Pork on the Menu vs Government

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
If the Government or Obama decides that pork is a great menu item and is required for a balanced diet.

Should the various religions be forced to bypass their faith and doctrines at their various facilities, if they accept government funds.?

I think it's an invasion of their constitutional rights, myself..

(Many can say this could never happen but.....are you certain..?)

-----------------------------a little info...

Some religions of the world forbid the eating of pork - the flesh of a pig.

In some countries around the world, eating meat is taboo. Other countries exhibit differences in their preferences for meat. The Japanese, for example, generally rank beef first, followed by pork, chicken, whale meat, lamb and mutton, goat and horsemeat.

All 'clean' animals are ruminants. That is they have four stomachs. This ensures a much more thorough processing of food than is possible with one stomach, and less pollutants are stored in the flesh. It has also been discovered that ruminants are not subject to flesh worms. These can be acquired from eating the flesh of almost every other animal. The pig which got special mention as 'unclean' stores poisons in its body fat. A snake cannot kill a pig. The poison is just stored in the fat under the skin and is ingested by anything that subsequently eats that pig. Many outback Australian properties keep pet pigs around the home buildings to deal with snakes which come in plague proportions when the cracks in the ground, where they live, are closed by the swelling of the earth after rainfall.

The Bible

In the Bible/Torah/Koran pork has been condemned as unclean. Believers should not eat or even touch the carcass of a pig. Hence, the Target stores employees from Somalia requesting not to have to touch pork at the check out line. I am not going to berate anyone for his or her beliefs. This is a free country. Their qualms, caused me to think, why pork?


Pork has also been added to the list of these prohibitions of Islam. Due to this addition of pork in the Quranic list of prohibitions the Muslims do not eat pork. As far as the reasons for this disallowance or prohibition, the Quran has not clearly explained it. Nevertheless, because the Quran has clearly mentioned that the prohibitions are due to their inherent physical or spiritual uncleanness or due to the negative effects that something may have on the morality of individuals, it may be derived that the reason for the prohibition of pork also belongs to one of the two categories.

In Islam, The Holy Quran mentions the prohibition of the flesh of swine is at three different places; in chapter 2 verse 173, chapter 6:145 and in chapter 16 verse 115 where God says, "Allah (God) has forbidden you only what dies of itself and blood and the flesh of swine and that over which any other name than that of Allah has been invoked; but whoever is driven to(it), not desiring nor exceeding the limit, then surely Allah is forgiving, merciful." The phrase 'driven to need' also deserves some explanation. In instances such as a famine, when there is nothing else to eat, pork may be eaten just enough to save a life. If a man threatens to kill a Muslim and forces him to eat pork he can eat pork. This may sound strange but numerous incidents involving the above mentioned situations do take place.

The abstention from eating pork is just one of the steps taken by Islam to practice hygiene and to attain "purity of human nature". The nature of a pig is a very disgusting one. The pig is naturally lazy and indulgent in sex. It dislikes sun-light and lacks the spirit and will to 'fight'. The older it grows, the lazier it gets. It eats almost anything, be it faeces or anything dirty. It prefers dirty places to clean ones. It eats and sleeps only and hates to move around. It is the most avaricious of all domestic animals. Some people argue that the 'modern pig' is given only clean food and therefore its flesh should be consumable. The answer to this argument is this: you feed the pig with wholesome mash but you cannot change its nature. It is still a pig. A pig is not a plant that you can change by bud-grafting.


The law of health—the Word of Wisdom—contains the laws for proper eating and the rules of abstinence for tobacco, alcohol, coffee, tea, chocolate, and illegal drugs. Mormons must choose foods that build up the body, improve endurance, and enhance intellect. Products from the land, such as grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts, are to take the place of meats; meats, sugar, cheeses, and spices are to be avoided. Reason and self-control in eating is expected in order to stay healthy.


Many Far Eastern traditions also discourage the eating of pork. The 3,000 year old Confucian Book of Rites says, "A gentleman does not eat the flesh of pigs and dogs." Although many Chinese are avid eaters of pork today, physicians of ancient China recognized pork-eating as the root of many human ailments. Buddhists, Jains and Hindus usually avoid eating any kind of meat. Many Buddhists are vegetarians, though some include fish in their diet. Most do not eat meat and abstain from all beef products. The birth, enlightenment, and death of Buddha are the three most commonly recognized festivals for feasting, resting from work, or fasting. Buddhist monks fast completely on certain days of the moon, and they routinely avoid eating any solid foods after the noon hour.

