NBC fudges transcript to protect Obama.


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
So, I'm reading this thread...http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/235904-bush-did-not-break-it-over-night.html...and I see The T has posted this:

So I say to myself, Self...you should find the transcript of this exchange and post it in a quote of The T's post for those who can't, won't or don't play the video clip...

And lo and behold, what do I find, but an NBC Today Show official transcript with a key word, a word that anyone with ears can plainly hear...has been left out. :confused:

MATT LAUER: At some point will you say, "Wait a minute, we've spent this amount of money. We're not seeing the results. We've got to change course dramatically?"

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Look, I'm at the start of my administration. One nice thing about — the situation I find myself in is that I will be held accountable. You know, I've got four years. And —

MATT LAUER: You're gonna know quickly how people feel —

PRESIDENT OBAMA: — and — and —

MATT LAUER: — about what —

PRESIDENT OBAMA: that's exactly right. And — and, you know, a year from now I think people — are gonna see that — we're starting to make some progress. But there's still gonna be some pain out there. If I don't have this done in three years, then there's gonna be a one-term proposition.
When you watch the video, Matt Lauer clearly says "You'll know quickly how people feel about what's happening."

Why leave out that clearly audible word "happening"?

IMO, they failed to transcribe the exchange accurately intentionally, to protect Obama...again.

That one word changes the entire context of Obama's reply.

Instead of TANF or stimulus, Obama is clearly responding to Lauer's statement that he will surely know how the people feel about his handling of the economy by "how people feel about what is happening" in general over the next four years...

And Obama replies "Exactly", if the people aren't happy with what is happening in four years, they will show by not re-electing him, making his Presidency a one term proposition.

Do you have another reasonable explanation why the transcript doesn't match the audio? I'd love to hear it.

Here is the video clip from the Today Show interview, Matt Lauer and President Obama:

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NBC included the irrelevant Obama quote "yes, yes...".

Why did they exclude the word "happening"?
NBC jumped the shark long ago.

Does anyone besides foaming at the mouth moonbats take them seriously?
Let's see...I think it was "time constraints" or something like that when they got caught a while ago.

Or, maybe Andrea had it right what with all the presidential fund raising trips and golf and vacations and working on the old jumper, all while focused like a laser on jobs or the economy or something right up until the first pitch of the next White Sox game, and time to sneak a couple of dogs and cheese nachos and a few beers without Michelle's ample ass finding out about it.

Gonna be a lot harder hiding out from her come next January, Barry.

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