Need help finding Trump's plan for exiting Afghanistan


Platinum Member
Aug 13, 2019
Can anybody post a link to it? I'd like to discuss the differences between it and what is happening now. If mods could close this thread as soon as it's found that would be great and I'll start a different thread to discuss it. Sorry, I don't know of any other way to find it, I don't seem to be computer savvy enough.

Thanks in advance.

Can anybody post a link to it? I'd like to discuss the differences between it and what is happening now. If mods could close this thread as soon as it's found that would be great and I'll start a different thread to discuss it. Sorry, I don't know of any other way to find it, I don't seem to be computer savvy enough.

Thanks in advance.

in other words you want to make some more excuses for biden....
Can anybody post a link to it? I'd like to discuss the differences between it and what is happening now. If mods could close this thread as soon as it's found that would be great and I'll start a different thread to discuss it. Sorry, I don't know of any other way to find it, I don't seem to be computer savvy enough.

Thanks in advance.


Trump wanted to privatize warfare. He was open about it. And that's precisely what they're going to do. It's why this current crisis was manufactured in the way that it was. It's no irony that it's the one thing that Biden didn't overturn.

But we'll still pay for it, if it's of any consolation. The Fed's printing press will still roll in war incorporated's direction.

Really have to think beyond parties with this stuff.
an anybody post a link to it? I'd like to discuss the differences between it and what is happening now. If mods could close this thread as soon as it's found that would be great and I'll start a different thread to discuss it. Sorry, I don't know of any other way to find it, I don't seem to be computer savvy enough.
Biden is going to wear this like Jacob Marley's chains. Give it up.
Can anybody post a link to it? I'd like to discuss the differences between it and what is happening now. If mods could close this thread as soon as it's found that would be great and I'll start a different thread to discuss it. Sorry, I don't know of any other way to find it, I don't seem to be computer savvy enough.

Thanks in advance.


Trump was a stooge. But he's not in charge. Biden is.
Trump was a stooge. But he's not in charge. Biden is.
I know but an argument made constantly on this forum is that Trump had a great plan to leave. I ask for links, and posters tell me to stop being lazy and look it up myself. I've tried to no avail. Help a brother out.
Can anybody post a link to it? I'd like to discuss the differences between it and what is happening now. If mods could close this thread as soon as it's found that would be great and I'll start a different thread to discuss it. Sorry, I don't know of any other way to find it, I don't seem to be computer savvy enough.

Thanks in advance.

Drumpf had no plan. He didnt even work the last 6 months of his term. He was too worried about losing the election.
Drumpf had no plan. He didnt even work the last 6 months of his term. He was too worried about losing the election.
True. I don't think he ever intended to leave since optics were more important than anything else to him. But people insist he had a great plan to leave that is easy to find. They couldn't just be making that up because they're pieces of shit, could they?
I know but an argument made constantly on this forum is that Trump had a great plan to leave. I ask for links, and posters tell me to stop being lazy and look it up myself. I've tried to no avail. Help a brother out.

No, you're trolling. You make a valid criticism of Trump though. He never had the nerve to do it. Even though he campaigned on it.

But none of that excuses the colossal fuck up we're watching in real time.
True. I don't think he ever intended to leave since optics were more important than anything else to him. But people insist he had a great plan to leave that is easy to find. They couldn't just be making that up because they're pieces of shit, could they?
There are numerous POS on this forum and yes they lie all the fucking time and parrot the gatewaypundit.
No, you're trolling. You make a valid criticism of Trump though. He never had the nerve to do it. Even though he campaigned on it.

But none of that excuses the colossal fuck up we're watching in real time.
How did you think it would end? This is a desert wasteland full of medieval cultures we're talking about. In 20 years we didn't build anything there that could last more than a couple weeks without American blood being spilled. If the last month hasn't proven that to you, I don't know what possibly could.
How did you think it would end? This is a desert wasteland full of medieval cultures we're talking about. In 20 years we didn't build anything there that could last more than a couple weeks without American blood being spilled. If the last month hasn't proven that to you, I don't know what possibly could.
Yes, I understand all that. And I know Trump set the stage for it many ways. And of course Bush for initiating the occupation in the first place.

But the execution just seems nuts. As in they have some really shitty military "intelligence" at work. Nobody saw this coming?
Yes, I understand all that. And I know Trump set the stage for it many ways. And of course Bush for initiating the occupation in the first place.

But the execution just seems nuts. As in they have some really shitty military "intelligence" at work. Nobody saw this coming?
The best case scenario is that nobody saw this coming. But more likely it was rampant corruption. Too many bad people making big money off of senseless death. You won't believe me because you have no idea who I am, but though I hate Trump I praised him anytime it was brought up that he was getting us out of there. I'll credit him with getting the ball rolling even though I really don't think he would have gone through with it.

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