N. Korea fires on S. Korea - It was a clear provocation!!

A lot more can be done than invade! Moving out aircraft carriers and battleships into position. Hitting their nuclear capabilities. Taking out their military capabilities. Then allowing South Korea to invade and unify Korea under a capitalistic, democratuc and 1st world industrialized nation! Assisting South Korea by shelling NK's military capacities (plants, bases, air strips, planes, military bases etc.)

We don't have to send one troop!

War is never that "easy". I thought we had learned that from the Bush administration.

This romantic view of war a disturbing trend as well. The North and the South had the same type of view going into the Civil war. And we all know what kind of a bloodbath that was.

Invasions and nation building is never easy (aka Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam), however, this wouldn't be a full-scale invasion and we won't have to nation build (South Korea will)!

Russian invasion, with no caring of nation building was easy. Our tactics in the Kosovo vs Serbia war was easy. Desert Storm was a piece of cake. Cast Lead was easy.

When the goal is to attack and weaken the enemy and not invade occupy and build the nation, then many complications are removed, if one opponent is vastly stronger than the other!
Nice to see the libtards coming out and defending Obama's non-response to this. NK has already sunk a South Korean sub, and learned then it could attack the South anytime it wants and there will be no retaliation. This is an act of war, just as much as invading the south would be.

To suggest that South Korea can "handle it" on their own and they can decide if they want to attack the North is idiotic. The US has been there with the South since after WWII, they aren't going to make any moves without Obama's input. The South has already stated it will retaliate if there are "further attacks" which means they won't do jack shit about this one.

This is what happens when we have a spineless lib as Prez.

South Korea will do the fighting and dying in this fight. Their cities can be hit by artillery and it is their citizens who will suffer.

Chickenhaws in the US should not be making this decision for them

So will tens of thousands of US soldiers (and families). Are you so stupid you don't even realize the relationship between the US and South Korea?

The Chickenshits (Obama and his followers) have already made the decision for South Korea -- do nothing. Write a statement saying we "condemn" the action and will do something about it if you "do more".

Unless you have first hand knowledge of the rage of war, shut your cake hole on demanding that we go to war over this.

In case none of you have noticed. NK has not killed 1 US citizen or soldier in these attacks. They have shot at each other across the boarder, and a few have died.

But war? All out war?

You have to be dumb as dirt to give NK the excuse and reason for lauching thier nukes.

Think about the scale of this. If we back SK and war with NK, China will back NK and Japan will back us or SK, that will possibly bring in Russia.

That's 3 super powers killing each other over fucking Korea.

Some people were murdered, and that is a tragedy, but lets not use that as a reason to get billions killed.
With this morning's attacks, it may be time to go to a more drastic response than the world usually takes.


  • $Bad North Korea.JPG
    $Bad North Korea.JPG
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I would send in the Special Forces, I would walk them right in. Anyone who shoots at us dies, we have complete control.

China will never fight us, not in our life, right now China is at its weakest militarily, weaker at any other point in history. You think China will bite the hand that feeds, first thing that will happen is all the foreign engineers in the country would flee, China knows this, China understands it is not the Chinese building China, its the Western Conservative Capitalist ideals building China.

It is perfect timing, destroy the regime in North Korea.

A nice Special Force's action.
The possibility of war breaking out there is some scary ass shit. And don't make believe for one fucking second that China won't match our moves if it does break out. The last thing we want is to see is a war with a country that is backed by a military superpower with ICBM's trained at our cities.

But Rightwinger made a great point. This won't amount to much. The north does not have the capabilities to fight a sustained conflict without outside support.

China has ICBM's aimed at us, thank you Bill Clinton and the Democrats.

And the GOP congresses. Let's be accurate.
Should we attack NK and (1) get the nukes before they can be used and (2) sufficiently wreck their armed forces so they cannot threaten SK, then be prepared for (3) a nation that no longer is held together by the terror of the state, but (4) instead by the terror of a crumbling nation and impending starvation.

The US, Japan, SK, China, and Russia better be prepared to warehouse, feed, and pacify 25mm North Koreans. Otherwise, what happens there will be make Darfur look very petty in comparison.
I would send in the Special Forces, I would walk them right in. Anyone who shoots at us dies, we have complete control.

