NAFTA live video testimony to be held tomorrow. Do your part and watch.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Last time they had businesses give testimony it was introduced by Wilbur Ross who read most if not all of the comments. He seems to have a hands-on commitment to the concerns of Americans.

Tomorrow there will be a plethora of groups and individuals making their argument regarding what changes they would like to see with NAFTA it will certainly be an educational process. If Americans don't do their part, you will be screwed for another 30 years your jobs shipped out to oblivion.

Here is the link to the regulation itself, I imagine that like last time the video feed will be on the landing page though I don't have any details about it. This is far too important an issue to not at least be informed about so if anyone searches for and/or finds the live link, please update the link here.

The United States intends to commence negotiations with Canada and Mexico regarding modernization of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The NAFTA was negotiated more than 25 years ago, and, while our economy and U.S. businesses have changed considerably over that period, NAFTA has not. The United States seeks to support higher-paying jobs in the United States and to grow the U.S. economy by improving U.S. opportunities under NAFTA. Our specific objectives for this negotiation will comply with the specific objectives set forth by Congress in section 102 of the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015. The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) is seeking public comments on matters relevant to the modernization of NAFTA in order to inform development of U.S. negotiating positions.

If you want to testify at the hearing, you must provide written notification and a summary of your testimony by Monday, June 12, 2017. Written comments also are due by Monday, June 12, 2017. A hearing will be held at 9 a.m. in the Main Hearing Room of the United States International Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW., Washington, DC 20436, on Tuesday, June 27, 2017.
Just curious, if you are a Canadian citizen why do you seemingly care so much about American politics/policy?

Because I am a whistleblower and Canada is violating NAFTA and presenting a National Security threat to America. Including; though not limited to, spreading of hatred against America, entering U.S corporations and interfering with their Right to Self Determination and management. Also, promoting interest in unions where no interest was naturally occurring within the business. This not only violates the spirit of the NAFTA agreement, but also Chapter 10 and 11 if I recall correctly and is runs contrary to WTO accepted practices. This doesn't even include illegal subsidies and outright purchasing of U.S jobs, especially in the auto manufacturing industry.

If America fails because nations like Canada Mexico and China undermine free market, capitalist premises, the West is in massive trouble. I've paid a steep price trying to receive accountability and justice, including my career, our home is at risk due to their efforts, my wifes health has suffered.

In short, I don't back down from anyone and I won't back down now from cowards who have misrepresented me and destroyed our life. I want to make sure America is well aware of what is going on. A dime in American workers pocket is one less dime in the pocket of the neo-communists in Canada and the security apparatus they allow to get away with such abuses against it's citizens and it's allies.

My dad used to tell me something when I was a young lad in the schoolyard, "let them start it and you finish it". Indeed.

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