My trade for Bowe Berdahl would've made a lot more sense.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
Obama's swap of the worst of the worst terrorists, in other words: Obama's own people, for traitor Bowe Bergdahl could've been handled in a much more efficient and sensible manor if we had a real American for president.

If we had a real American instead of a tyrannical, communist dictator for our supposed leader, this trade to return Bowe Bergdahl would've made much more sense. Trade these 5, and by 5 I mean 5 domestic terrorists from both parties I absolutely detest:

Harry Reid
Nazi Pelosi
Dickhead Durbin
Charles Schumer
Eric Holder

John Boehner
Eric Cantor
Mitch McConjob
Lyndsey Graham
John McCain

These ten domestic terrorists have inflicted more damage upon America than the 5 terrorists Obama freed. Just think, if we swapped these 5 from each party traitors, the 5 terrorists Obunghole released would still be in prison while the real terrorists I mentioned would be out of America. This would've been a perfect trade.
Obama's swap of the worst of the worst terrorists, in other words: Obama's own people, for traitor Bowe Bergdahl could've been handled in a much more efficient and sensible manor if we had a real American for president.

If we had a real American instead of a tyrannical, communist dictator for our supposed leader, this trade to return Bowe Bergdahl would've made much more sense. Trade these 5, and by 5 I mean 5 domestic terrorists from both parties I absolutely detest:

Harry Reid
Nazi Pelosi
Dickhead Durbin
Charles Schumer
Eric Holder

John Boehner
Eric Cantor
Mitch McConjob
Lyndsey Graham
John McCain

These ten domestic terrorists have inflicted more damage upon America than the 5 terrorists Obama freed. Just think, if we swapped these 5 from each party traitors, the 5 terrorists Obunghole released would still be in prison while the real terrorists I mentioned would be out of America. This would've been a perfect trade.

Seems to be a better trade than what we got.
We should have traded Barney Frank and all the other sissies who have "come out" over the last decade for Begdahl. Then they can see how tolerant Muslims are. much as I may politically disagree with some of those listed, I wouldn't claim any of them have inflicted more damage than those radical Islamist terrorists who are determined to murder more Americans.

loo we know you love everything Obama does........let us know when you're not sucking his johnson..

You come up with that on your own? Fox doesn't use such vulgarity so you must have!

Congrats man you finally did it!

oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you...I know how liberals are when it comes to pointing out the truth.......

maybe I should have just said ass kisser or brownnoser, or ball licker.....hmmmmm

but one thing I will say, do you use toilet paper or baby wipes?
loo we know you love everything Obama does........let us know when you're not sucking his johnson..

You come up with that on your own? Fox doesn't use such vulgarity so you must have!

Congrats man you finally did it!

oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you...I know how liberals are when it comes to pointing out the truth.......

maybe I should have just said ass kisser or brownnoser, or ball licker.....hmmmmm

but one thing I will say, do you use toilet paper or baby wipes?



Alright cons carry on with your circle jerk.

Why don't you add Rachel Maddow to the list? Have fun :thup:
You come up with that on your own? Fox doesn't use such vulgarity so you must have!

Congrats man you finally did it!

oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you...I know how liberals are when it comes to pointing out the truth.......

maybe I should have just said ass kisser or brownnoser, or ball licker.....hmmmmm

but one thing I will say, do you use toilet paper or baby wipes?



Alright cons carry on with your circle jerk.

Why don't you add Rachel Maddow to the list? Have fun :thup:

She doesn't like sausage, she's strictly a pink taco kind of girl much as I may politically disagree with some of those listed, I wouldn't claim any of them have inflicted more damage than those radical Islamist terrorists who are determined to murder more Americans.

While I respect your reply, this is an example of republican v. Libertarian. I have no use for Republicans or Democrats, actually I hate the Republican Party more than the Democrat party because Republicans will lie to people with a big smile on their face about shrinking the size of government, and cutting spending; only to drive a knife in the backs of their constituents. At least Democrats are more honest about what their agenda is. Sadly, I believe the Democrat Party is more honest than the Republican Party.