China will never fight us, not in our life, right now China is at its weakest militarily, weaker at any other point in history. You think China will bite the hand that feeds, first thing that will happen is all the foreign engineers in the country would flee, China knows this, China understands it is not the Chinese building China, its the Western Conservative Capitalist ideals building China.

It is perfect timing, destroy the regime in North Korea.

A nice Special Force's action.

I think you've seen way too many action movies if you believe what you posted.
South Korea will do the fighting and dying in this fight. Their cities can be hit by artillery and it is their citizens who will suffer.

Chickenhaws in the US should not be making this decision for them

So will tens of thousands of US soldiers (and families). Are you so stupid you don't even realize the relationship between the US and South Korea?

The Chickenshits (Obama and his followers) have already made the decision for South Korea -- do nothing. Write a statement saying we "condemn" the action and will do something about it if you "do more".

Unless you have first hand knowledge of the rage of war, shut your cake hole on demanding that we go to war over this.

In case none of you have noticed. NK has not killed 1 US citizen or soldier in these attacks. They have shot at each other across the boarder, and a few have died.

But war? All out war?

You have to be dumb as dirt to give NK the excuse and reason for lauching thier nukes.

Think about the scale of this. If we back SK and war with NK, China will back NK and Japan will back us or SK, that will possibly bring in Russia.

That's 3 super powers killing each other over fucking Korea.

Some people were murdered, and that is a tragedy, but lets not use that as a reason to get billions killed.

When did I ever call for all out war?

Some kind of retaliation should happen, to teach these thugs they can't just kill people and get away with it.

China is not going to go to war with us again over NK. They are too economically attached to the US now.
NK is a thorn in their side and they will not want to deal with the tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of refugees that will flee to their country.
I would send in the Special Forces, I would walk them right in. Anyone who shoots at us dies, we have complete control.

China will never fight us, not in our life, right now China is at its weakest militarily, weaker at any other point in history. You think China will bite the hand that feeds, first thing that will happen is all the foreign engineers in the country would flee, China knows this, China understands it is not the Chinese building China, its the Western Conservative Capitalist ideals building China.

It is perfect timing, destroy the regime in North Korea.

A nice Special Force's action.

Someones been watching too many Rambo movies. Special Forces are used to take out specific targets, like what their doing right now in Afghanistan, killing off a bunch of high ranking Taliban members in Kandahar and you never see or hear about their operations. Special forces are not what you use to topple a whole regime and invade a country.
So will tens of thousands of US soldiers (and families). Are you so stupid you don't even realize the relationship between the US and South Korea?

The Chickenshits (Obama and his followers) have already made the decision for South Korea -- do nothing. Write a statement saying we "condemn" the action and will do something about it if you "do more".

Unless you have first hand knowledge of the rage of war, shut your cake hole on demanding that we go to war over this.

In case none of you have noticed. NK has not killed 1 US citizen or soldier in these attacks. They have shot at each other across the boarder, and a few have died.

But war? All out war?

You have to be dumb as dirt to give NK the excuse and reason for lauching thier nukes.

Think about the scale of this. If we back SK and war with NK, China will back NK and Japan will back us or SK, that will possibly bring in Russia.

That's 3 super powers killing each other over fucking Korea.

Some people were murdered, and that is a tragedy, but lets not use that as a reason to get billions killed.

When did I ever call for all out war?

Some kind of retaliation should happen, to teach these thugs they can't just kill people and get away with it.

China is not going to go to war with us again over NK. They are too economically attached to the US now.
NK is a thorn in their side and they will not want to deal with the tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of refugees that will flee to their country.

And that action leads to a bigger re-action from NK
Which forces us to re-act even bigger
That will cuase NK to re-act even bigger
Then we have to go even bigger

get it?

Billions die doing it your way.

Unless NK invades we need to let SK handle it. Unless the SK people are ready to die, we don't do jackshit, beyond cutting off NK totally.
Have they been invaded in the last 50 years?

Are you saying the US Army is not doing any good unless they actually go to war?
Why did the US Army invade and occupy South Korea after World War II ended, and the Japanese were defeated?

How many North Koreans have died since then from US bombs?

Yea we're assholes, we just liberated South Korea into becoming a free, democratic, highly advanced, highly technological, 1st world, wealth, industrialized nation!

While North Korea mass murdered and starved it's own people and has never advanced one inche!

