Neo-segregation has started


Platinum Member
May 26, 2021
I fear our country is losing the battle to fight and end racism. Racism may never truly be ended, but our will to fight and end is being lost to our new fondness over creating new social segregation. This neo-segregation isn't about divided bathrooms or who sits in the back of the bus. This new segregation is about creating social rules, values, morals, and beliefs that are allowed and not allowed for certain ethnic groups.

For Example:
Justin Beiber started growing dreadlocks: AAs claimed racial appropriation and therefore Justin cut his dreadlocks. I think he may have even apologized for it. It used to be that imitation was the highest form of flattery, not anymore, you're a racist.

AAVE or African American Vernacular English is words that are created by AAs. However, more and more commentary is coming out against white people using AAVE. The AA culture has a lot to offer. If whites like the created slang, why can't it be seen again as flattery and acceptance of black culture. To keep language, which has evolved since inception as something you own racially, is a new segregation.
Can Non-Black People Use AAVE? — The Black Explosion.

Social behavior. Everyone knows about Will Smith and the slap. I honestly feel that most people would agree that what Will did, in the context of the evening and the historical, comedic nature of the hosts, was wrong. However, commentary from certain backgrounds point the finger at white people and what is referred to as "White Gaze" or "respectability politics", which is the idea that the only way to behave in society and obtain respect is to act as white people do.
Individuals should be held accountable for their actions, regardless of the audience. If Will Smith's actions had been done at the Apollo in front of a predominant black audience, is it more acceptable? Proper social behavior, manners, etiquette, laws, rules, etc., shouldn't be bound, restricted, or changed based on one's color. What Will Smith did was wrong, regardless of his skin.

More recently, Jack Del Rio and the dust up he is causing is outlandish. Why can't any man, regardless of skin color, compare the so called insurrection to the violence, looting, and criminality of BLM rioters? Neo-segragation.

Hypocritical racial rules are not creating social harmony but rather are creating an imaginary line of racial segregation and social discord.

All of us have to do better. White people, stop being racist fucktards, please! African American, stop being racist fucktards please!
George Wallace famously said " segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever". He just didn't know that segregation would be a black demand. It would not be a surprise to find water fountains bearing signage that says "reserved for the exclusive use of blacks".
All of us have to do better. White people, stop being racist fucktards, please! African American, stop being racist fucktards please!
A simple move that can start the process on this board would be to condemn those who tar all people of a skin colour with the same brush. That's a dead giveaway of racists.

A huge race problem exists in America but all people of any particular skin colour, can't be said to be guilty.

Is it a simple matter for racists to stop doing that? Or has the problem grown so large that nothing is possible anymore?

Can the members of this forum only, demonstrate good intentions?
A simple move that can start the process on this board would be to condemn those who tar all people of a skin colour with the same brush. That's a dead giveaway of racists.

A huge race problem exists in America but all people of any particular skin colour, can't be said to be guilty.

Is it a simple matter for racists to stop doing that? Or has the problem grown so large that nothing is possible anymore?

Can the members of this forum only, demonstrate good intentions?
Don, people in America have to recognize the total destruction white racist policies have wrought. That must be faced first and fixed before we start talking about not painting people. Your country's white population has faced up to its wrongs relative to the First Nations there and has developed o truth and reconciliation commission. That is what we must do here.
I fear our country is losing the battle to fight and end racism. Racism may never truly be ended, but our will to fight and end is being lost to our new fondness over creating new social segregation. This neo-segregation isn't about divided bathrooms or who sits in the back of the bus. This new segregation is about creating social rules, values, morals, and beliefs that are allowed and not allowed for certain ethnic groups.

For Example:
Justin Beiber started growing dreadlocks: AAs claimed racial appropriation and therefore Justin cut his dreadlocks. I think he may have even apologized for it. It used to be that imitation was the highest form of flattery, not anymore, you're a racist.

AAVE or African American Vernacular English is words that are created by AAs. However, more and more commentary is coming out against white people using AAVE. The AA culture has a lot to offer. If whites like the created slang, why can't it be seen again as flattery and acceptance of black culture. To keep language, which has evolved since inception as something you own racially, is a new segregation.
Can Non-Black People Use AAVE? — The Black Explosion.

Social behavior. Everyone knows about Will Smith and the slap. I honestly feel that most people would agree that what Will did, in the context of the evening and the historical, comedic nature of the hosts, was wrong. However, commentary from certain backgrounds point the finger at white people and what is referred to as "White Gaze" or "respectability politics", which is the idea that the only way to behave in society and obtain respect is to act as white people do.
Individuals should be held accountable for their actions, regardless of the audience. If Will Smith's actions had been done at the Apollo in front of a predominant black audience, is it more acceptable? Proper social behavior, manners, etiquette, laws, rules, etc., shouldn't be bound, restricted, or changed based on one's color. What Will Smith did was wrong, regardless of his skin.

More recently, Jack Del Rio and the dust up he is causing is outlandish. Why can't any man, regardless of skin color, compare the so called insurrection to the violence, looting, and criminality of BLM rioters? Neo-segragation.

Hypocritical racial rules are not creating social harmony but rather are creating an imaginary line of racial segregation and social discord.

