Need name or picture of a type of hardware for stringing lines

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
It serves the same function as an eye hook:


Except you don't have to thread it like a needle. It is wider and you can push the line into it at the middle and it encloses the line.

I can't find a picture of it, but I need some.
Some type of carabiner?
Not exactly. Make the "OK" sign with finger and thumb. Then make the circle smaller by pushing your finger half an inch below the tip of your thumb. Then move the thumb half an inch closer to you separating it from the finger. That is the shape. See how you could push a string, rope or wire into that shape in the middle of the line without having to thread it? That's how it works. some of them are more than one spirals so you have to whip the line a couple of times, but then it cannot come out accidentally.

Here is an exmple of needles that work the same:

What's the application?
To take a string that is already fastened at both ends and be able to hook in the middle to an eye that is either stationary or will be moved three to five inches perpendictular to the string, bending the string back and forth.

My intent is to design a loom for the Mrs. that can be more quickly "loaded" with yarn or string, or "warped," as it's called.
Not exactly. Make the "OK" sign with finger and thumb. Then make the circle smaller by pushing your finger half an inch below the tip of your thumb. Then move the thumb half an inch closer to you separating it from the finger. That is the shape. See how you could push a string, rope or wire into that shape in the middle of the line without having to thread it? That's how it works. some of them are more than one spirals so you have to whip the line a couple of times, but then it cannot come out accidentally.

They're called bridle rings.


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