My show off with my teacher in high school


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
I was very anti-racist even to the point that I thought black racism is justified because blacks were opressed. That was because I learned it before that way in elementary school and brought this ideas into high school. (Now Im still anti-racist but I do not believe anymore that black racism is justfied anymore).

That being said, I had a teacher who was a austrian conservative and patriot and white nationalist. I said the biggest and greatest empire on earth was the mongol empire (because the mongols are non-white) and he said "no it was the british empire" then he said "the european empire build railroads, schools, hospitals, educated the coloreds etc."

Just letting you know...
How do you know he was a white nationalist?

Because there was some clues. He said "In Turkey there is a small white elite who pushes them into europe but the majority of ordinary turks has nothing to do with europe" and from that point of view he objected to turkish entry into EU. Sounds as if he is a bit white nationalist.

I kinda figured you'd have a really low bar for declaring someone a white nationalist.

I don't know much about Turkey but I do know the country has never been considered part of Europe. Seems silly to me to even entertain the notion of allowing them to join the EU.
How do you know he was a white nationalist?

Because there was some clues. He said "In Turkey there is a small white elite who pushes them into europe but the majority of ordinary turks has nothing to do with europe" and from that point of view he objected to turkish entry into EU. Sounds as if he is a bit white nationalist.

I kinda figured you'd have a really low bar for declaring someone a white nationalist.

I don't know much about Turkey but I do know the country has never been considered part of Europe. Seems silly to me to even entertain the notion of allowing them to join the EU.

Maybe he was not a white nationalist ok? But he believed in whiteness as european identity or one of factors to european identity. For him it was important that someone is white who wants to be in Europe.
How do you know he was a white nationalist?

Because there was some clues. He said "In Turkey there is a small white elite who pushes them into europe but the majority of ordinary turks has nothing to do with europe" and from that point of view he objected to turkish entry into EU. Sounds as if he is a bit white nationalist.

I kinda figured you'd have a really low bar for declaring someone a white nationalist.

I don't know much about Turkey but I do know the country has never been considered part of Europe. Seems silly to me to even entertain the notion of allowing them to join the EU.

Maybe he was not a white nationalist ok? But he believed in whiteness as european identity or one of factors to european identity. For him it was important that someone is white who wants to be in Europe.

Nothing wrong with that.
I was very anti-racist even to the point that I thought black racism is justified because blacks were opressed. That was because I learned it before that way in elementary school and brought this ideas into high school. (Now Im still anti-racist but I do not believe anymore that black racism is justfied anymore).

That being said, I had a teacher who was a austrian conservative and patriot and white nationalist. I said the biggest and greatest empire on earth was the mongol empire (because the mongols are non-white) and he said "no it was the british empire" then he said "the european empire build railroads, schools, hospitals, educated the coloreds etc."

Just letting you know...
In America, we believe in freedom. Some people are blue-eyed blondes who want blue-eyed blonde children, so they marry a blue-eyed blonde, and they are happy with that arrangement and make the most of it. I also know blacks who will marry a person blacker than they to strengthen their desire to have very black children. Birds do the same thing. Canadian geese have two colorations. 99.999 of the white geese pair off with other whities. The drop-dead good looking dark geese pair off about 99.999% of the time with other dark geese, and all their babies look like the classic Canadian geese.

Pairing doesn't seem to be an issue with the geese, except it could be that the dark geese blend into the background of their migration paths, which gives them a better chance of survival than if they were white geese against fall folliage as they are going south for the winter. The white geese may need cover when they are in areas of deep snow. For the geese, it's survival and flight patterns and being less susceptible to predators. A white goose in a brown folliage area in the fall is likely someone's supper.

People have more complex issues for their mate choices. A large percentage of men will want to marry a woman who reminds them in some ways of their mothers, and they do all they can to make that one woman who looks the way he wants her to look become his wife. He probably grew up in a family that looking at babies would say stuff like "baby Joyce looks just like her grandmother Patricia." That makes Grandma Pat feel really, really good, so she leaves her fortune to son Patrick who is Joyce's pa.

In America we call such things "the pursuit of happiness." Another person than Patrick's family might be someone who if their mother was a beauty queen would marry an ugly girl just to keep other men from pursuing her even when they know she is happily married, but is so beautiful another male might take her away from someone else than the guy with a beauty queen ma who has been married 4 times after his pa got cast aside for her new life with an exciting man who wants her, she thinks. And her history of remarrying as her beauty fades is her privilege under the Constitution to pursue happiness. She may not do as well in a divorce court once number 3 is being replaced with #4 for cheating, though, as it begins to look like a case of boredom with a good person to a 3rd party official presiding over her divorce trial, where she may win nothing from #2, 3, or 4 if the judge decides a lot of stuff is her fault for not abiding by his principles of living. Just sayin'.

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