Pork and Religion
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and just in case you were wondering.....:eusa_angel:

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is also the first section of the Bill of Rights. It is arguably the most important part of the U.S. Constitution, as it guarantees freedoms of religion, speech, writing and publishing, peaceful assembly, and the freedom to raise grievances with the Government. In addition, it requires that a wall of separation be maintained between church and state. It reads:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States
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Jews and vegans have a problem with pork; the later beyond pork.
The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is also the first section of the Bill of Rights. It is arguably the most important part of the U.S. Constitution, as it guarantees freedoms of religion, speech, writing and publishing, peaceful assembly, and the freedom to raise grievances with the Government. In addition, it requires that a wall of separation be maintained between church and state. It reads:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States

If Congress votes to allow the RCC to do as they please, how is that not establishing a religious principle as an exception to U.S. law? You'd be screaming, if it was sharia!

Life is a bitch and then you die. In the mean time lefties have determined that Christians can't engage in traditional stuff like a freaking Christmas tree that they have for a hundred years and in fact Christians are forced by the government to contribute to birth control that is against the tenants of the Church. Force Muslem schools to feed students pork? Why not?

Life is a bitch and then you die. In the mean time lefties have determined that Christians can't engage in traditional stuff like a freaking Christmas tree that they have for a hundred years and in fact Christians are forced by the government to contribute to birth control that is against the tenants of the Church. Force Muslem schools to feed students pork? Why not?


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The government has no business dictating our diet, period. But the first amendment doesn't exempt religions from laws they don't agree with. It protects them from government persecution. As long as laws apply equally to everyone, and aren't obviously targeting religions specifically, churches are required to follow them - ill advised court decisions to the contrary.
The government has no business dictating our diet, period. But the first amendment doesn't exempt religions from laws they don't agree with. It protects them from government persecution. As long as laws apply equally to everyone, and aren't obviously targeting religions specifically, churches are required to follow them - ill advised court decisions to the contrary.

They could argue the fines would be such if they didn't comply. Do the unions and other groups which have been granted exemptions, also receive an exemption on the fines??
That line from LOTR .. Two Towers

"Looks like there's meat on the Menu Boys"

keeps crossing my mind...lol
The government has no business dictating our diet, period. But the first amendment doesn't exempt religions from laws they don't agree with. It protects them from government persecution. As long as laws apply equally to everyone, and aren't obviously targeting religions specifically, churches are required to follow them - ill advised court decisions to the contrary.

They could argue the fines would be such if they didn't comply. Do the unions and other groups which have been granted exemptions, also receive an exemption on the fines??

To be clear, I'm vehemently opposed to government dictating behavior in this way. But I don't think there should be any "exemptions" (for unions, churches, or otherwise). If the church is opposed to being dictated to, I hope they'll join libertarians and others who are opposed to these kinds of laws.
If the Government or Obama decides that pork is a great menu item and is required for a balanced diet.

Should the various religions be forced to bypass their faith and doctrines at their various facilities, if they accept government funds.?

I think it's an invasion of their constitutional rights, myself..

(Many can say this could never happen but.....are you certain..?)

-----------------------------a little info...

Some religions of the world forbid the eating of pork - the flesh of a pig.

In some countries around the world, eating meat is taboo. Other countries exhibit differences in their preferences for meat. The Japanese, for example, generally rank beef first, followed by pork, chicken, whale meat, lamb and mutton, goat and horsemeat.

All 'clean' animals are ruminants. That is they have four stomachs. This ensures a much more thorough processing of food than is possible with one stomach, and less pollutants are stored in the flesh. It has also been discovered that ruminants are not subject to flesh worms. These can be acquired from eating the flesh of almost every other animal. The pig which got special mention as 'unclean' stores poisons in its body fat. A snake cannot kill a pig. The poison is just stored in the fat under the skin and is ingested by anything that subsequently eats that pig. Many outback Australian properties keep pet pigs around the home buildings to deal with snakes which come in plague proportions when the cracks in the ground, where they live, are closed by the swelling of the earth after rainfall.

The Bible

In the Bible/Torah/Koran pork has been condemned as unclean. Believers should not eat or even touch the carcass of a pig. Hence, the Target stores employees from Somalia requesting not to have to touch pork at the check out line. I am not going to berate anyone for his or her beliefs. This is a free country. Their qualms, caused me to think, why pork?


