Nebraska Farmer Makes Room Full Of Fracking Supporters Go Silent With Just A Glass Of Water (VIDEO)


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Nebraska Farmer Makes Room Full Of Fracking Supporters Go Silent With Just A Glass Of Water (VIDEO)

Author: Jameson Parker
March 28, 2015 2:56 pm
Sometimes all the talk in the world can’t prepare you for cold, hard reality. At a Nebraska Oil & Gas Conservation committee hearing, a room full of fracking supporters were left in utter silence when a farmer brought in three cups of fracking water and offered each of them to take a sip.

Read more: http://www.addicting...of-water-video/

How the fuck do you explain this?
Too Funny... Fracking solutions used at between 10,000 and 30,000 feet deep.. several layers from any water table and even if it did seep up would be clean simply due to the sedimentary layers and distance...

Funny he never once said that the water was from wells used for drinking water.. So the presentation was a farce and was devoid of facts. A simple scare tactic by antifracking groups who are dishonest about everything.
No such thing as trade secret chemicals,,,,, you spill chems you better be able to tell responding hazmat team what it is or whole lot of shit is gonna land on you
No such thing as trade secret chemicals,,,,, you spill chems you better be able to tell responding hazmat team what it is or whole lot of shit is gonna land on you
Unless you're an ass-fucking farmer. Then you're allowed to spread tens of millions of tons of the shit over the earth year end and year out... for generations.
Nebraska Farmer Makes Room Full Of Fracking Supporters Go Silent With Just A Glass Of Water (VIDEO)

Author: Jameson Parker
March 28, 2015 2:56 pm
Sometimes all the talk in the world can’t prepare you for cold, hard reality. At a Nebraska Oil & Gas Conservation committee hearing, a room full of fracking supporters were left in utter silence when a farmer brought in three cups of fracking water and offered each of them to take a sip.

Read more: http://www.addicting...of-water-video/

How the fuck do you explain this?

Why would anyone drink fracking water? Would you drink the coolant from your car? When did anyone ever claim the mixture of water and solids and chemicals they use for fracking is fit for human consumption?

That's another straw man argument.
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No such thing as trade secret chemicals,,,,, you spill chems you better be able to tell responding hazmat team what it is or whole lot of shit is gonna land on you
Unless you're an ass-fucking farmer. Then you're allowed to spread tens of millions of tons of the shit over the earth year end and year out... for generations.
Yep. Farmers spread deadly poisons on their crops by the ton. They also spread fertilizers, which are not good for the water supply. Shouldn't we outlaw that as well?
Fracking chemicals - SourceWatch

U.S. Government Report

In April 2011, Democratic members of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce released a report,"Chemicals Used in Hydraulic Fracturing," detailing the range of chemicals used in fracking. The report found that, between 2005 and 2009, 14 leading oil and gas companies used over 2,500 hydraulic fracturing products containing 750 chemicals and components, some extremely toxic and carcinogenic, including lead and benzene. Overall, the 14 companies used 780 million gallons of hydraulic fracturing products between 2005 and 2009.

According to the report, the most widely used chemical in fracking fluids, methanol, is a hazardous air pollutant and is on the candidate list for potential regulation under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Isopropyl alcohol, 2-butoxyethanol, and ethylene glycol were the other most widely used chemicals. The study noted that in some cases benzene (a known carcinogen), toluene, xylene, and ethylbenzene are used. Many of the hydraulic fracturing fluids contain chemical components that are listed as “proprietary” or “trade secret.”[1]

Of the 300-odd compounds that private researchers and the Bureau of Land Management suspect are being used in fracking, 65 are listed as hazardous by the federal government. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation was tasked with going through a public review of its new rules on hydraulic fracturing, and looked into reports that "gas companies use at least 260 types of chemicals, many of them toxic, like benzene." The chemicals tend to remain in the ground once the fracturing has been completed, raising fears about long-term contamination."[2]

FILED UNDER: Tech & Science, Fracking, natural gas, Oil, Environment
As the U.S. fracking boom continues to expand, tapping vast deposits of previously unreachable oil and natural gas, scientists, regulators and even the industry itself still do not know much about fracking’s impact on human health or the environment. Study after study has highlighted the lack of toxicity information available on fracking fluid—the mix of chemicals, water and sand injected deep into the ground to fracture oil- and gas-trapping rock.

