democratic Republic of New York.
The OP refers to the "local boards of education."
Do you like what they did?
I didn't think so.

Since I know that reality is defined by actions, not by words, we have
declined to place our children under the direction of the New York
City Department of Education.
We educate at home.
Nor do we have any vocabulary we deem 'upsetting' to the children, and decline
from using.

Wouldn't you agree that all indications are that the system of education is the latest version of featherbedding?

It didn't sound like featherbedding at all, but rather removing some words from some usage in the schools. Why they did it I don't know nor do I really care. This is a matter for their local government which I assume is some type of board of elected officials. If the people in that district are happy then I'm happy. Democracy in action. But the bigger question: is this one of America's educational problems, local control? Should schools be teaching what the local boards want taught or the states or national government? Has the need for quality education out-grown local concepts?

"I don't know nor do I really care. "

"The United States may be a superpower but in education we lag behind. In a recent comparison of academic performance in 57 countries, students in Finland came out on top overall. Finnish 15-year-olds did the best in science and came in second in math. Other top-performing countries were: Hong Kong, Canada, Taiwan, Estonia, Japan and Korea.

How did the U.S. do?

Students in the United States performed near the middle of the pack. On average 16 other industrialized countries scored above the United States in science, and 23 scored above us in math. The reading scores for the United States had to be tossed due to a printing error."
Global grade: How do U.S. students compare? - Academic skills | GreatSchools

I'm an American. I care.

When we compare American kids in the same socioeconomic category as those other countries our students do quite well.
Other countries also cull out the lower students in middle school so they don't figure in the mix. ALL of ours are counted.

And we also have the highest rate of kids living in poverty among the developed nations.
From the link:

The word “dinosaur” made the hit list because dinosaurs suggest evolution which creationists might not like,

Nothing liberal there. I'm surprised they didn't just ban "science".
School administrators, principals, school boards, teachers unions, and boards of education exist for one reason only... to keep their jobs and enhance their paychecks and retirement plans. Children be damed, for we shall survive.

Schools in the U.S. are run by a cloistered heirarchy of nepotistic faroritists with one goal- subjugate the effective performers, retain the rank and file.

Any "attack on education" must come from parents of schoolchildren. They are the ones who must hold the power elite accountable.

Powerful elitists are in control of our children. It is the ultimate pedophiliac consortium whose sole purpose is to entrap the minds, hearts, and souls of our offspring.
School administrators, principals, school boards, teachers unions, and boards of education exist for one reason only... to keep their jobs and enhance their paychecks and retirement plans. Children be damed, for we shall survive.

Schools in the U.S. are run by a cloistered heirarchy of nepotistic faroritists with one goal- subjugate the effective performers, retain the rank and file.

Any "attack on education" must come from parents of schoolchildren. They are the ones who must hold the power elite accountable.

Powerful elitists are in control of our children. It is the ultimate pedophiliac consortium whose sole purpose is to entrap the minds, hearts, and souls of our offspring.

Read your ridiculous last statement. It's all a conspiracy. Evidently you've never been around when a teacher has been cussed out, threatened, or had obnoxious behavior wreck a lesson.

I hope your post is satire. If it's not, you might hire a plane to pull a banner with that paragraph. That's about the only way you could better display your ignorance on this matter.

How about holding their kid responsible for studying and learning? That'd be a change.

If they came to school in the morning to learn instead of coming to socialize like they are attending a birthday party everything would change.

A kid doesn't learn, blame the teacher let the kid did it ever get to this?

Last edited:
School administrators, principals, school boards, teachers unions, and boards of education exist for one reason only... to keep their jobs and enhance their paychecks and retirement plans. Children be damed, for we shall survive.

Schools in the U.S. are run by a cloistered heirarchy of nepotistic faroritists with one goal- subjugate the effective performers, retain the rank and file.

Any "attack on education" must come from parents of schoolchildren. They are the ones who must hold the power elite accountable.

Powerful elitists are in control of our children. It is the ultimate pedophiliac consortium whose sole purpose is to entrap the minds, hearts, and souls of our offspring.

Read your ridiculous last statement. It's all a conspiracy. Evidently you've never been around when a teacher has been cussed out, threatened, or had obnoxious behavior wreck a lesson.

I hope your post is satire. If it's not, you might hire a plane to pull a banner with that paragraph. That's about the only way you could better display your ignorance on this matter.

How about holding their kid responsible for studying and learning? That'd be a change.

If they came to school in the morning to learn instead of coming to socialize like they are attending a birthday party everything would change.

