National Debt - Obama Worst Ever President


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
I will keep this simple for the dopey ignorant Liberals here:

When Obama took office the national debt was 10 Trillion and change
When Obama left office the national debt was 19.5 Trillion and change

Obama rang up as much debt as all presidents before him COMBINED.

When the economy finally implodes, you can all thank the Kenyan socialist pig who was more worried about sick pervert men using your daughters' bathrooms than he was about the national economy.

And the debt is now over $22 trillion. It's being run up even faster under the Trump administration and that was with two years of a Republican Congress.
I will keep this simple for the dopey ignorant Liberals here:

When Obama took office the national debt was 10 Trillion and change
When Obama left office the national debt was 19.5 Trillion and change

Obama rang up as much debt as all presidents before him COMBINED.

When the economy finally implodes, you can all thank the Kenyan socialist pig who was more worried about sick pervert men using your daughters' bathrooms than he was about the national economy.

nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

what happened to the Recession, right wingers?
And the debt is now over $22 trillion. It's being run up even faster under the Trump administration and that was with two years of a Republican Congress.

Feel free to tell us the last time the repubs didn't march in lockstep with the dems.

It is quite obvious to anyone with a functioning brain that there is a political class, and the rest of us. The two Party's are a smokescreen.

The ruling class swears allegiance to itself.
And the debt is now over $22 trillion. It's being run up even faster under the Trump administration and that was with two years of a Republican Congress.

Feel free to tell us the last time the repubs didn't march in lockstep with the dems.

It is quite obvious to anyone with a functioning brain that there is a political class, and the rest of us. The two Party's are a smokescreen.

The ruling class swears allegiance to itself.

That's the point I was making that apparently the OP is oblivious to
right wing fantasy, is all you have.

What I have is the great Ronald Reagan who created the greatest post WWII economic boom at the time, and Trump's now booming economy with a 50-year low unemployment number thanks to following very much in Reagan's footsteps.

All you have is ignorance and stupidity, the hallmark of the Democrat

It is so funny to see Libtards spew out hate and lies and stupidity, yet not one person refuted this fact:

I will keep this simple for the dopey ignorant Liberals here:
When Obama took office the national debt was 10 Trillion and change
When Obama left office the national debt was 19.5 Trillion and change
Obama rang up as much debt as all presidents before him COMBINED.
I will keep this simple for the dopey ignorant Liberals here:

When Obama took office the national debt was 10 Trillion and change
When Obama left office the national debt was 19.5 Trillion and change

Obama rang up as much debt as all presidents before him COMBINED.

When the economy finally implodes, you can all thank the Kenyan socialist pig who was more worried about sick pervert men using your daughters' bathrooms than he was about the national economy.

"Obama rang up as much debt as all presidents before him COMBINED."

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

Obama .......................................... $9.3 trillion
All other presidents combined ...$10.6 trillion

Oh, and in a good economy, trump is on pace to add $8.3 trillion over an 8 year period if he's in office as long as Obama was.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Debt is good again now to conservatives, huh?
Congress is to blame. Maybe Obama was OK with it? Trump also? Or Veto it. It is worse than reported from 2007 onwards. Lots of funny money being tossed around 2008-2012 $1.6T debt added one year?

If calendar quarters on the debt chart.....
About $9T at Chancies first debt impact Q3 2007
About $20T at Trumps first impact Q3 2017 at $22 Q1 2019.
Worthless RINO are bad too, but not as bad as Chancy.
I hope Trump takes an AX to them!

Debt interest costs are up 50% due to rising rates
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And the debt is now over $22 trillion. It's being run up even faster under the Trump administration and that was with two years of a Republican Congress.

You should call your congressman and demand he cut spending.
And the debt is now over $22 trillion.........

Because Trump now has to repair the military that the Kenyan pig destroyed, and other things too. That ain't cheap.

No tramp has not repaired the military, and also Obama inherited a nightmare of an economy, which tramp will also leave for his successor which will be a Democrat to pick up the pieces of what is left.

It is so funny to see Libtards spew out hate and lies and stupidity, yet not one person refuted this fact:

I will keep this simple for the dopey ignorant Liberals here:
When Obama took office the national debt was 10 Trillion and change
When Obama left office the national debt was 19.5 Trillion and change
Obama rang up as much debt as all presidents before him COMBINED.

Your delusions are not facts. :eusa_naughty:
When Obama took office the national debt was 10 Trillion and change
When Obama left office the national debt was 19.5 Trillion and change
Obama rang up as much debt as all presidents before him COMBINED.
Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

Then I guess you always lie.

Obama .......................................... $9.3 trillion
All other presidents combined ...$10.6 trillion

Oh the horror! I was off by a couple of bucks. Okay then:
Obama rang up just about as much debt as all presidents before him COMBINED.

Is that better? Is the little boo boo better? Would you like some dry panties now girlie-man?

What a beotch
When Obama took office the national debt was 10 Trillion and change
When Obama left office the national debt was 19.5 Trillion and change
Obama rang up as much debt as all presidents before him COMBINED.
Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

Then I guess you always lie.

Obama .......................................... $9.3 trillion
All other presidents combined ...$10.6 trillion

Oh the horror! I was off by a couple of bucks. Okay then:
Obama rang up just about as much debt as all presidents before him COMBINED.

Is that better? Is the little boo boo better? Would you like some dry panties now girlie-man?

What a beotch

And his are cherry picked numbers.

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