My Thoughts On Trump's 91 Indictments

Actually no.
1. You're right that Trump will ultimately win on appeal, but that won't happen until way after the 2024 election, so he will be a convicted felon for 2024.

2. You're also right that these are malicious prosecutions without merit.

3. I don't know if Trump can run if he's a convicted felon? Would he be in prison, or just pay fines? House arrest at Mar-a-lago?

4. Then the dickless Republicans won't Impeach Joe Biden for real crimes. WTF??????
Trump can run as a felon. He can even run while being in jail.
1st post
Linky linky...
Once again, they are talking about those who took plea deals and agreed to testify and to tell the truth. They assume that means against Trump because they don't know the saying about the word assume.
"Tell me you don't understand how the grand jury process works without saying you don't understand how the grand jury process works"
Oh, I completely understand how it works. You get a bunch of dems, tell them only what you want to tell them, and they return an indictment.
Every charge, every indictment could have been avoided if Trump had listened to advisors and followed basic protocols like every other President

But Trump knows better than everyone else
Every charge and every indictment could have been avoided if Democrats hadn't weaponized the justice system for political gain.
5th post
There is ample evidence and testimony to indict and convict Trump

All could have been avoided if he followed the rules
Of course there is. That's what happens when you line up a left leaning jury and tell them only one side of the story.
BS, The Democrat Regime has made a mockery of US Justice in their obsession to destroy Trump. Nearly HALF of the felonies came from the FBI goon raid of Mar-a-Lago.

Just think, had he just given back what was not his and none of this would have happened.
10th post
LOL You see 91 indictments and think…yup, he is innocent. :auiqs.jpg:

No wonder the orange douchebag loves his retards.
Considering the cases are being brought by rabid Trump hating Dems with Trump hating jury pools gee its not hard to figure.
I was just thinking today, Trump has been indicted 91 times by Democrats abusing their power for political purposes. Many of those indictments come from Democrats running their campaigns on getting Trump. We have been hearing a lot lately about Democratic attempts to keep Trump off the ballot in a massive vote suppression scheme, which have been rejected not only by fellow Democrats but the courts as well. During all of this abuse of power to get Trump, Trump has been steadily climbing in the polls to the point where now most polls show Trump beating Biden by more than the margin of error. My point is, most of these indictments are nothing more than a pile of feces and Trump will win the vast majority of these cases, at which time the country will see Democrat's massive abuse of power to get Trump, propelling Trump to even higher numbers as these indictments, vote suppression schemes, and other abuses of power fall one by one.
He only has 4 indictments.

91 counts total.
Oh, I completely understand how it works. You get a bunch of dems, tell them only what you want to tell them, and they return an indictment.
Have some more koolaid.


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