As for the remainder of your reply, between the Democrats and Republicans, they have involved us in more wars we didn't need to be in, destroyed our economy and job market and hurt the American family far more than these 5 terrorists could have. Outside of a select few republicans and Dems, they are nothing but trash that is no better than those in Gitmo. much as I may politically disagree with some of those listed, I wouldn't claim any of them have inflicted more damage than those radical Islamist terrorists who are determined to murder more Americans.

While I respect your reply, this is an example of republican v. Libertarian. I have no use for Republicans or Democrats, actually I hate the Republican Party more than the Democrat party because Republicans will lie to people with a big smile on their face about shrinking the size of government, and cutting spending; only to drive a knife in the backs of their constituents. At least Democrats are more honest about what their agenda is. Sadly, I believe the Democrat Party is more honest than the Republican Party.

As for the remainder of your reply, between the Democrats and Republicans, they have involved us in more wars we didn't need to be in, destroyed our economy and job market and hurt the American family far more than these 5 terrorists could have. Outside of a select few republicans and Dems, they are nothing but trash that is no better than those in Gitmo.

I hear ya Locke and I cant say the democrats are more honest....they pretend to be conservative, have points like pro choice...hell sometimes they lie and say they are should check out Wry catchers's pure comedy's utter bs.....and yes republicans lie about shrinking government....they have their elitists that live off that shit..and want to impress Hollywood, dc and and the uppercrust...ect. much as I may politically disagree with some of those listed, I wouldn't claim any of them have inflicted more damage than those radical Islamist terrorists who are determined to murder more Americans.

While I respect your reply, this is an example of republican v. Libertarian. I have no use for Republicans or Democrats, actually I hate the Republican Party more than the Democrat party because Republicans will lie to people with a big smile on their face about shrinking the size of government, and cutting spending; only to drive a knife in the backs of their constituents. At least Democrats are more honest about what their agenda is. Sadly, I believe the Democrat Party is more honest than the Republican Party.

As for the remainder of your reply, between the Democrats and Republicans, they have involved us in more wars we didn't need to be in, destroyed our economy and job market and hurt the American family far more than these 5 terrorists could have. Outside of a select few republicans and Dems, they are nothing but trash that is no better than those in Gitmo.

Did I say that I have a party affiliation??:dunno: I tend not to trust ANY politician...I don't care what label they claim.

You can debate about the destructive ideologies/policies of American politicians, but I still won't compare them to those high level operative terrorists who gleefully rejoice in the deaths of any Americans...they are truly evil. much as I may politically disagree with some of those listed, I wouldn't claim any of them have inflicted more damage than those radical Islamist terrorists who are determined to murder more Americans.

While I respect your reply, this is an example of republican v. Libertarian. I have no use for Republicans or Democrats, actually I hate the Republican Party more than the Democrat party because Republicans will lie to people with a big smile on their face about shrinking the size of government, and cutting spending; only to drive a knife in the backs of their constituents. At least Democrats are more honest about what their agenda is. Sadly, I believe the Democrat Party is more honest than the Republican Party.

As for the remainder of your reply, between the Democrats and Republicans, they have involved us in more wars we didn't need to be in, destroyed our economy and job market and hurt the American family far more than these 5 terrorists could have. Outside of a select few republicans and Dems, they are nothing but trash that is no better than those in Gitmo.

I hear ya Locke and I cant say the democrats are more honest....they pretend to be conservative, have points like pro choice...hell sometimes they lie and say they are should check out Wry catchers's pure comedy's utter bs.....and yes republicans lie about shrinking government....they have their elitists that live off that shit..and want to impress Hollywood, dc and and the uppercrust...ect.

You make excellent points. While socially, the policy of the Democrat party is fake right, go left; fiscally and the size of government, they make no qualms about what their goal is. Fiscally, economically and size of government, Democrats are more honest than Republicans by a wide gap. Socially, Republicans are slightly more honest than Democrats, but even then I'm not sure.

In conclusion, while I disagree with everything the Democrat party stands for, I would believe a Democrat over the majority of Republicans, (and by Republicans, I mean establishment trash) over Republicans for the most part.

In this 2014 election, I will not be voting for any Democrats or Republicans. However; if I had to hold my nose at the stench of voting for one of the two parties, I would vote Democrat simply because I'm sick of the lying, hatred and hypocrisy of the establishment Republican Party.

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