Narrative Fail: Major Greenland Glacier Growing

From the top of your article

" Study authors and outside scientists think this is temporary"
From the top of your article

" Study authors and outside scientists think this is temporary"
Of course it is, due to cycles-

The research team combined earlier data on ocean temperature with data from the OMG mission, which has measured ocean temperature and salinity around the entire island for the last three summers. They found that in 2016, water in Jakobshavn's fjord cooled to temperatures not seen since the 1980s.

"Tracing the origin of the cold waters in front of Jakobshavn was a challenge," explained Ian Fenty of JPL, a co-author of the study. "There are enough observations to see the cooling but not really enough to figure out where it came from." Using an ocean model called Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO) to help fill in the gaps, the team traced the cool water upstream (toward the south) to a current that carries water around the southern tip of Greenland and northward along its west coast. In 2016, the water in this current cooled by more than 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit (1.5 degrees Celsius).

Although the last few winters were relatively mild in Greenland itself, they were much colder and windier than usual over the North Atlantic Ocean. The cold weather coincided with the switch in the NAO climate pattern. Under the influence of this change, the Atlantic Ocean near Greenland cooled by about 0.5 degrees Fahrenheit (1 degree Celsius) between 2013 and 2016. These generally cooler conditions set the stage for the rapid cooling of the ocean current in southwest Greenland in early 2016. The cooler waters arrived near Jakobshavn that summer, at the same time that Jakobshavn slowed dramatically.

The team suspects that both the widespread Atlantic cooling and the dramatic cooling of the waters that reached the glacier were driven by the shift in the NAO. If so, the cooling is temporary and warm waters will return when the NAO shifts to a warm phase once again.
The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is a periodic variation in the strengths and positions of the Icelandic Low and the Azores High. The Icelandic Low is a semi-permanent low pressure area sitting close to Iceland, while the Azores (Bermuda) High is a semi-permanent high near the Azores. The Icelandic Low and Azores High fluctuate in strength and position over a period of months and years, and their variations can have an effect on weather in the eastern United States by shifting the location of the jet stream which affects temperature and precipitation patterns over the southeastern United States. The fluctuations vary in their duration and strength from one swing to the next, which makes them difficult to use in detailed climate predictions.
North Atlantic Oscillation | North Carolina Climate Office
The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is a periodic variation in the strengths and positions of the Icelandic Low and the Azores High. The Icelandic Low is a semi-permanent low pressure area sitting close to Iceland, while the Azores (Bermuda) High is a semi-permanent high near the Azores. The Icelandic Low and Azores High fluctuate in strength and position over a period of months and years, and their variations can have an effect on weather in the eastern United States by shifting the location of the jet stream which affects temperature and precipitation patterns over the southeastern United States. The fluctuations vary in their duration and strength from one swing to the next, which makes them difficult to use in detailed climate predictions.
North Atlantic Oscillation | North Carolina Climate Office

I don't recall having even mentioned the NAO in months much less having used it as evidence of climate warming. However, if you'd like to talk about glacial dynamics in a global context, (you know, something a little more like the thread topic), we could do so.

Retreat of glaciers since 1850 - Wikipedia


Global glacial mass balance in the last fifty years, reported to the WGMS and NSIDC. The increasing downward trend in the late 1980s is symptomatic of the increased rate and number of retreating glaciers.
The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is a periodic variation in the strengths and positions of the Icelandic Low and the Azores High. The Icelandic Low is a semi-permanent low pressure area sitting close to Iceland, while the Azores (Bermuda) High is a semi-permanent high near the Azores. The Icelandic Low and Azores High fluctuate in strength and position over a period of months and years, and their variations can have an effect on weather in the eastern United States by shifting the location of the jet stream which affects temperature and precipitation patterns over the southeastern United States. The fluctuations vary in their duration and strength from one swing to the next, which makes them difficult to use in detailed climate predictions.
North Atlantic Oscillation | North Carolina Climate Office

I don't recall having even mentioned the NAO in months much less having used it as evidence of climate warming. However, if you'd like to talk about glacial dynamics in a global context, (you know, something a little more like the thread topic), we could do so.