Are you really that stupid to believe the shit sandwich you try to peddle? You are a true dumb fuck!
3,000,000 North Koreans died from direct and indirect effects of US bombs during the Korean "War".

Approximately one out of every three men, women and children in North Korea at the time.

And South Korea was left with a dictator who spent the entire Japanese occupation of Korea living safely in New Jersey.

Does that make you proud of your country?
The leadershup of N Korea is desperate.

They need a war to continue to rationalize their own military authoritarian state.

North Korea cannot afford a full scale war that lasts more than a couple of days. They do not have the international credit to pay for fuel, food, ammunition and other logistics support required for a sustained war.

They will do what they always do....lob a few shells and then declare victory

However, it has been pretty well known in the military community that if N. Korea starts something, it will most likely be in the winter when the ground is frozen...they have one of the biggest tank armies in the world and need that solid ground.

So, the question is....is the ground frozen yet?
Why did the US Army invade and occupy South Korea after World War II ended, and the Japanese were defeated?

How many North Koreans have died since then from US bombs?

Yea we're assholes, we just liberated South Korea into becoming a free, democratic, highly advanced, highly technological, 1st world, wealth, industrialized nation!

While North Korea mass murdered and starved it's own people and has never advanced one inche!

Are you really that stupid to believe the shit sandwich you try to peddle? You are a true dumb fuck!
3,000,000 North Koreans died from direct and indirect effects of US bombs during the Korean "War".

Approximately one out of every three men, women and children in North Korea at the time.

And South Korea was left with a dictator who spent the entire Japanese occupation of Korea living safely in New Jersey.

Does that make you proud of your country?

I guess the north shouldn't have invaded the south then. You know, that whole actions having consequences thing.
I would send in the Special Forces, I would walk them right in. Anyone who shoots at us dies, we have complete control.

China will never fight us, not in our life, right now China is at its weakest militarily, weaker at any other point in history. You think China will bite the hand that feeds, first thing that will happen is all the foreign engineers in the country would flee, China knows this, China understands it is not the Chinese building China, its the Western Conservative Capitalist ideals building China.

It is perfect timing, destroy the regime in North Korea.

A nice Special Force's action.

Thank you General MacArthur.
Yea we're assholes, we just liberated South Korea into becoming a free, democratic, highly advanced, highly technological, 1st world, wealth, industrialized nation!

While North Korea mass murdered and starved it's own people and has never advanced one inche!

Are you really that stupid to believe the shit sandwich you try to peddle? You are a true dumb fuck!
3,000,000 North Koreans died from direct and indirect effects of US bombs during the Korean "War".

Approximately one out of every three men, women and children in North Korea at the time.

And South Korea was left with a dictator who spent the entire Japanese occupation of Korea living safely in New Jersey.

Does that make you proud of your country?

I guess the north shouldn't have invaded the south then. You know, that whole actions having consequences thing.
The North Koreans "invaded" in response to a US occupation that was killing thousands of Koreans who wanted the Americans to go the hell home.

The fact you're too brainwashed to know your own history is the only bull I see.
georgephillip, you mind giving us some links that lead to some validated sources?
3,000,000 North Koreans died from direct and indirect effects of US bombs during the Korean "War".

Approximately one out of every three men, women and children in North Korea at the time.

And South Korea was left with a dictator who spent the entire Japanese occupation of Korea living safely in New Jersey.

Does that make you proud of your country?

I guess the north shouldn't have invaded the south then. You know, that whole actions having consequences thing.
The North Koreans "invaded" in response to a US occupation that was killing thousands of Koreans who wanted the Americans to go the hell home.

The fact you're too brainwashed to know your own history is the only bull I see.

If the North Koreans had succeeded, South Korea would be sharing the North's prosperity right now. American bastards!
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3,000,000 North Koreans died from direct and indirect effects of US bombs during the Korean "War".

Approximately one out of every three men, women and children in North Korea at the time.

And South Korea was left with a dictator who spent the entire Japanese occupation of Korea living safely in New Jersey.

Does that make you proud of your country?

I guess the north shouldn't have invaded the south then. You know, that whole actions having consequences thing.
The North Koreans "invaded" in response to a US occupation that was killing thousands of Koreans who wanted the Americans to go the hell home.

The fact you're too brainwashed to know your own history is the only bull I see.

What? so American invaded Korea and started the war? I thought America didn't get involved until North Korea invaded South Korea?

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