Pork has also been added to the list of these prohibitions of Islam. Due to this addition of pork in the Quranic list of prohibitions the Muslims do not eat pork. As far as the reasons for this disallowance or prohibition, the Quran has not clearly explained it. Nevertheless, because the Quran has clearly mentioned that the prohibitions are due to their inherent physical or spiritual uncleanness or due to the negative effects that something may have on the morality of individuals, it may be derived that the reason for the prohibition of pork also belongs to one of the two categories.

In Islam, The Holy Quran mentions the prohibition of the flesh of swine is at three different places; in chapter 2 verse 173, chapter 6:145 and in chapter 16 verse 115 where God says, "Allah (God) has forbidden you only what dies of itself and blood and the flesh of swine and that over which any other name than that of Allah has been invoked; but whoever is driven to(it), not desiring nor exceeding the limit, then surely Allah is forgiving, merciful." The phrase 'driven to need' also deserves some explanation. In instances such as a famine, when there is nothing else to eat, pork may be eaten just enough to save a life. If a man threatens to kill a Muslim and forces him to eat pork he can eat pork. This may sound strange but numerous incidents involving the above mentioned situations do take place.

The abstention from eating pork is just one of the steps taken by Islam to practice hygiene and to attain "purity of human nature". The nature of a pig is a very disgusting one. The pig is naturally lazy and indulgent in sex. It dislikes sun-light and lacks the spirit and will to 'fight'. The older it grows, the lazier it gets. It eats almost anything, be it faeces or anything dirty. It prefers dirty places to clean ones. It eats and sleeps only and hates to move around. It is the most avaricious of all domestic animals. Some people argue that the 'modern pig' is given only clean food and therefore its flesh should be consumable. The answer to this argument is this: you feed the pig with wholesome mash but you cannot change its nature. It is still a pig. A pig is not a plant that you can change by bud-grafting.


The law of health—the Word of Wisdom—contains the laws for proper eating and the rules of abstinence for tobacco, alcohol, coffee, tea, chocolate, and illegal drugs. Mormons must choose foods that build up the body, improve endurance, and enhance intellect. Products from the land, such as grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts, are to take the place of meats; meats, sugar, cheeses, and spices are to be avoided. Reason and self-control in eating is expected in order to stay healthy.


Many Far Eastern traditions also discourage the eating of pork. The 3,000 year old Confucian Book of Rites says, "A gentleman does not eat the flesh of pigs and dogs." Although many Chinese are avid eaters of pork today, physicians of ancient China recognized pork-eating as the root of many human ailments. Buddhists, Jains and Hindus usually avoid eating any kind of meat. Many Buddhists are vegetarians, though some include fish in their diet. Most do not eat meat and abstain from all beef products. The birth, enlightenment, and death of Buddha are the three most commonly recognized festivals for feasting, resting from work, or fasting. Buddhist monks fast completely on certain days of the moon, and they routinely avoid eating any solid foods after the noon hour.

Pork and Religion
Lumpy Pork is Great Meat,and pigs are such intelligent animals,they get such a BAD RAP,which you are perpetuating in a way..
Quite frankly I'm getting sick of hearing about offending different cultures and religions re their preference to eating certain animals,there is an irony in much of this,they don't like pig or crustations "because they claim they are scavengers"yet the biggest carnivores and scavengers are the very humans that gorge on flesh........often human flesh in another time and infact in West Irianjia they were headhunters and canibals until circa 1930's.

The Best cuts of Pork are a very none fattening white meat..........Some people should stop living by these ridiculous ancient customs and get in the Real World...it is 2012 all said and done.just saying ps GOODNESS CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats bullshit really,what about the average Americans rights,you know the silent majority........???????? steve,trust you are keeping well Lumpy.......but I can't agree with you on this
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If the Government or Obama decides that pork is a great menu item and is required for a balanced diet.

Should the various religions be forced to bypass their faith and doctrines at their various facilities, if they accept government funds.?

I think it's an invasion of their constitutional rights, myself..

(Many can say this could never happen but.....are you certain..?)

-----------------------------a little info...

Some religions of the world forbid the eating of pork - the flesh of a pig.