A kid doesn't learn, blame the teacher let the kid did it ever get to this?


Good points, thanks. Well yeah my last statement was a bit satirical.

Look- I was a student teacher for 6 years, my wife a teacher for 3 years. I stand by my statements for the most part. And yes we have both been cussed out, threatened, or had obnoxious behavior wreck a lesson.

But the focus of my post is the administrative faculty. The ones "above" the ones.

This is wherein the "conspiracy" lies. The hiring, the firing, the tenure, the aids, the assistants, teachers, substitutes... even the custodians.

Education is out of the hands of the educatible, and into the hands of the edu-manipulators.
From the link:

The word “dinosaur” made the hit list because dinosaurs suggest evolution which creationists might not like,

Nothing liberal there. I'm surprised they didn't just ban "science".

"Nothing liberal there."

"You can run, but you can't hide."
The Brown Bomber, Joe Louis

Double dog dare ya' to claim that the forces that control the atavistic industry euphemistically called 'education' are not far, far Left.

Then, there's this:
"The California Federation of Teachers — a branch of the AFL-CIO — has adopted a resolution at its annual conference supporting convicted cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal, the Daily Caller reports."
Calif. Teachers Federation Endorses Convicted ‘Cop Killer’ |

Or this:
"National Teacher's Union Votes to Support Obama."
National Teacher's Union Votes to Support Obama

"Nothing liberal there."

EVERYTHING that happens in 'education' is Liberal.
And, most certainly, the results of this flawed system.

Almost as though it's designed to prevent education....hmmmm.......
School administrators, principals, school boards, teachers unions, and boards of education exist for one reason only... to keep their jobs and enhance their paychecks and retirement plans. Children be damed, for we shall survive.

Schools in the U.S. are run by a cloistered heirarchy of nepotistic faroritists with one goal- subjugate the effective performers, retain the rank and file.

Any "attack on education" must come from parents of schoolchildren. They are the ones who must hold the power elite accountable.

Powerful elitists are in control of our children. It is the ultimate pedophiliac consortium whose sole purpose is to entrap the minds, hearts, and souls of our offspring.

Read your ridiculous last statement. It's all a conspiracy. Evidently you've never been around when a teacher has been cussed out, threatened, or had obnoxious behavior wreck a lesson.

I hope your post is satire. If it's not, you might hire a plane to pull a banner with that paragraph. That's about the only way you could better display your ignorance on this matter.

How about holding their kid responsible for studying and learning? That'd be a change.

If they came to school in the morning to learn instead of coming to socialize like they are attending a birthday party everything would change.

A kid doesn't learn, blame the teacher let the kid did it ever get to this?


Good points, thanks. Well yeah my last statement was a bit satirical.

Look- I was a student teacher for 6 years, my wife a teacher for 3 years. I stand by my statements for the most part. And yes we have both been cussed out, threatened, or had obnoxious behavior wreck a lesson.

But the focus of my post is the administrative faculty. The ones "above" the ones.

This is wherein the "conspiracy" lies. The hiring, the firing, the tenure, the aids, the assistants, teachers, substitutes... even the custodians.

Education is out of the hands of the educatible, and into the hands of the edu-manipulators.

I can't disagree with that.
It didn't sound like featherbedding at all, but rather removing some words from some usage in the schools. Why they did it I don't know nor do I really care. This is a matter for their local government which I assume is some type of board of elected officials. If the people in that district are happy then I'm happy. Democracy in action. But the bigger question: is this one of America's educational problems, local control? Should schools be teaching what the local boards want taught or the states or national government? Has the need for quality education out-grown local concepts?

"I don't know nor do I really care. "

"The United States may be a superpower but in education we lag behind. In a recent comparison of academic performance in 57 countries, students in Finland came out on top overall. Finnish 15-year-olds did the best in science and came in second in math. Other top-performing countries were: Hong Kong, Canada, Taiwan, Estonia, Japan and Korea.

How did the U.S. do?

Students in the United States performed near the middle of the pack. On average 16 other industrialized countries scored above the United States in science, and 23 scored above us in math. The reading scores for the United States had to be tossed due to a printing error."
Global grade: How do U.S. students compare? - Academic skills | GreatSchools

I'm an American. I care.

When we compare American kids in the same socioeconomic category as those other countries our students do quite well.
Other countries also cull out the lower students in middle school so they don't figure in the mix. ALL of ours are counted.

And we also have the highest rate of kids living in poverty among the developed nations.

I'd like to see the data on that.

While it sounds intuitive, I don't recall seeing said comparisons.

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