Nation-Building: Yea or Nay?...

It appears that most Americans oppose Nation-Building. So why don't our politicians listen? Hmm?
No. Got no problem sending our military over and beating the shit out of someone when they deserve it, but nationa buildong no.

Iraq should have been handled by

A) Assassinate Saddam and his sons
B) Telling Iraq do what you want , but we'll kill the next guy if he get's out of line to
C) oh well that's it

Afghanistan a little easier

A) Hello is this Tehran? Yes? Well this is Washington DC , umm listen if one more god damned terrorist strikes an American target we're going to nuke your fucking asses back into the stone age, so I'd suggest you get a hold of whomever and make sure it doesn't happen.
B) Oh , what's that Tehran, you say no problem we'll never hear another peep out of the terrorists? Good deal.
I know where i stand on this one. I find it completely ludicrous that we're all over the World building other nations while ours is falling apart. I definitely vote Nay on Nation-Building. I would like to hear what others think though. Thanks.

No to nation building
It's amazing to me that so many oppose Nation-Building yet our politicians still don't listen. :(
It's amazing to me that so many oppose Nation-Building yet our politicians still don't listen. :(

A lot of people oppose abortion until their daughter gets pregnant. I lot of people oppose handguns until they are mugged. A lot of things look simple on paper until real life gets in the way. Same way with national interests. That being said, I'm against nation building.....but I'm not faced with having to make national security issues.
The thing some of you are forgetting is that essentially, the U.S. is Rome. When the military industrial complex profits so does the "homeland". That is business model after the cold war. This has nothing to do with morality, or good vs. evil.
I vote yes.....They will treat us as liberators

Probably the way the pakistani's will after cowards in the U.S. air force lob hell fire missiles at their kids from predator drones controlled 15K away. Yes, I'm sure it will me a mob of flag waving, freedom loving brown people turning out for that peace loving event.

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