NDAA = Tyranny


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Jan 6, 2007
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAG18JV8tx8&feature=g-all-u&context=G293cfa5FAAAAAAAANAA]Ron Paul: on the NDAA "The real threat to our liberties is here at home." - YouTube[/ame]
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Ron Paul: on the NDAA "The real threat to our liberties is here at home." - YouTube[/url]

Ron Paul is correct but without making the point that the governmental systems that generate the NDAA, tyranny is not really described. Therefore it cannot be properly targeted by the citizens and in that, manifest the reverse, a constitutional government.

NDAA is a symptom of tyranny, not the tyrany itself. But, maybe he plays the mediocrity to gather votes. I'll vote for him on the basis he presents, but I'll not give up seeing a fully constitutional government Paul or no Paul.

We shall test Ron Paul, if we are a we, . . . and not an "it". I think he'll pass the test.
They tell me we should all be appreciative of President Obama for protecting us from the terrorists in our own country. I get the feeling that they are really saying, "if you don't do anything wrong then you have nothing to fear". Well, that's not all that encouraging because who defines what is wrong in this case?

Would I be a terrorist if I made a comment about believing that President Obama was born in Kenya? I don't believe that, but just using it as an example.

Would I be a terrorist for a derrogatory comment about the Reverend Wright?

How about if I said Nancy Pelosi didn't age well?

This is scary, just as scary as the Patriot Act. When the Patriot Act was announced I told all my conservative friends to just wait until someone like Hillary Clinton enters the Oval Office... well, the time has come. We got Barack Obama instead of Hillary, but we got a man who has proven his disdain for personal liberties.

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