Nadler...Don't Tax My Rich


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 15, 2009
Conservative part of the Northwest
Just heard this on Fox News, so it has to be a lie, I know, I know.
Does anyone on the left defend his position?

One irony of the tax increase that arrives on January 1 is that the it will hit residents of high-income, Democratic-leaning states like California, Connecticut, New Jersey and New York the hardest. This is a problem for pro-tax Democrats.
Enter New York Representative Jerrold Nadler, who wants to exempt his own six-figure constituents from the tax hike he supports. Mr. Nadler’s bill would “require the IRS to adjust tax brackets proportionally in regions where the average cost of living is higher than the national average.”

In other words, the various tax brackets would apply to residents in certain regions at higher income levels versus other parts of the country. A family with an income of $50,000 or even $1 million in Manhattan would pay less federal income tax than a family with the same earnings in Omaha. The bill is called the Tax Equity Act, but a more accurate title would be the Blue State Tax Preference Act. …
Congressman Nadler: “Don’t Tax My Rich”
Republicans and Democrats; libs and cons all go to the same source for campaign cash.

The richest one percent of people in this country are putting the finishing touches on a shadow nation "where the top 1% control $17 trillion in wealth, have their own health care system...and language."

Republicans and Democrats speak that language.
Elected conservatives and liberals are all on the same page in the class war.
Conservative and liberal voters need to figure that out and vote accordingly.

Possibly by FLUSHING the DC Toilet in 2010.
Remove as many elected Republicans AND Democrats as possible for congress and replace them with Greens, Libertarians or whatever.

Yes it's a political leap of faith...

But there is real potential for Change both sides can believe in and Hope for.

The Dooh Nibor Economy
This is Jerold Nadler a while back. He was so morbidly obese that he could not make it up even a single flight of stairs to the second floor of the Capitol to vote on the House floor. He used the elevator instead. He weighed 340 lbs.

He had his stomach stapled so that he could lose weight. He lost around 65 lbs and now looks like this.

So what is the point? Nadler is a perfect example of a glutton. He could not help himself and literally ate like a pig at a trough. He worked in the perfect place, a place where gluttony is common - the federal government. He was such an undisciplined slop that the only thing that could save him was surgery!

We have a perfect parallel in Government today. The political class has no discipline - they are disgusting pigs stuffing themselves on public pork. It is time for these gluttonous pigs in DC to get their stomachs stapled. We need a constitutional amendment that requires a BALANCED BUDGET. WE NEED TO CUT SPENDING.

Tax rates are fine. We do not have an income problem - we have a SPENDING problem.
Yet, no liberals care to respond to this post.....interesting.
With the "Liberal" Obama reneging on more campaign promises by pushing NAFTA-like trade agreements with South Korea, Panama and Colombia while unemployment and other economic crisis persist at home, USAID has just launched a $22 million program to train workers, "including 3,000 specialists in IT and related functions, in South Asia."

After US taxpayers fund their training these specialists "will be placed with outsourcing vendors in the region that provide offshore IT and business services to American companies looking to take advantage of the Asian subcontinent's low labor costs."

For close to forty years "liberals" like Obama or Clinton and "conservatives" like Cheney or Reagan have presided over a relentlessly widening wealth gap between the richest 1% of US citizens and everyone else.

One of the common tools employed by cons and libs has been using foreign aid money to specifically help US corporations "take advantage of low labor costs" in the developing world.

This has produced a wealth gap that currently stands where it was in 1929 and shows no sign of closing.

Progressive taxation is one peaceful option for closing the wealth gap, and it's one many conservative populists could have supported a century ago.

What about today?

Obama Launches New Program
Just heard this on Fox News, so it has to be a lie, I know, I know.
Does anyone on the left defend his position?

One irony of the tax increase that arrives on January 1 is that the it will hit residents of high-income, Democratic-leaning states like California, Connecticut, New Jersey and New York the hardest. This is a problem for pro-tax Democrats.
Enter New York Representative Jerrold Nadler, who wants to exempt his own six-figure constituents from the tax hike he supports. Mr. Nadler’s bill would “require the IRS to adjust tax brackets proportionally in regions where the average cost of living is higher than the national average.”

In other words, the various tax brackets would apply to residents in certain regions at higher income levels versus other parts of the country. A family with an income of $50,000 or even $1 million in Manhattan would pay less federal income tax than a family with the same earnings in Omaha. The bill is called the Tax Equity Act, but a more accurate title would be the Blue State Tax Preference Act. …
Congressman Nadler: “Don’t Tax My Rich”

I'm just thrilled that finally a right winger admits that the BLUE STATES are more productive and pay more taxes than the RED STATES.

