National Institute of Health: No money for Ebola research, but $31 million for Diversity Grants


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2014
Francis Collins informed the world:

We should have something ready here,'" Collins told The Huffington Post on Friday. "Frankly, if we had not gone through our 10-year slide in research support, we probably would have had a vaccine in time for this that would've gone through clinical trials and would have been ready."

It's not just the production of a vaccine that has been hampered by money shortfalls. Collins also said that some therapeutics to fight Ebola "were on a slower track than would've been ideal, or that would have happened if we had been on a stable research support trajectory."
Last month the NIH saw fit to spend money on this:

The National Institutes of Health announced the award of nearly $31 million in fiscal year 2014 funds to develop new approaches that engage researchers, including those from backgrounds underrepresented in biomedical sciences, and prepare them to thrive in the NIH-funded workforce. These awards are part of a projected five-year program to support more than 50 awardees and partnering institutions in establishing a national consortium to develop, implement, and evaluate approaches to encourage individuals to start and stay in biomedical research careers. Supported by the NIH Common Fund and all NIH 27 institutes and centers
Multiculturalism sure is great. Now we get to see how the missions of organizations get corrupted in order to make multiculturalism work. It's more important to spend tax money to handhold unqualified black researchers and students to get them to the point where they might be barely qualified to be hired by the NIH than it is to do health research with qualified researchers working in labs where there is little diversity in personnel.

Funding which should be directed towards the mission of the organization, HEALTH RESEARCH, is instead being directed towards a social goal of enticing more minorities to enter the field by bribing them to do so.
Francis Collins informed the world:

We should have something ready here,'" Collins told The Huffington Post on Friday. "Frankly, if we had not gone through our 10-year slide in research support, we probably would have had a vaccine in time for this that would've gone through clinical trials and would have been ready."

It's not just the production of a vaccine that has been hampered by money shortfalls. Collins also said that some therapeutics to fight Ebola "were on a slower track than would've been ideal, or that would have happened if we had been on a stable research support trajectory."
Last month the NIH saw fit to spend money on this:

The National Institutes of Health announced the award of nearly $31 million in fiscal year 2014 funds to develop new approaches that engage researchers, including those from backgrounds underrepresented in biomedical sciences, and prepare them to thrive in the NIH-funded workforce. These awards are part of a projected five-year program to support more than 50 awardees and partnering institutions in establishing a national consortium to develop, implement, and evaluate approaches to encourage individuals to start and stay in biomedical research careers. Supported by the NIH Common Fund and all NIH 27 institutes and centers
Multiculturalism sure is great. Now we get to see how the missions of organizations get corrupted in order to make multiculturalism work. It's more important to spend tax money to handhold unqualified black researchers and students to get them to the point where they might be barely qualified to be hired by the NIH than it is to do health research with qualified researchers working in labs where there is little diversity in personnel.

Funding which should be directed towards the mission of the organization, HEALTH RESEARCH, is instead being directed towards a social goal of enticing more minorities to enter the field by bribing them to do so.
Multi-culturalism sure worked out fine for NASA, once the mission became to make Muslims feel good about themselves.

Why, they are kickin' ass everywhere!
You're ridiculous. The NIH is one of a handful of agencies in the world that have been working on ebola for years. This should be a good lesson for you republicans. Thank goodness the NIH gets federal funding because up until you all started wetting your pants there was no money to be made treating ebola. Thank a liberal there were existing policies and treatments in place to handle it.
I'm not sure how this thread got made. There's no doubt NIH funding was cut in response to "deficit reduction." And, various programs have been hurt. But currently ebola vacinations are being tested on humans.

NIH begins early human clinical trial of VSV Ebola vaccine
But then, you go from that misstated fact about no human testing to a link to a NIH presser about funding to encourage recruiting and retaining researchers from "under represented groups." And then link that to attacking "multi-culturalism." Did it EVER occur to you that with white males decreasing as a % of population, we're gonna need more researchers who aren't white males.

John Stewart come on down. LOL
I'm not sure how this thread got made. There's no doubt NIH funding was cut in response to "deficit reduction." And, various programs have been hurt. But currently ebola vacinations are being tested on humans.

NIH begins early human clinical trial of VSV Ebola vaccine
But then, you go from that misstated fact about no human testing to a link to a NIH presser about funding to encourage recruiting and retaining researchers from "under represented groups." And then link that to attacking "multi-culturalism." Did it EVER occur to you that with white males decreasing as a % of population, we're gonna need more researchers who aren't white males.

John Stewart come on down. LOL

The NIH is a not funded to perform Marxist "social justice" missions like paying black students to study science.

The racial composition of the research staff is immaterial to the mission of the NIH. Spending money on racial affirmative action programs runs counter to the stated mission of the NIH, which is research.

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