Neoliberalism: The Ideology that Dares not Speak its Name

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Finally, someone has found a way to express what I've been trying to say
for a long time, especially since the election of Bill Clinton in 1992.

Neoliberalism: The Ideology that Dares not Speak its Name

The question, “What is neoliberalism?” invites a response similar to the old canard about art: “I don’t know what it is, but I know it when I see it”. Unlike art, which seldom rears its head outside a rarified, specially designated setting, neoliberalism is everywhere, which is why we seldom acknowledge its ubiquity, even as we endure its predations on every aspect of our lives.

If neoconservatism is late-stage capitalism on rage-inducing steroids, ranting about imaginary external threats, then neoliberalism is peak capitalism on hallucinogenic horse tranquilizers, dreaming about itself. Unlike its bug-eyed, more visibly bloodthirsty counterpart, neoliberalism doesn’t appear when the occasion demands it, but remains thoroughly entrenched in everything it touches, leaving nothing untouched or unscathed.
Neoliberalism is a self described big tent where sexual predators and deviants, terrorists, illegal alien criminals, professional liars and totalitarian bigots can congregate and practice their socialist-communist beliefs.

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