Netanyahu won

Until Iran and ISIS are sorted out, ya don't wanna new guy who spends the first month of their administration learning where the photocopier paper is. :)
of course he was on the ballot MScientist !! mrobama trying to get Bibi defeated was personal and well , look at the results which I hope are final .
"The Israeli polls have closed with a neck-and-neck result for Likud and the Zionist Union.

"Exit polls by Israel's leading television channels showed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party drew even with Isaac Herzog's Zionist Union.

"Channel 10 and Channel 1 said Likud and ZU had secured 27 seats each in the 120-member Knesset. Channel 2 reported that Netanyahu had gained just one extra seat, winning 28 to Isaac Herzog’s 27 for the ZU."

Israel election results Likud and Zionist Union tie with 27 seats in exit polls - Middle East - World - The Independent

Does Bibi hold on as the official mouthpiece or go back to Bain Capital?
tell that to 'axlerod' and his boss that tried to make sure that Bibi would lose 'guno' . If Bibi does come out on top then the 2 that I just mentioned are the losers .
Racists win in Israel:ack-1:
"But by Wednesday morning official results had stretched to a decisive five-seat lead for Likud of 30 seats, making it almost certain that Netanyahu would serve a third consecutive term as prime minister.

"But Netanyahu appears locked on a collision course with both Palestinians and the international community after disavowing his previous support for a two-state solution made in a speech in 2009.

"Netanyahu’s return to power on the back of his unequivocal opposition to the creation of a Palestinian state – a key policy of Washington and the EU – seems certain to exacerbate his already difficult relationship with the US administration of Barack Obama during the president’s final two years in office."

Israel election result Binyamin Netanyahu surges to victory World news The Guardian
Not necessarily good news, not necessarily bad news.
Wonderful if your thinking runs along the lines of things have to get worse before they get better.
Exhilarating if perpetual warfare keeps you up at night with a boner.
A great day for the continued domination of the neocons in the GOP.
"The Israeli polls have closed with a neck-and-neck result for Likud and the Zionist Union.

"Exit polls by Israel's leading television channels showed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party drew even with Isaac Herzog's Zionist Union.

"Channel 10 and Channel 1 said Likud and ZU had secured 27 seats each in the 120-member Knesset. Channel 2 reported that Netanyahu had gained just one extra seat, winning 28 to Isaac Herzog’s 27 for the ZU."

Israel election results Likud and Zionist Union tie with 27 seats in exit polls - Middle East - World - The Independent

Does Bibi hold on as the official mouthpiece or go back to Bain Capital?
Anyone believe that Obama will call to congratulate him for winning?

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