Nevada's Largest Newspaper Endorses Angle

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
The Las Vegas Review Journal has endorsed Reid in the past, but not this time. They don't have great things to say about him. Personally, I don't think newspaper endorsement really matter all that much, but in a very close election it could make the difference.

For the past two years, Sen. Reid has been a water boy for the Obama White House, which is pushing perhaps the most radical liberal agenda in the country's history.

Whether it's shoving the unpopular and hugely expensive ObamaCare down the throats of the American people, or rewarding failing companies with taxpayer bailouts, or ginning up expensive and futile "stimulus" packages larded with pork that push the nation closer and closer to fiscal chaos, Sen. Reid has cheered them all.

Meanwhile, the senator endorses a cap-and-trade bill that would impose massive new taxes in the name of advancing green energy, forever disrupting the economy, making the nation considerably poorer and less competitive in world markets. He has encouraged the explosion of a bureaucracy that now tells us what types of light bulbs we may use, which washers and dryers we may purchase and whether we can fill in puddles on our own property.

All this while the nation remains ravaged by recession -- yet Mr. Obama and Sen. Reid can't understand why small businesses won't hire when the president routinely makes openly hostile comments about the private sector and Congress threatens to raise taxes on millions of entrepreneurs.

The Obama playbook -- to which Sen. Reid hitched his fortunes -- has failed miserably. Las Vegas is mired in 15 percent unemployment

I agree that this is an important blow for Angle instead of against her.

Reid will win, I still think, but it is going to be closer than I thought a month ago. This race, with such a donut as Angle, shows just how mad citizens are at Washington, DC, and Reid is probably face #4 after Obama, Pelosi, and Biden.

Mal, it ain't no reality, as the Joker says, until "I let it live".
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I saw some Democrats recently counting their chickens and boasting about Reid winning but that election isn't over. This endorsement definitely helps Angle. I think she'll pull it out.
I don't. Almost all of the polls have him a point or two ahead, but you are right, she just might do it.

What a smack at Reid if he loses to a donut. Only Ashcroft losing to a dead person was worse.
I saw some Democrats recently counting their chickens and boasting about Reid winning but that election isn't over. This endorsement definitely helps Angle. I think she'll pull it out.

Being endorsed by the elite liberal media is a good thing?

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