N.Korea conducts ejection test of new submarine missile


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
North Korea recently conducted a third test of a new submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) that is part of Pyongyang’s expanding nuclear arsenal, according to American defense officials.

The underwater ejection test of what the Pentagon is calling the KN-11 missile took place April 22 from an underwater test platform near the North Korean coastal city of Sinpo, located on the southeastern coast of the country about 100 miles from the Demilitarized Zone separating it from South Korea.

Doevelpment of the new missile, first disclosed by the Washington Free Beacon, is being carried out at the North’s Sinpo South Shipyard.

The ejection test, which was gauged to have been successful by U.S. intelligence agencies, is the third known test of the new submarine missile, indicating the missile program is a high-priority for the communist regime of Kim Jong Un.

Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Jeffrey Pool declined to comment, suggesting details of the test are classified.

Current and former national security officials criticized the Obama administration for not doing more to counter the North Korean nuclear threat to the United States.



Do not worry folks. Nothing to this. Why? Cause the Clinton administration promised......

Oh, just hear it for yourself.

Sound familiar?

That must mean NK is not producing nuclear weapons, cause Clinton said the international inspectors and the US would closely monitor them so they would not develop nuclear weapons and he said NK would only use the nuclear facilities for electricity.

I ask again.

Sound familiar?
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Obama is stupid that goes without saying.

Obama is the doormat of the Western World and his love of Arabs will be our undoing

North Korea recently conducted a third test of a new submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) that is part of Pyongyang’s expanding nuclear arsenal, according to American defense officials.

The underwater ejection test of what the Pentagon is calling the KN-11 missile took place April 22 from an underwater test platform near the North Korean coastal city of Sinpo, located on the southeastern coast of the country about 100 miles from the Demilitarized Zone separating it from South Korea.

Doevelpment of the new missile, first disclosed by the Washington Free Beacon, is being carried out at the North’s Sinpo South Shipyard.

The ejection test, which was gauged to have been successful by U.S. intelligence agencies, is the third known test of the new submarine missile, indicating the missile program is a high-priority for the communist regime of Kim Jong Un.

Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Jeffrey Pool declined to comment, suggesting details of the test are classified.

Current and former national security officials criticized the Obama administration for not doing more to counter the North Korean nuclear threat to the United States.



Do not worry folks. Nothing to this. Why? Cause the Clinton administration promised......

Oh, just hear it for yourself.

Sound familiar?

That must mean NK is not producing nuclear weapons, cause Clinton said the international inspectors and the US would closely monitor them so they would not develop nuclear weapons and he said NK would only use the nuclear facilities for electricity.

I ask again.

Sound familiar?

There are several countries with nuclear weapons., North Korea is just one of them. Yes, countries do conduct tests of their weapons.
North Korea recently conducted a third test of a new submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) that is part of Pyongyang’s expanding nuclear arsenal, according to American defense officials.

The underwater ejection test of what the Pentagon is calling the KN-11 missile took place April 22 from an underwater test platform near the North Korean coastal city of Sinpo, located on the southeastern coast of the country about 100 miles from the Demilitarized Zone separating it from South Korea.

Doevelpment of the new missile, first disclosed by the Washington Free Beacon, is being carried out at the North’s Sinpo South Shipyard.

The ejection test, which was gauged to have been successful by U.S. intelligence agencies, is the third known test of the new submarine missile, indicating the missile program is a high-priority for the communist regime of Kim Jong Un.

Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Jeffrey Pool declined to comment, suggesting details of the test are classified.

Current and former national security officials criticized the Obama administration for not doing more to counter the North Korean nuclear threat to the United States.



Do not worry folks. Nothing to this. Why? Cause the Clinton administration promised......

Oh, just hear it for yourself.

Sound familiar?

That must mean NK is not producing nuclear weapons, cause Clinton said the international inspectors and the US would closely monitor them so they would not develop nuclear weapons and he said NK would only use the nuclear facilities for electricity.

I ask again.

Sound familiar?

There are several countries with nuclear weapons., North Korea is just one of them. Yes, countries do conduct tests of their weapons.

