Never Let a Horror Go To Waste


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Never Let a Horror Go To Waste

December 17, 2012
By Mark Tapson


“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste,” said President Obama’s former consigliere Rahm Emanuel, who is now the mayor of the strictly gun-controlled gun murder capital of the world, Chicago. So naturally the statist anti-gun utopians see opportunity in Friday’s Newtown school massacre to push the total gun ban they’ve been lusting after for so long.

Rather than pause long enough to grieve with the rest of us over the horrific murders of twenty children and six adults at a Connecticut elementary school; rather than wait for the media frenzy to subside so all the facts could be known; rather than honor the victims’ families and friends by refusing to politicize the nightmare, all the usual 2nd Amendment-hating suspects wasted no time pushing their agenda in the ghoulish media and accusing gun proponents of having blood on their collective hands.

Never Let a Horror Go To Waste
Yes, they must. Otherwise they have nothing at all to say.

This is the ultimate and predictable horror. And it will be repeated if we leave the gun laws as they are.
Yes, they must. Otherwise they have nothing at all to say.

This is the ultimate and predictable horror. And it will be repeated if we leave the gun laws as they are.

Care to point out its an image from a violent Hollywood movie.
Lets ban those as well..
I mean Hell, your willing to repeal the 2nd Amendment... Why not the First Amendment?
Why would you want a horror to go to waste?

After 9-11 did we have a period of respect for the dead before we said "Never Again"?
I still can't believe Axelrod's raising money over the Sandy Hook killings. Check this out.


And from the article.

In email from chief campaign advisor David Axelrod that urges supporters to watch President Obama’s moving address to the community of Newtown, Conn., there are two links that open a page with a video player featuring the president’s speech and two donate buttons asking for $15-$1,000 for his campaign.

“The next chapter begins today. Stand with President Obama for the next four years,” headlines the donation page.

While he links to the donation pages in his email, Axelrod did not mention donations with his words. Instead, he expresses the horror the nation feels about the shootings.

ETA: I find it very strange that they are still collecting donations for his campaign.
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when you dont learn from lifes tragedies you waste honoring the dead in a complete way
Do you think these dead babies would mind us trying to keep other babies from dying in the same fashion?
Yes, they must. Otherwise they have nothing at all to say.

This is the ultimate and predictable horror. And it will be repeated if we leave the gun laws as they are.

The shootings will continue even if bans are enacted because no one will have gotten to the root cause of the problem....and its not guns. Only small and shallow thinkers are clamoring for the gun bans. Looks like you have fallen for that nonsense also.
how about also honoring the babies that lived that day?

the ones who still peer into their parents pained eyes and say " Daddy how could this happen? will I ever be safe anywhere in this world again?".

Stop pretending that trying to fix this mess is harming anything but your historically failed ideas
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