In some countries around the world, eating meat is taboo. Other countries exhibit differences in their preferences for meat. The Japanese, for example, generally rank beef first, followed by pork, chicken, whale meat, lamb and mutton, goat and horsemeat.

All 'clean' animals are ruminants. That is they have four stomachs. This ensures a much more thorough processing of food than is possible with one stomach, and less pollutants are stored in the flesh. It has also been discovered that ruminants are not subject to flesh worms. These can be acquired from eating the flesh of almost every other animal. The pig which got special mention as 'unclean' stores poisons in its body fat. A snake cannot kill a pig. The poison is just stored in the fat under the skin and is ingested by anything that subsequently eats that pig. Many outback Australian properties keep pet pigs around the home buildings to deal with snakes which come in plague proportions when the cracks in the ground, where they live, are closed by the swelling of the earth after rainfall.

The Bible

In the Bible/Torah/Koran pork has been condemned as unclean. Believers should not eat or even touch the carcass of a pig. Hence, the Target stores employees from Somalia requesting not to have to touch pork at the check out line. I am not going to berate anyone for his or her beliefs. This is a free country. Their qualms, caused me to think, why pork?


Pork has also been added to the list of these prohibitions of Islam. Due to this addition of pork in the Quranic list of prohibitions the Muslims do not eat pork. As far as the reasons for this disallowance or prohibition, the Quran has not clearly explained it. Nevertheless, because the Quran has clearly mentioned that the prohibitions are due to their inherent physical or spiritual uncleanness or due to the negative effects that something may have on the morality of individuals, it may be derived that the reason for the prohibition of pork also belongs to one of the two categories.

In Islam, The Holy Quran mentions the prohibition of the flesh of swine is at three different places; in chapter 2 verse 173, chapter 6:145 and in chapter 16 verse 115 where God says, "Allah (God) has forbidden you only what dies of itself and blood and the flesh of swine and that over which any other name than that of Allah has been invoked; but whoever is driven to(it), not desiring nor exceeding the limit, then surely Allah is forgiving, merciful." The phrase 'driven to need' also deserves some explanation. In instances such as a famine, when there is nothing else to eat, pork may be eaten just enough to save a life. If a man threatens to kill a Muslim and forces him to eat pork he can eat pork. This may sound strange but numerous incidents involving the above mentioned situations do take place.

The abstention from eating pork is just one of the steps taken by Islam to practice hygiene and to attain "purity of human nature". The nature of a pig is a very disgusting one. The pig is naturally lazy and indulgent in sex. It dislikes sun-light and lacks the spirit and will to 'fight'. The older it grows, the lazier it gets. It eats almost anything, be it faeces or anything dirty. It prefers dirty places to clean ones. It eats and sleeps only and hates to move around. It is the most avaricious of all domestic animals. Some people argue that the 'modern pig' is given only clean food and therefore its flesh should be consumable. The answer to this argument is this: you feed the pig with wholesome mash but you cannot change its nature. It is still a pig. A pig is not a plant that you can change by bud-grafting.


The law of health—the Word of Wisdom—contains the laws for proper eating and the rules of abstinence for tobacco, alcohol, coffee, tea, chocolate, and illegal drugs. Mormons must choose foods that build up the body, improve endurance, and enhance intellect. Products from the land, such as grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts, are to take the place of meats; meats, sugar, cheeses, and spices are to be avoided. Reason and self-control in eating is expected in order to stay healthy.


Many Far Eastern traditions also discourage the eating of pork. The 3,000 year old Confucian Book of Rites says, "A gentleman does not eat the flesh of pigs and dogs." Although many Chinese are avid eaters of pork today, physicians of ancient China recognized pork-eating as the root of many human ailments. Buddhists, Jains and Hindus usually avoid eating any kind of meat. Many Buddhists are vegetarians, though some include fish in their diet. Most do not eat meat and abstain from all beef products. The birth, enlightenment, and death of Buddha are the three most commonly recognized festivals for feasting, resting from work, or fasting. Buddhist monks fast completely on certain days of the moon, and they routinely avoid eating any solid foods after the noon hour.

Pork and Religion
Lumpy Pork is Great Meat,and pigs are such intelligent animals,they get such a BAD RAP,which you are perpetuating in a way..
Quite frankly I'm getting sick of hearing about offending different cultures and religions re their preference to eating certain animals,there is an irony in much of this,they don't like pig or crustations "because they claim they are scavengers"yet the biggest carnivores and scavengers are the very humans that gorge on flesh........often human flesh in another time and infact in West Irianjia they were headhunters and canibals until circa 1930's.