Yeah. Not really the point. Now, try to define what the point is.
North Korea recently conducted a third test of a new submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) that is part of Pyongyang’s expanding nuclear arsenal, according to American defense officials.

The underwater ejection test of what the Pentagon is calling the KN-11 missile took place April 22 from an underwater test platform near the North Korean coastal city of Sinpo, located on the southeastern coast of the country about 100 miles from the Demilitarized Zone separating it from South Korea.

Doevelpment of the new missile, first disclosed by the Washington Free Beacon, is being carried out at the North’s Sinpo South Shipyard.

The ejection test, which was gauged to have been successful by U.S. intelligence agencies, is the third known test of the new submarine missile, indicating the missile program is a high-priority for the communist regime of Kim Jong Un.

Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Jeffrey Pool declined to comment, suggesting details of the test are classified.

Current and former national security officials criticized the Obama administration for not doing more to counter the North Korean nuclear threat to the United States.



Do not worry folks. Nothing to this. Why? Cause the Clinton administration promised......

Oh, just hear it for yourself.

Sound familiar?

That must mean NK is not producing nuclear weapons, cause Clinton said the international inspectors and the US would closely monitor them so they would not develop nuclear weapons and he said NK would only use the nuclear facilities for electricity.

I ask again.

Sound familiar?

There are several countries with nuclear weapons., North Korea is just one of them. Yes, countries do conduct tests of their weapons.

Yeah. Not really the point. Now, try to define what the point is.

To be honest with you, I'm puzzled as to what your point is/was. I read your post and couldn't figure out what point you were trying to make with it. All I got out of it was that North Korea was testing a nuclear weapon that could be launched from a submarine. Did I miss something? Was there a hidden message or point? I'm puzzled.
North Korea recently conducted a third test of a new submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) that is part of Pyongyang’s expanding nuclear arsenal, according to American defense officials.

The underwater ejection test of what the Pentagon is calling the KN-11 missile took place April 22 from an underwater test platform near the North Korean coastal city of Sinpo, located on the southeastern coast of the country about 100 miles from the Demilitarized Zone separating it from South Korea.

Doevelpment of the new missile, first disclosed by the Washington Free Beacon, is being carried out at the North’s Sinpo South Shipyard.

The ejection test, which was gauged to have been successful by U.S. intelligence agencies, is the third known test of the new submarine missile, indicating the missile program is a high-priority for the communist regime of Kim Jong Un.

Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Jeffrey Pool declined to comment, suggesting details of the test are classified.

Current and former national security officials criticized the Obama administration for not doing more to counter the North Korean nuclear threat to the United States.



Do not worry folks. Nothing to this. Why? Cause the Clinton administration promised......

Oh, just hear it for yourself.

Sound familiar?

That must mean NK is not producing nuclear weapons, cause Clinton said the international inspectors and the US would closely monitor them so they would not develop nuclear weapons and he said NK would only use the nuclear facilities for electricity.

I ask again.

Sound familiar?

There are several countries with nuclear weapons., North Korea is just one of them. Yes, countries do conduct tests of their weapons.

The difference being that this country is an enemy that is largely controlled by a single psychopath.
North Korea recently conducted a third test of a new submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) that is part of Pyongyang’s expanding nuclear arsenal, according to American defense officials.

The underwater ejection test of what the Pentagon is calling the KN-11 missile took place April 22 from an underwater test platform near the North Korean coastal city of Sinpo, located on the southeastern coast of the country about 100 miles from the Demilitarized Zone separating it from South Korea.

Doevelpment of the new missile, first disclosed by the Washington Free Beacon, is being carried out at the North’s Sinpo South Shipyard.

The ejection test, which was gauged to have been successful by U.S. intelligence agencies, is the third known test of the new submarine missile, indicating the missile program is a high-priority for the communist regime of Kim Jong Un.

Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Jeffrey Pool declined to comment, suggesting details of the test are classified.

Current and former national security officials criticized the Obama administration for not doing more to counter the North Korean nuclear threat to the United States.