Retreat of glaciers since 1850 - Wikipedia


Global glacial mass balance in the last fifty years, reported to the WGMS and NSIDC. The increasing downward trend in the late 1980s is symptomatic of the increased rate and number of retreating glaciers.
Address why the glacier is growing.
The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is a periodic variation in the strengths and positions of the Icelandic Low and the Azores High. The Icelandic Low is a semi-permanent low pressure area sitting close to Iceland, while the Azores (Bermuda) High is a semi-permanent high near the Azores. The Icelandic Low and Azores High fluctuate in strength and position over a period of months and years, and their variations can have an effect on weather in the eastern United States by shifting the location of the jet stream which affects temperature and precipitation patterns over the southeastern United States. The fluctuations vary in their duration and strength from one swing to the next, which makes them difficult to use in detailed climate predictions.
North Atlantic Oscillation | North Carolina Climate Office

I don't recall having even mentioned the NAO in months much less having used it as evidence of climate warming. However, if you'd like to talk about glacial dynamics in a global context, (you know, something a little more like the thread topic), we could do so.

Retreat of glaciers since 1850 - Wikipedia


Global glacial mass balance in the last fifty years, reported to the WGMS and NSIDC. The increasing downward trend in the late 1980s is symptomatic of the increased rate and number of retreating glaciers.
Address why the glacier is growing.

Increased precipitation.

Address why the world's glaciers as a whole are melting at an extraordinary rate.
The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is a periodic variation in the strengths and positions of the Icelandic Low and the Azores High. The Icelandic Low is a semi-permanent low pressure area sitting close to Iceland, while the Azores (Bermuda) High is a semi-permanent high near the Azores. The Icelandic Low and Azores High fluctuate in strength and position over a period of months and years, and their variations can have an effect on weather in the eastern United States by shifting the location of the jet stream which affects temperature and precipitation patterns over the southeastern United States. The fluctuations vary in their duration and strength from one swing to the next, which makes them difficult to use in detailed climate predictions.
North Atlantic Oscillation | North Carolina Climate Office

I don't recall having even mentioned the NAO in months much less having used it as evidence of climate warming. However, if you'd like to talk about glacial dynamics in a global context, (you know, something a little more like the thread topic), we could do so.

Retreat of glaciers since 1850 - Wikipedia


Global glacial mass balance in the last fifty years, reported to the WGMS and NSIDC. The increasing downward trend in the late 1980s is symptomatic of the increased rate and number of retreating glaciers.
Address why the glacier is growing.

Increased precipitation.

Address why the world's glaciers as a whole are melting at an extraordinary rate.
Because that’s what is referred to as “nature”

That's about as bogus an answer as you could have come up with.

The world's glaciers are melting at an extraordinary rate because the planet is warming at an extraordinary rate.
Then why does the lobster scream when I drop him in the boiling water?
While this particular glacier appears to be growing again, you guys need to remember that it was shrinking for years before that.

From the OP's link....................................

WASHINGTON — A major Greenland glacier that was one of the fastest shrinking ice and snow masses on Earth is growing again, a new NASA study finds.

The Jakobshavn glacier around 2012 was retreating about 1.8 miles and thinning nearly 130 feet annually. But it started growing again at about the same rate in the past two years, according to a study in Monday’s Nature Geoscience. Study authors and outside scientists think this is temporary.

While it may be growing again, scientists think this is temporary. And, quick question, has the glacier grown to it's original size yet? I'm guessing not, because the growth rate over the past 2 years is at about the same rate it was disappearing. But, it's been disappearing a lot longer than it has been growing. At least 5 years of shrinking (according to the article), but yet only 2 years of growth.

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