The Best cuts of Pork are a very none fattening white meat..........Some people should stop living by these ridiculous ancient customs and get in the Real World...it is 2012 all said and done.just saying ps GOODNESS CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats bullshit really,what about the average Americans rights,you know the silent majority........???????? steve,trust you are keeping well Lumpy.......but I can't agree with you on this

I don't mind disagreement as long as it's civil...

I never said I didn't like pork..We enjoy it quite often as a matter of fact..

When it comes to life sameness is fine but diversity of cultures, ideas, beliefs and such, makes for a far more interesting world and provokes the mind to exploration and learning.

For me.. government is an instrument for the people not the other way around..I wouldn't be to hasty in relinquishing the rights of the people in their diversity to a centralized power even if it fits yours or the majorities agenda... America ?
If the Government or Obama decides that pork is a great menu item and is required for a balanced diet.

Should the various religions be forced to bypass their faith and doctrines at their various facilities, if they accept government funds.?

I think it's an invasion of their constitutional rights, myself..

(Many can say this could never happen but.....are you certain..?)

-----------------------------a little info...

Some religions of the world forbid the eating of pork - the flesh of a pig.

In some countries around the world, eating meat is taboo. Other countries exhibit differences in their preferences for meat. The Japanese, for example, generally rank beef first, followed by pork, chicken, whale meat, lamb and mutton, goat and horsemeat.

All 'clean' animals are ruminants. That is they have four stomachs. This ensures a much more thorough processing of food than is possible with one stomach, and less pollutants are stored in the flesh. It has also been discovered that ruminants are not subject to flesh worms. These can be acquired from eating the flesh of almost every other animal. The pig which got special mention as 'unclean' stores poisons in its body fat. A snake cannot kill a pig. The poison is just stored in the fat under the skin and is ingested by anything that subsequently eats that pig. Many outback Australian properties keep pet pigs around the home buildings to deal with snakes which come in plague proportions when the cracks in the ground, where they live, are closed by the swelling of the earth after rainfall.

The Bible

In the Bible/Torah/Koran pork has been condemned as unclean. Believers should not eat or even touch the carcass of a pig. Hence, the Target stores employees from Somalia requesting not to have to touch pork at the check out line. I am not going to berate anyone for his or her beliefs. This is a free country. Their qualms, caused me to think, why pork?


Pork has also been added to the list of these prohibitions of Islam. Due to this addition of pork in the Quranic list of prohibitions the Muslims do not eat pork. As far as the reasons for this disallowance or prohibition, the Quran has not clearly explained it. Nevertheless, because the Quran has clearly mentioned that the prohibitions are due to their inherent physical or spiritual uncleanness or due to the negative effects that something may have on the morality of individuals, it may be derived that the reason for the prohibition of pork also belongs to one of the two categories.

In Islam, The Holy Quran mentions the prohibition of the flesh of swine is at three different places; in chapter 2 verse 173, chapter 6:145 and in chapter 16 verse 115 where God says, "Allah (God) has forbidden you only what dies of itself and blood and the flesh of swine and that over which any other name than that of Allah has been invoked; but whoever is driven to(it), not desiring nor exceeding the limit, then surely Allah is forgiving, merciful." The phrase 'driven to need' also deserves some explanation. In instances such as a famine, when there is nothing else to eat, pork may be eaten just enough to save a life. If a man threatens to kill a Muslim and forces him to eat pork he can eat pork. This may sound strange but numerous incidents involving the above mentioned situations do take place.

The abstention from eating pork is just one of the steps taken by Islam to practice hygiene and to attain "purity of human nature". The nature of a pig is a very disgusting one. The pig is naturally lazy and indulgent in sex. It dislikes sun-light and lacks the spirit and will to 'fight'. The older it grows, the lazier it gets. It eats almost anything, be it faeces or anything dirty. It prefers dirty places to clean ones. It eats and sleeps only and hates to move around. It is the most avaricious of all domestic animals. Some people argue that the 'modern pig' is given only clean food and therefore its flesh should be consumable. The answer to this argument is this: you feed the pig with wholesome mash but you cannot change its nature. It is still a pig. A pig is not a plant that you can change by bud-grafting.