All of us have to do better. White people, stop being racist fucktards, please! African American, stop being racist fucktards please!
There are much deeper problems created for people of color by continuing white racism than wearing dreadlocks and if black players can get denigrated for taking a knee to protest actual racial injustice, Jack Del Rio can get it for inaccurately comparing an insurrection about some made up shit, to protests by blacks over actual murders where over 90 percent were peaceful and where the FBI documented a coordinated effort by white supremacists to vandalize during protests because they knew blacks would get blamed.

Very few blacks speak whatever AAVE is supposed to be. All you're doing is posting racist crap.
Don, people in America have to recognize the total destruction white racist policies have wrought.
Yes, and that's basically a part of what I've been saying.
That must be faced first and fixed before we start talking about not painting people.
It can and should be done at the same time. I've been quite intent of proving to racists that they are racists for that very reason. Now maybe we'll see if my criticism has caused them any embarrassment? I don't expect it will even be understood by polichic!
Your country's white population has faced up to its wrongs relative to the First Nations there and has developed o truth and reconciliation commission. That is what we must do here.
Agree totally. And you don't owe any particular moderator an explanation for your behaviour. The nasty and vicious attack against you wasn't warranted in the least. I'm sorry you had to hear it!
Yes, and that's basically a part of what I've been saying.

It can and should be done at the same time. I've been quite intent of proving to racists that they are racists for that very reason. Now maybe we'll see if my criticism has caused them any embarrassment? I don't expect it will even be understood by polichic!

Agree totally. And you don't owe any particular moderator an explanation for your behaviour. The nasty and vicious attack against you wasn't warranted in the least. I'm sorry you had to hear it!
I agree with what you have said 100 percent.

The difference between our 2 countries is that whites in Canada do not seem to have taken the attempt to reconcile as an attack on white people or as blaming current Canadians for things they have not done. Seems as if your nation has accepted it's responsibility to leave a better nation for the next generation instead of fantasizing about retreating back to a fake glorious past that never was.
fantasizing about retreating back to a fake glorious past that never was.
Well said!
That is how the people are kept convinced of the American way is the only way forward. While in truth it upholds racial discrimination and the huge income inequality. No breadthrough appears to be possible.
But at least letting the racists know that they incriminate themselves when they tar all those of a particular skin colour with the same brush. If they are embarrassed enough to stop then there's something gained.

And something gained even if they do persist.

Hold your head high! They can't.
Well said!
That is how the people are kept convinced of the American way is the only way forward. While in truth it upholds racial discrimination and the huge income inequality. No breadthrough appears to be possible.
But at least letting the racists know that they incriminate themselves when they tar all those of a particular skin colour with the same brush. If they are embarrassed enough to stop then there's something gained.

And something gained even if they do persist.

Hold your head high! They can't.
America was an Epic Success until Murray The Kaye flew the Beatles over the first time , it went to shit after that
Well said!
That is how the people are kept convinced of the American way is the only way forward. While in truth it upholds racial discrimination and the huge income inequality. No breadthrough appears to be possible.
But at least letting the racists know that they incriminate themselves when they tar all those of a particular skin colour with the same brush. If they are embarrassed enough to stop then there's something gained.

And something gained even if they do persist.

Hold your head high! They can't.
Thank you.
Well said!
That is how the people are kept convinced of the American way is the only way forward. While in truth it upholds racial discrimination and the huge income inequality. No breadthrough appears to be possible.
But at least letting the racists know that they incriminate themselves when they tar all those of a particular skin colour with the same brush. If they are embarrassed enough to stop then there's something gained.

And something gained even if they do persist.

Hold your head high! They can't.

You know DON, it's kinda perplexing when I compare Canada to America. Whites immigrated there from Europe too. But for some reason they have always appeared to be less racist than whites who immigrated here. I know things have not been perfect, but we sure could learn by looking at Canada for an example.
You know DON, it's kinda perplexing when I compare Canada to America. Whites immigrated there from Europe too. But for some reason they have always appeared to be less racist than whites who immigrated here. I know things have not been perfect, but we sure could learn by looking at Canada for an example.
Touting my own country only accomplishes more hard feelings on this board.

The same people immigrated to both countries but they became subjugated to two different political systems. Canada's rightists are the equivalent of America's left in ideology.

Ask away. I hope I can be helpful with more explanations, without unnecessarily causing bad feelings.
Touting my own country only accomplishes more hard feelings on this board.

The same people immigrated to both countries but they became subjugated to two different political systems. Canada's rightists are the equivalent of America's left in ideology.

Ask away. I hope I can be helpful with more explanations, without unnecessarily causing bad feelings.
Indian Children Mass Graves in Canada
Touting my own country only accomplishes more hard feelings on this board.

The same people immigrated to both countries but they became subjugated to two different political systems. Canada's rightists are the equivalent of America's left in ideology.

Ask away. I hope I can be helpful with more explanations, without unnecessarily causing bad feelings.
These guys need to face the truth no matter how butthurt it makes them. Your country has a parliament which makes coalition building important. These conservatives here don't understand that their philosophy is actually classical liberalism.

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