My son wears dresses - Get over it

I have never met or heard of any parents of a new born infant who said, "I hope when little Johnny grows up he chooses to become a homo".

True story......... :cool:

Looks like you're one of those ignorant fools who actually believe you CHOSE to be heterosexual.

No you stupid fuck, nature made us male and female to keep the evolution going so the species doesn't die off. If nature wanted same sex mating, its would have given both sexual organs you dumb low down piece of shit. Its a choice and even you knuckle dragging idiot libtards know it but it goes against your political stance so you believe and repeat a lie because everyone knows liberalism comes before everything esp your fellow Americans and our country.

How do you stop 6 billion people from not pro-creating?
Hermaphrodites are born with both male and female genitals, now, you and your religion explain that.
People like you remind me of asexual animals that fuck themselves with their hateful ideology.
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