National Association of Manufacturers Report Shows Grim Economic Future


Aug 13, 2012
A Saner Place
The report called the potential job loss “dramatic” and said the economy could lose 3.6 million jobs by 2013 and in 2014, “the peak year of loss, employment is 5.7 million jobs lower relative to the baseline.” The unemployment level could be at nearly 12 percent in 2014 and remain poor through 2015.

“Even if the Administration and Congress resolve the uncertainty before the end of the year, economic growth already has sustained significant damage,” the report concluded. “The short-term fiscal contraction set for 2013 will trigger long-run durable losses to GDP, productivity, and real income.

“Even under the best-case scenario, it will take almost a decade for economic activity and employment to reach the levels they would have reached without a fiscal shock. While the spending cuts and tax increases reduce the federal deficit and debt, the substantial negative consequences of not addressing the end-of-year fiscal crisis before it happens will be

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I want to hear how this is all Obama's fault.

I want to hear how this is all Obama's fault.

He took responsibility. I believe even he said how everything would be great before the end of his first time. Oh, that's probably Bushs fault he said that?
I want to hear how this is all Obama's fault.

He took responsibility. I believe even he said how everything would be great before the end of his first time. Oh, that's probably Bushs fault he said that?

Lame, we are seeing a bunch of republicans trying to blame the "fiscal cliff" on Obama but I have yet to hear one explain exactly how a plan drawn up and passed by the republican house as a deal to get the debt ceiling raised is all his fault. They precipitated the debt ceiling "crisis", they kicked the can down the road to make it an election issue and then failed to even to do that.
I want to hear how this is all Obama's fault.

He took responsibility. I believe even he said how everything would be great before the end of his first time. Oh, that's probably Bushs fault he said that?

Lame, we are seeing a bunch of republicans trying to blame the "fiscal cliff" on Obama but I have yet to hear one explain exactly how a plan drawn up and passed by the republican house as a deal to get the debt ceiling raised is all his fault. They precipitated the debt ceiling "crisis", they kicked the can down the road to make it an election issue and then failed to even to do that.

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[ame=]Obama said he should serve only one term - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah I thought so, the truth hurts too much to even make a half-assed attempt.
The bottom line is the Republicans wanted only one thing and that has been the cause of all their actions: Obama must fail.
Who is it again that is unwilling to compromise? That unwillingness is what got our credit rating downgraded and if something is not done about it, it will happen again.
Who is it again that is unwilling to compromise? That unwillingness is what got our credit rating downgraded and if something is not done about it, it will happen again.

That would be Harry Reid and Obama.

The people put the Republicans in charge of the House of Representatives, and instead of compromising with the people's agenda, Harry Reid decided to simply destroy the time-honor process of compromise by simply shutting down government and letting Obama attempt to rule by Executive Order.

Worst Ever.
Who is it again that is unwilling to compromise? That unwillingness is what got our credit rating downgraded and if something is not done about it, it will happen again.

That would be Harry Reid and Obama.

The people put the Republicans in charge of the House of Representatives, and instead of compromising with the people's agenda, Harry Reid decided to simply destroy the time-honor process of compromise by simply shutting down government and letting Obama attempt to rule by Executive Order.

Worst Ever.

Not sure the people's agenda included playing chicken with government default, those teabagger neophytes elected in 2010 had no idea what they were doing using the debt ceiling raise as a political football. It seems the empty headed twits who voted for them are still clueless about why we stand on the edge of a "fiscal cliff" today and still looking to pin a disaster of their own making on the president.
Who is it again that is unwilling to compromise? That unwillingness is what got our credit rating downgraded and if something is not done about it, it will happen again.

That would be Harry Reid and Obama.

The people put the Republicans in charge of the House of Representatives, and instead of compromising with the people's agenda, Harry Reid decided to simply destroy the time-honor process of compromise by simply shutting down government and letting Obama attempt to rule by Executive Order.

Worst Ever.

Not sure the people's agenda included playing chicken with government default, those teabagger neophytes elected in 2010 had no idea what they were doing using the debt ceiling raise as a political football. It seems the empty headed twits who voted for them are still clueless about why we stand on the edge of a "fiscal cliff" today and still looking to pin a disaster of their own making on the president.

It is Harry Reid's Constitutional duty to pass a budget.

He was unwilling to fight thru the process - unlike every Congress which came before - because he knew he would have to compromise.

So he said 'Fuck you hard, America. No budget for you!'

Those are the immutable facts. Now, go out and shit on a police car.

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