National Review: Anchor Babies are who we are


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Constitutional Originalism Requires Birthright Citizenship | National Review

No law has ever been passed making anchor babies citizens. No court has so ruled. National Review: "Anchor babies are who we are"!

The citizenship of anchor babies was invented by Justice William Brennan in a FOOTNOTE. National Review should search all of this lunatic's footnotes & start announcing new founding principles.
Constitutional Originalism Requires Birthright Citizenship | National Review

No law has ever been passed making anchor babies citizens. No court has so ruled. National Review: "Anchor babies are who we are"!

The citizenship of anchor babies was invented by Justice William Brennan in a FOOTNOTE. National Review should search all of this lunatic's footnotes & start announcing new founding principles.
The citizenship of "anchor babies" was clearly described in the Constitution. Pass an amendment if you don't like it.
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Constitutional Originalism Requires Birthright Citizenship | National Review

No law has ever been passed making anchor babies citizens. No court has so ruled. National Review: "Anchor babies are who we are"!

The citizenship of anchor babies was invented by Justice William Brennan in a FOOTNOTE. National Review should search all of this lunatic's footnotes & start announcing new founding principles.
The citizenship of "anchor babies" was clearly described in the Constitution. Pass an amendment if you don't like it.
the constitution is not a suicide pact
Constitutional Originalism Requires Birthright Citizenship | National Review

No law has ever been passed making anchor babies citizens. No court has so ruled. National Review: "Anchor babies are who we are"!

The citizenship of anchor babies was invented by Justice William Brennan in a FOOTNOTE. National Review should search all of this lunatic's footnotes & start announcing new founding principles.
The citizenship of "anchor babies" was clearly described in the Constitution. Pass an amendment if you don't like it.
That needs to be abolished if you quit giving rewards to sneak in to America they'll quit coming.
Constitutional Originalism Requires Birthright Citizenship | National Review

No law has ever been passed making anchor babies citizens. No court has so ruled. National Review: "Anchor babies are who we are"!

The citizenship of anchor babies was invented by Justice William Brennan in a FOOTNOTE. National Review should search all of this lunatic's footnotes & start announcing new founding principles.
The citizenship of "anchor babies" was clearly described in the Constitution. Pass an amendment if you don't like it.
the constitution is not a suicide pact
A tad melodramatic, ya think?
Constitutional Originalism Requires Birthright Citizenship | National Review

No law has ever been passed making anchor babies citizens. No court has so ruled. National Review: "Anchor babies are who we are"!

The citizenship of anchor babies was invented by Justice William Brennan in a FOOTNOTE. National Review should search all of this lunatic's footnotes & start announcing new founding principles.
The citizenship of "anchor babies" was clearly described in the Constitution. Pass an amendment if you don't like it.
That needs to be abolished if you quit giving rewards to sneak in to America they'll quit coming.
I've thought of that solution, actually--didn't know Harry Reid thought of it first. It is abused by folks from China as well as south of the border. But the solution? If the parents are here legally, they should of course become citizens. A lot of folks come here, achieve permanent status but never follow through with becoming citizens. That should also be their right, if they are here legally. Maybe if a child is born to parents here illegally, that child should take on the citizenship of their mother's country. But that would cause a whole lot of children in this country to be born without prenatal care or even a midwife. I don't think the medical profession would play along with that outcome.
Constitutional Originalism Requires Birthright Citizenship | National Review

No law has ever been passed making anchor babies citizens. No court has so ruled. National Review: "Anchor babies are who we are"!

The citizenship of anchor babies was invented by Justice William Brennan in a FOOTNOTE. National Review should search all of this lunatic's footnotes & start announcing new founding principles.
The citizenship of "anchor babies" was clearly described in the Constitution. Pass an amendment if you don't like it.

The citizenship of "anchor babies" was clearly described in the Constitution.

You're partially right.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

This shows that since their parents aren't "subject to the jurisdiction thereof", anchor babies aren't US citizens.
Constitutional Originalism Requires Birthright Citizenship | National Review

No law has ever been passed making anchor babies citizens. No court has so ruled. National Review: "Anchor babies are who we are"!

The citizenship of anchor babies was invented by Justice William Brennan in a FOOTNOTE. National Review should search all of this lunatic's footnotes & start announcing new founding principles.