Do not worry folks. Nothing to this. Why? Cause the Clinton administration promised......

Oh, just hear it for yourself.

Sound familiar?

That must mean NK is not producing nuclear weapons, cause Clinton said the international inspectors and the US would closely monitor them so they would not develop nuclear weapons and he said NK would only use the nuclear facilities for electricity.

I ask again.

Sound familiar?

There are several countries with nuclear weapons., North Korea is just one of them. Yes, countries do conduct tests of their weapons.

The difference being that this country is an enemy that is largely controlled by a single psychopath.

Does Russia have nukes? Does China have nukes? Are their leaders sane and would never launch a nuclear attack? So, please explain the difference, again. And, so what if North Korea is testing? Did Iran also test a nuclear device? Has India or Pakistan ever tested a nuclear device?
North Korea recently conducted a third test of a new submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) that is part of Pyongyang’s expanding nuclear arsenal, according to American defense officials.

The underwater ejection test of what the Pentagon is calling the KN-11 missile took place April 22 from an underwater test platform near the North Korean coastal city of Sinpo, located on the southeastern coast of the country about 100 miles from the Demilitarized Zone separating it from South Korea.

Doevelpment of the new missile, first disclosed by the Washington Free Beacon, is being carried out at the North’s Sinpo South Shipyard.

The ejection test, which was gauged to have been successful by U.S. intelligence agencies, is the third known test of the new submarine missile, indicating the missile program is a high-priority for the communist regime of Kim Jong Un.

Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Jeffrey Pool declined to comment, suggesting details of the test are classified.

Current and former national security officials criticized the Obama administration for not doing more to counter the North Korean nuclear threat to the United States.



Do not worry folks. Nothing to this. Why? Cause the Clinton administration promised......

Oh, just hear it for yourself.

Sound familiar?

That must mean NK is not producing nuclear weapons, cause Clinton said the international inspectors and the US would closely monitor them so they would not develop nuclear weapons and he said NK would only use the nuclear facilities for electricity.

I ask again.

Sound familiar?

There are several countries with nuclear weapons., North Korea is just one of them. Yes, countries do conduct tests of their weapons.

The difference being that this country is an enemy that is largely controlled by a single psychopath.

Closer. The point is what promises were made and what has actually happened.

I am wondering if anyone can see the point now.


Who just made a very similar sounding speech about another tyrannical regime getting nuclear facilities with supposed promises that they will be monitored?
North Korea recently conducted a third test of a new submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) that is part of Pyongyang’s expanding nuclear arsenal, according to American defense officials.

The underwater ejection test of what the Pentagon is calling the KN-11 missile took place April 22 from an underwater test platform near the North Korean coastal city of Sinpo, located on the southeastern coast of the country about 100 miles from the Demilitarized Zone separating it from South Korea.

Doevelpment of the new missile, first disclosed by the Washington Free Beacon, is being carried out at the North’s Sinpo South Shipyard.

The ejection test, which was gauged to have been successful by U.S. intelligence agencies, is the third known test of the new submarine missile, indicating the missile program is a high-priority for the communist regime of Kim Jong Un.

Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Jeffrey Pool declined to comment, suggesting details of the test are classified.

Current and former national security officials criticized the Obama administration for not doing more to counter the North Korean nuclear threat to the United States.



Do not worry folks. Nothing to this. Why? Cause the Clinton administration promised......

Oh, just hear it for yourself.

Sound familiar?

That must mean NK is not producing nuclear weapons, cause Clinton said the international inspectors and the US would closely monitor them so they would not develop nuclear weapons and he said NK would only use the nuclear facilities for electricity.

I ask again.

Sound familiar?

There are several countries with nuclear weapons., North Korea is just one of them. Yes, countries do conduct tests of their weapons.

The difference being that this country is an enemy that is largely controlled by a single psychopath.

Does Russia have nukes? Does China have nukes? Are their leaders sane and would never launch a nuclear attack? So, please explain the difference, again. And, so what if North Korea is testing? Did Iran also test a nuclear device? Has India or Pakistan ever tested a nuclear device?