Finally we can put to bed the pernicious myth that the poor vote D and the rich vote R.

If that were really true then the South would be solidly D and the coasts would be solidly R.

Hats off to you for finally acknowledging the truth.

As to the variance in tax rates depending on cost of living?

Bad idea, I think.
Just heard this on Fox News, so it has to be a lie, I know, I know.
Does anyone on the left defend his position?

One irony of the tax increase that arrives on January 1 is that the it will hit residents of high-income, Democratic-leaning states like California, Connecticut, New Jersey and New York the hardest. This is a problem for pro-tax Democrats.
Enter New York Representative Jerrold Nadler, who wants to exempt his own six-figure constituents from the tax hike he supports. Mr. Nadler’s bill would “require the IRS to adjust tax brackets proportionally in regions where the average cost of living is higher than the national average.”

In other words, the various tax brackets would apply to residents in certain regions at higher income levels versus other parts of the country. A family with an income of $50,000 or even $1 million in Manhattan would pay less federal income tax than a family with the same earnings in Omaha. The bill is called the Tax Equity Act, but a more accurate title would be the Blue State Tax Preference Act. …
Congressman Nadler: “Don’t Tax My Rich”

I'm just thrilled that finally a right winger admits that the BLUE STATES are more productive and pay more taxes than the RED STATES.

Finally we can put to bed the pernicious myth that the poor vote D and the rich vote R.

If that were really true then the South would be solidly D and the coasts would be solidly R.

Hats off to you for finally acknowledging the truth.

As to the variance in tax rates depending on cost of living?

Bad idea, I think.

:lol::lol: Ed? It isn't a blue state, red state thing.
It is a certain districts thing.
But thanks for your input.....I think.
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As if the tax code is not complex enough as it is.
I don't think progressive has to mean more complex.
One possible example would be a financial transaction tax designed to curb speculation.

For a quarter-century at least, the FIRE sector (Finance, Insurance, Real Estate) has hired lobbyists who've been very good at shifting the tax burden from unearned income onto productive labor and industry.

Currently, our elected leaders, Republican AND Democrat rely on some of these same lobbyists to actually write the tax code.

Financiers and lobbyists are impossible to exterminate without violence.

Republicans AND Democrats aren't.
Just heard this on Fox News, so it has to be a lie, I know, I know.
Does anyone on the left defend his position?

One irony of the tax increase that arrives on January 1 is that the it will hit residents of high-income, Democratic-leaning states like California, Connecticut, New Jersey and New York the hardest. This is a problem for pro-tax Democrats.
Enter New York Representative Jerrold Nadler, who wants to exempt his own six-figure constituents from the tax hike he supports. Mr. Nadler’s bill would “require the IRS to adjust tax brackets proportionally in regions where the average cost of living is higher than the national average.”

In other words, the various tax brackets would apply to residents in certain regions at higher income levels versus other parts of the country. A family with an income of $50,000 or even $1 million in Manhattan would pay less federal income tax than a family with the same earnings in Omaha. The bill is called the Tax Equity Act, but a more accurate title would be the Blue State Tax Preference Act. …
Congressman Nadler: “Don’t Tax My Rich”

I'm just thrilled that finally a right winger admits that the BLUE STATES are more productive and pay more taxes than the RED STATES.

Finally we can put to bed the pernicious myth that the poor vote D and the rich vote R.

If that were really true then the South would be solidly D and the coasts would be solidly R.

Hats off to you for finally acknowledging the truth.

As to the variance in tax rates depending on cost of living?

Bad idea, I think.

:lol::lol: Ed? It isn't a blue state, red state thing.
It is a certain districts thing.
But thanks for your input.....I think.
And it is also a richest one percent thing.
For New Yorkers that's not a rhetorical question, at least, according to Ralph Nader:

"What most New Yorkers do not know is that for about a century there has been a state stock transfer tax on purchases of securities.

"This year, this tax...will amount to about $16billion.

"Amazingly, since 1979, this tax has been instantly rebated by New York State back to the brokers or clearinghouses who paid it.

"A 100% rebate every year for the bailed out industry that caused the recession and its immense human damage."

Ralph goes on to point out only one candidate for New York Governor, Howie Hawkin (G), is calling for Wall Street sacrifice:

"Why is Mr. Cuomo, the anointed front runner, hiding the Stock Transfer Tax from the public when it is an obvious way to bridge the state budget deficit?

"Why does he rule out higher taxes on the rich when they have more money than ever, why won't he make them pay their fair share, when they'll still be rich after paying their fair share?"

Think Howie (the "Green Hornet") will be invited to any gubernatorial debates the fall?

The Speculator's Rebate

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