Dear basquebromance and OldLady
Whether born here or not, the real issue at stake is whether
people teach and enforce Constitutional laws and principles as the foundation of our govt and nation.

That's where we are killing this country, by not teaching and following the laws that make
our govt and country so great.

Make America Great Again means to restore this knowledge and honor in our traditions.

Crazy how both left and right talking heads
accuse the other party leaders of not following the Constitution.

If they both followed it, we'd be in agreement on what laws should be public policy,
and we wouldn't be in this mess we are in, both blaming the "other party" for obstruction or abuse of govt at taxpayers' expense!
Constitutional Originalism Requires Birthright Citizenship | National Review

No law has ever been passed making anchor babies citizens. No court has so ruled. National Review: "Anchor babies are who we are"!

The citizenship of anchor babies was invented by Justice William Brennan in a FOOTNOTE. National Review should search all of this lunatic's footnotes & start announcing new founding principles.
The citizenship of "anchor babies" was clearly described in the Constitution. Pass an amendment if you don't like it.

The citizenship of "anchor babies" was clearly described in the Constitution.

You're partially right.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

This shows that since their parents aren't "subject to the jurisdiction thereof", anchor babies aren't US citizens.
It doesn't say that, though. It doesn't say anything about the parents. I'm not being simplistic either. It doesn't say it.
Constitutional Originalism Requires Birthright Citizenship | National Review

No law has ever been passed making anchor babies citizens. No court has so ruled. National Review: "Anchor babies are who we are"!

The citizenship of anchor babies was invented by Justice William Brennan in a FOOTNOTE. National Review should search all of this lunatic's footnotes & start announcing new founding principles.

I wish we could import more hard working citizens into this area. We have row after row of unkept houses worth the same as a 10 year old SUV. Even the neighboring white flight county has subdivisions of 1200 sq ft houses decaying.

How do we sign up to import anchor babies or whatever? I fear the strain is growing weak and we need new blood!
Constitutional Originalism Requires Birthright Citizenship | National Review

No law has ever been passed making anchor babies citizens. No court has so ruled. National Review: "Anchor babies are who we are"!

The citizenship of anchor babies was invented by Justice William Brennan in a FOOTNOTE. National Review should search all of this lunatic's footnotes & start announcing new founding principles.
The citizenship of "anchor babies" was clearly described in the Constitution. Pass an amendment if you don't like it.

The citizenship of "anchor babies" was clearly described in the Constitution.

You're partially right.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

This shows that since their parents aren't "subject to the jurisdiction thereof", anchor babies aren't US citizens.
It doesn't say that, though. It doesn't say anything about the parents. I'm not being simplistic either. It doesn't say it.

It doesn't say anything about the parents.

What do you suppose this means?

" and subject to the jurisdiction thereof"
Constitutional Originalism Requires Birthright Citizenship | National Review

No law has ever been passed making anchor babies citizens. No court has so ruled. National Review: "Anchor babies are who we are"!

The citizenship of anchor babies was invented by Justice William Brennan in a FOOTNOTE. National Review should search all of this lunatic's footnotes & start announcing new founding principles.
The citizenship of "anchor babies" was clearly described in the Constitution. Pass an amendment if you don't like it.

The citizenship of "anchor babies" was clearly described in the Constitution.

You're partially right.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

This shows that since their parents aren't "subject to the jurisdiction thereof", anchor babies aren't US citizens.
It doesn't say that, though. It doesn't say anything about the parents. I'm not being simplistic either. It doesn't say it.

It doesn't say anything about the parents.

What do you suppose this means?

" and subject to the jurisdiction thereof"

I dunno. Just get me more 'mericans. We don't have enough babies over here to support how fast we rezone farmland into houses and we have to do ridiculous things with interest rates and loans to maintain property values.
Constitutional Originalism Requires Birthright Citizenship | National Review

No law has ever been passed making anchor babies citizens. No court has so ruled. National Review: "Anchor babies are who we are"!

The citizenship of anchor babies was invented by Justice William Brennan in a FOOTNOTE. National Review should search all of this lunatic's footnotes & start announcing new founding principles.
The citizenship of "anchor babies" was clearly described in the Constitution. Pass an amendment if you don't like it.