Holy shit
North Korea recently conducted a third test of a new submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) that is part of Pyongyang’s expanding nuclear arsenal, according to American defense officials.

The underwater ejection test of what the Pentagon is calling the KN-11 missile took place April 22 from an underwater test platform near the North Korean coastal city of Sinpo, located on the southeastern coast of the country about 100 miles from the Demilitarized Zone separating it from South Korea.

Doevelpment of the new missile, first disclosed by the Washington Free Beacon, is being carried out at the North’s Sinpo South Shipyard.

The ejection test, which was gauged to have been successful by U.S. intelligence agencies, is the third known test of the new submarine missile, indicating the missile program is a high-priority for the communist regime of Kim Jong Un.

Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Jeffrey Pool declined to comment, suggesting details of the test are classified.

Current and former national security officials criticized the Obama administration for not doing more to counter the North Korean nuclear threat to the United States.



Do not worry folks. Nothing to this. Why? Cause the Clinton administration promised......

Oh, just hear it for yourself.

Sound familiar?

That must mean NK is not producing nuclear weapons, cause Clinton said the international inspectors and the US would closely monitor them so they would not develop nuclear weapons and he said NK would only use the nuclear facilities for electricity.

I ask again.

Sound familiar?

There are several countries with nuclear weapons., North Korea is just one of them. Yes, countries do conduct tests of their weapons.

The difference being that this country is an enemy that is largely controlled by a single psychopath.

Closer. The point is what promises were made and what has actually happened.

I am wondering if anyone can see the point now.


Who just made a very similar sounding speech about another tyrannical regime getting nuclear facilities with supposed promises that they will be monitored?

Who's stupid and dumb enough to believe anything a foreign government says, especially one like North Korea? It makes no difference what promises were made. Have we ever paid bribes to North Korea? Have we ever paid bribes to Iran? Have they done any good? Can any of them be trusted? So, again, the point is?
North Korea recently conducted a third test of a new submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) that is part of Pyongyang’s expanding nuclear arsenal, according to American defense officials.

The underwater ejection test of what the Pentagon is calling the KN-11 missile took place April 22 from an underwater test platform near the North Korean coastal city of Sinpo, located on the southeastern coast of the country about 100 miles from the Demilitarized Zone separating it from South Korea.

Doevelpment of the new missile, first disclosed by the Washington Free Beacon, is being carried out at the North’s Sinpo South Shipyard.

The ejection test, which was gauged to have been successful by U.S. intelligence agencies, is the third known test of the new submarine missile, indicating the missile program is a high-priority for the communist regime of Kim Jong Un.

Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Jeffrey Pool declined to comment, suggesting details of the test are classified.

Current and former national security officials criticized the Obama administration for not doing more to counter the North Korean nuclear threat to the United States.



Do not worry folks. Nothing to this. Why? Cause the Clinton administration promised......

Oh, just hear it for yourself.

Sound familiar?

That must mean NK is not producing nuclear weapons, cause Clinton said the international inspectors and the US would closely monitor them so they would not develop nuclear weapons and he said NK would only use the nuclear facilities for electricity.

I ask again.

Sound familiar?

There are several countries with nuclear weapons., North Korea is just one of them. Yes, countries do conduct tests of their weapons.

The difference being that this country is an enemy that is largely controlled by a single psychopath.

Does Russia have nukes? Does China have nukes? Are their leaders sane and would never launch a nuclear attack? So, please explain the difference, again. And, so what if North Korea is testing? Did Iran also test a nuclear device? Has India or Pakistan ever tested a nuclear device?

Holy shit

Meaning what, exactly?
Bush had 8 years to invade Korea. Why didn't he?
I give up, why didn't he?

Because he doesn't really believe that it's necessary to invade countries that may be developing WMD's.
I see. Smart move on his part, very smart........... oh, just curious, but didn't he have something to do with the invasion of Iraq? If I remember correctly, wasn't there a rumor about WMD's in Iraq back in the 90"s and early 2000's?
This technology is not ready for N.K.'s use. This was rep-mature ejection.

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