National Science Foundation Wasting Millions On Diversity


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Yeah why, well what do you expect from people that don't know climate changes...

July 26, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

It's 2017. And this sort of thing should not be happening anymore.

Millions from the National Science Foundation are being funneled into left-wing social justice work. It's a criminal waste of money and resources. All this from the folks who claim to love science.


Because that's what we need in the field. Not talent. Not merit. Diversity.


So almost a million dollars in taxpayer money will be funneled into campus intimidation.

According to the NSF website...


The question is why is she still at the NSF?


Here's Cordoba telling Congress about the NSF's cuts.


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LOL 'Dark Money' manages the right wing mind today. Kinda funny the nonsense that upsets them. Anything at all keeps them occupied and unaware of the real world, it is a grand comedy that plays them while the fox laughs all the way to the bank.

Dark Money

pps 359 360 'Dark Money' Jane Mayer

"The Great Recession had wiped out some $9 tillion in household wealth. But after forty years, the conservative non-profit ecosystem had grown quite adept at waging battles of ideas. The think tanks, advocacy groups, and talking heads on the right sprang into action, shaping a political narrative that staved off the kind of course correction that might otherwise have been expected.

A key skirmish in this battle was the reframing of the history of the 2008 economic crash. From an empirical standpoint, it was hard to see it as anything other than a wipeout for the proponents of free-market fundamentalism and an argument for stronger government regulations. Like the Great Depression, it might have been expected to produce a backlash against those seen as irresponsible profiteers, resulting in more government intervention and a fairer tax system.

Joseph Stiglitz, the liberal economist, described the 2008 financial meltdown as the equivalent for free-market advocates to the fall of the Berlin Wall for Communists. Even the former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, Washington's free-market wise man nonpareil, admitted that he'd been wrong in thinking Adam Smith's invisible hand would save business from its own self-destruction. Potentially, the disaster was a "teachable moment" from which the country's economic conservatives could learn. This is not what happened, however. They instead started with their preferred conclusion and worked backward to reach it.

In what the economic writer and asset manager Barry Ritholtz labeled Wall Street's "big lie," scholars at conservative think tanks argued that the problem had been too much government, not too little. The lead role in the revisionism was played by the American Enterprise Institute, whose board was stocked with financial industry titans, many of whom were free-market zealots and regulars at the Koch donor seminars."
The quest for "diversity" is an insult to the quest for excellence. This is not opinion it is fact.

If you have any reward, whether it is a job offer, a promotion, admission to a school or a program, or a work reassignment, and the qualifications for that benefit are measurable, then you can either:

(i) award it to the most qualified person, or
(ii) award it to someone who makes the organization more diverse.

Hence, the quest for diversity is the enemy of the quest for excellence.

Fact, not opinion.
LOL 'Dark Money' manages the right wing mind today. Kinda funny the nonsense that upsets them. Anything at all keeps them occupied and unaware of the real world, it is a grand comedy that plays them while the fox laughs all the way to the bank.

Dark Money

pps 359 360 'Dark Money' Jane Mayer

"The Great Recession had wiped out some $9 tillion in household wealth. But after forty years, the conservative non-profit ecosystem had grown quite adept at waging battles of ideas. The think tanks, advocacy groups, and talking heads on the right sprang into action, shaping a political narrative that staved off the kind of course correction that might otherwise have been expected.

A key skirmish in this battle was the reframing of the history of the 2008 economic crash. From an empirical standpoint, it was hard to see it as anything other than a wipeout for the proponents of free-market fundamentalism and an argument for stronger government regulations. Like the Great Depression, it might have been expected to produce a backlash against those seen as irresponsible profiteers, resulting in more government intervention and a fairer tax system.

Joseph Stiglitz, the liberal economist, described the 2008 financial meltdown as the equivalent for free-market advocates to the fall of the Berlin Wall for Communists. Even the former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, Washington's free-market wise man nonpareil, admitted that he'd been wrong in thinking Adam Smith's invisible hand would save business from its own self-destruction. Potentially, the disaster was a "teachable moment" from which the country's economic conservatives could learn. This is not what happened, however. They instead started with their preferred conclusion and worked backward to reach it.

In what the economic writer and asset manager Barry Ritholtz labeled Wall Street's "big lie," scholars at conservative think tanks argued that the problem had been too much government, not too little. The lead role in the revisionism was played by the American Enterprise Institute, whose board was stocked with financial industry titans, many of whom were free-market zealots and regulars at the Koch donor seminars."
LOL 'Dark Money' manages the right wing mind today. Kinda funny the nonsense that upsets them. Anything at all keeps them occupied and unaware of the real world, it is a grand comedy that plays them while the fox laughs all the way to the bank.

Dark Money

pps 359 360 'Dark Money' Jane Mayer

"The Great Recession had wiped out some $9 tillion in household wealth. But after forty years, the conservative non-profit ecosystem had grown quite adept at waging battles of ideas. The think tanks, advocacy groups, and talking heads on the right sprang into action, shaping a political narrative that staved off the kind of course correction that might otherwise have been expected.

A key skirmish in this battle was the reframing of the history of the 2008 economic crash. From an empirical standpoint, it was hard to see it as anything other than a wipeout for the proponents of free-market fundamentalism and an argument for stronger government regulations. Like the Great Depression, it might have been expected to produce a backlash against those seen as irresponsible profiteers, resulting in more government intervention and a fairer tax system.

Joseph Stiglitz, the liberal economist, described the 2008 financial meltdown as the equivalent for free-market advocates to the fall of the Berlin Wall for Communists. Even the former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, Washington's free-market wise man nonpareil, admitted that he'd been wrong in thinking Adam Smith's invisible hand would save business from its own self-destruction. Potentially, the disaster was a "teachable moment" from which the country's economic conservatives could learn. This is not what happened, however. They instead started with their preferred conclusion and worked backward to reach it.

In what the economic writer and asset manager Barry Ritholtz labeled Wall Street's "big lie," scholars at conservative think tanks argued that the problem had been too much government, not too little. The lead role in the revisionism was played by the American Enterprise Institute, whose board was stocked with financial industry titans, many of whom were free-market zealots and regulars at the Koch donor seminars."
Save that long winded b/s for your blog or the other forums you grace with your rabidness...

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