The citizenship of "anchor babies" was clearly described in the Constitution.

You're partially right.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

This shows that since their parents aren't "subject to the jurisdiction thereof", anchor babies aren't US citizens.
It doesn't say that, though. It doesn't say anything about the parents. I'm not being simplistic either. It doesn't say it.

It doesn't say anything about the parents.

What do you suppose this means?

" and subject to the jurisdiction thereof"
It refers to the United States, doesn't it?
Constitutional Originalism Requires Birthright Citizenship | National Review

No law has ever been passed making anchor babies citizens. No court has so ruled. National Review: "Anchor babies are who we are"!

The citizenship of anchor babies was invented by Justice William Brennan in a FOOTNOTE. National Review should search all of this lunatic's footnotes & start announcing new founding principles.
The citizenship of "anchor babies" was clearly described in the Constitution. Pass an amendment if you don't like it.

The citizenship of "anchor babies" was clearly described in the Constitution.

You're partially right.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

This shows that since their parents aren't "subject to the jurisdiction thereof", anchor babies aren't US citizens.
It doesn't say that, though. It doesn't say anything about the parents. I'm not being simplistic either. It doesn't say it.

It doesn't say anything about the parents.

What do you suppose this means?

" and subject to the jurisdiction thereof"

I dunno. Just get me more 'mericans. We don't have enough babies over here to support how fast we rezone farmland into houses and we have to do ridiculous things with interest rates and loans to maintain property values.

I dunno.

No idea at all?
Constitutional Originalism Requires Birthright Citizenship | National Review

No law has ever been passed making anchor babies citizens. No court has so ruled. National Review: "Anchor babies are who we are"!

The citizenship of anchor babies was invented by Justice William Brennan in a FOOTNOTE. National Review should search all of this lunatic's footnotes & start announcing new founding principles.
The citizenship of "anchor babies" was clearly described in the Constitution. Pass an amendment if you don't like it.

The citizenship of "anchor babies" was clearly described in the Constitution.

You're partially right.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

This shows that since their parents aren't "subject to the jurisdiction thereof", anchor babies aren't US citizens.
It doesn't say that, though. It doesn't say anything about the parents. I'm not being simplistic either. It doesn't say it.

It doesn't say anything about the parents.

What do you suppose this means?

" and subject to the jurisdiction thereof"
It refers to the United States, doesn't it?

Yes, the US Constitution refers to the United States.
Constitutional Originalism Requires Birthright Citizenship | National Review

No law has ever been passed making anchor babies citizens. No court has so ruled. National Review: "Anchor babies are who we are"!

The citizenship of anchor babies was invented by Justice William Brennan in a FOOTNOTE. National Review should search all of this lunatic's footnotes & start announcing new founding principles.

Stop using pejorative terminology about my fellow citizens.
Constitutional Originalism Requires Birthright Citizenship | National Review

No law has ever been passed making anchor babies citizens. No court has so ruled. National Review: "Anchor babies are who we are"!

The citizenship of anchor babies was invented by Justice William Brennan in a FOOTNOTE. National Review should search all of this lunatic's footnotes & start announcing new founding principles.
The citizenship of "anchor babies" was clearly described in the Constitution. Pass an amendment if you don't like it.
the constitution is not a suicide pact

And bumper sticker slogans are not political analysis, professor.
Make it a case of child abuse with severe punishment.

Child Abusing Foreign Born Mothers.jpg

#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #SOLUTIONS

Constitutional Originalism Requires Birthright Citizenship | National Review

No law has ever been passed making anchor babies citizens. No court has so ruled. National Review: "Anchor babies are who we are"!

The citizenship of anchor babies was invented by Justice William Brennan in a FOOTNOTE. National Review should search all of this lunatic's footnotes & start announcing new founding principles.
The citizenship of "anchor babies" was clearly described in the Constitution. Pass an amendment if you don't like it.

Actually, in context to when it was written, the Constitution makes reference to those “born in the United States’ in connection to ending slavery. It’s all a part of accurately interpreting the Constitution in the framework and intent when it was written. Otherwise, “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law”, as written would be interpreted to make abortion illegal. After all, it IS clearly described in the Constitution. I’m ok with that method of interpretation, if liberal progressives are saying that’s how we should do it.

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