The law of health—the Word of Wisdom—contains the laws for proper eating and the rules of abstinence for tobacco, alcohol, coffee, tea, chocolate, and illegal drugs. Mormons must choose foods that build up the body, improve endurance, and enhance intellect. Products from the land, such as grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts, are to take the place of meats; meats, sugar, cheeses, and spices are to be avoided. Reason and self-control in eating is expected in order to stay healthy.


Many Far Eastern traditions also discourage the eating of pork. The 3,000 year old Confucian Book of Rites says, "A gentleman does not eat the flesh of pigs and dogs." Although many Chinese are avid eaters of pork today, physicians of ancient China recognized pork-eating as the root of many human ailments. Buddhists, Jains and Hindus usually avoid eating any kind of meat. Many Buddhists are vegetarians, though some include fish in their diet. Most do not eat meat and abstain from all beef products. The birth, enlightenment, and death of Buddha are the three most commonly recognized festivals for feasting, resting from work, or fasting. Buddhist monks fast completely on certain days of the moon, and they routinely avoid eating any solid foods after the noon hour.

Pork and Religion
Lumpy Pork is Great Meat,and pigs are such intelligent animals,they get such a BAD RAP,which you are perpetuating in a way..
Quite frankly I'm getting sick of hearing about offending different cultures and religions re their preference to eating certain animals,there is an irony in much of this,they don't like pig or crustations "because they claim they are scavengers"yet the biggest carnivores and scavengers are the very humans that gorge on flesh........often human flesh in another time and infact in West Irianjia they were headhunters and canibals until circa 1930's.

The Best cuts of Pork are a very none fattening white meat..........Some people should stop living by these ridiculous ancient customs and get in the Real World...it is 2012 all said and done.just saying ps GOODNESS CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats bullshit really,what about the average Americans rights,you know the silent majority........???????? steve,trust you are keeping well Lumpy.......but I can't agree with you on this

I don't mind disagreement as long as it's civil...

I never said I didn't like pork..We enjoy it quite often as a matter of fact..

When it comes to life sameness is fine but diversity of cultures, ideas, beliefs and such, makes for a far more interesting world and provokes the mind to exploration and learning.

For me.. government is an instrument for the people not the other way around..I wouldn't be to hasty in relinquishing the rights of the people in their diversity to a centralized power even if it fits yours or the majorities agenda... America ?
Lumpy,and that being the truth,not many Politicians think they serve the people...They may Lip-Scynk It but they don't live by it,and never would.Thanks,keep well steve:cool:
If the Government or Obama decides that pork is a great menu item and is required for a balanced diet.

Should the various religions be forced to bypass their faith and doctrines at their various facilities, if they accept government funds.?


Instead of reminding us of how retarded you are, why don't you use a plausible real life example.

Should a Muslim cab driver have the right to turn away fares who are transporting alcohol, on the grounds that such transport violates his religion,

and still keep his job with the cab company?
Lumpy Pork is Great Meat,and pigs are such intelligent animals,they get such a BAD RAP,which you are perpetuating in a way..
Quite frankly I'm getting sick of hearing about offending different cultures and religions re their preference to eating certain animals,there is an irony in much of this,they don't like pig or crustations "because they claim they are scavengers"yet the biggest carnivores and scavengers are the very humans that gorge on flesh........often human flesh in another time and infact in West Irianjia they were headhunters and canibals until circa 1930's.

The Best cuts of Pork are a very none fattening white meat..........Some people should stop living by these ridiculous ancient customs and get in the Real World...it is 2012 all said and done.just saying ps GOODNESS CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats bullshit really,what about the average Americans rights,you know the silent majority........???????? steve,trust you are keeping well Lumpy.......but I can't agree with you on this

I don't mind disagreement as long as it's civil...

I never said I didn't like pork..We enjoy it quite often as a matter of fact..

When it comes to life sameness is fine but diversity of cultures, ideas, beliefs and such, makes for a far more interesting world and provokes the mind to exploration and learning.

For me.. government is an instrument for the people not the other way around..I wouldn't be to hasty in relinquishing the rights of the people in their diversity to a centralized power even if it fits yours or the majorities agenda... America ?
Lumpy,and that being the truth,not many Politicians think they serve the people...They may Lip-Scynk It but they don't live by it,and never would.Thanks,keep well steve:cool:

Yup.. it's pretty obvious that you are correct...

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