Now a new study, presented Wednesday at the national meeting of the American Chemical Society, says that out of 190 commonly used compounds, hardly any toxicity information is available for a whopping one-third of them. In addition, another eight fracking fluid compounds, the researchers found, are proved to be toxic to mammals.

William Stringfellow, an ecological engineer at the University of the Pacific and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, says he and his team embarked on the review of fracking chemical databases on reporting websites like to help resolve the public debate over the controversial drilling practice’s safety.

Perhaps the problem is worse that what the industry is admitting to.
Nebraska Farmer Makes Room Full Of Fracking Supporters Go Silent With Just A Glass Of Water (VIDEO)

Author: Jameson Parker
March 28, 2015 2:56 pm
Sometimes all the talk in the world can’t prepare you for cold, hard reality. At a Nebraska Oil & Gas Conservation committee hearing, a room full of fracking supporters were left in utter silence when a farmer brought in three cups of fracking water and offered each of them to take a sip.

Read more: http://www.addicting...of-water-video/

How the fuck do you explain this?

I don't care if they Texas.
Fracking chemicals - SourceWatch

U.S. Government Report

In April 2011, Democratic members of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce released a report,"Chemicals Used in Hydraulic Fracturing," detailing the range of chemicals used in fracking. The report found that, between 2005 and 2009, 14 leading oil and gas companies used over 2,500 hydraulic fracturing products containing 750 chemicals and components, some extremely toxic and carcinogenic, including lead and benzene. Overall, the 14 companies used 780 million gallons of hydraulic fracturing products between 2005 and 2009.

According to the report, the most widely used chemical in fracking fluids, methanol, is a hazardous air pollutant and is on the candidate list for potential regulation under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Isopropyl alcohol, 2-butoxyethanol, and ethylene glycol were the other most widely used chemicals. The study noted that in some cases benzene (a known carcinogen), toluene, xylene, and ethylbenzene are used. Many of the hydraulic fracturing fluids contain chemical components that are listed as “proprietary” or “trade secret.”[1]

Of the 300-odd compounds that private researchers and the Bureau of Land Management suspect are being used in fracking, 65 are listed as hazardous by the federal government. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation was tasked with going through a public review of its new rules on hydraulic fracturing, and looked into reports that "gas companies use at least 260 types of chemicals, many of them toxic, like benzene." The chemicals tend to remain in the ground once the fracturing has been completed, raising fears about long-term contamination."[2]


Maybe we should stop building cars since Ethylene Glycol is toxic. You can buy Isopropyl alcohol in the drug store over the counter. Yeah, that sure sound dangerous. The federal government used to doctor Ethanol with methanol during prohibition do people wouldn't drink it. The gasoline you put in your car is toxic, as are the chemicals used to paint it. You wouldn't want to drink brake or power steering fluid. Those are also highly toxic.

Of the 780 million gallons of hydraulic fracturing products, 99.99% is water or other inert materials like sand.

Simply mentioning some chemical is toxic doesn't tell you in what quantities it is toxic. It also doesn't tell you how much of it is used or how it is used.

In short, your litany is idiotic.
Nebraska Farmer Makes Room Full Of Fracking Supporters Go Silent With Just A Glass Of Water (VIDEO)

Author: Jameson Parker
March 28, 2015 2:56 pm
Sometimes all the talk in the world can’t prepare you for cold, hard reality. At a Nebraska Oil & Gas Conservation committee hearing, a room full of fracking supporters were left in utter silence when a farmer brought in three cups of fracking water and offered each of them to take a sip.

Read more: http://www.addicting...of-water-video/

How the fuck do you explain this?

I don't care if they Texas.

Neither do Texans, dingbat.

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