My parents 59 years ago

Johnney said:
dont see that now days. it seems some get married jsut to get a divorce. my parents are heading to 39 or 40, i forget. personally i think i might get sick of someone after tht long. but what do i know, i want to live in a cave most of the time

Boy are you in for a world of hurt if your other half gets wind of that ...ohhh... 7.5 mos. before you get married. :D:D
Shattered said:
Boy are you in for a world of hurt if your other half gets wind of that ...ohhh... 7.5 mos. before you get married. :D:D
aint aring on my finger yet.... :teeth:
Johnney said:
aint aring on my finger yet.... :teeth:

...but there'll be a definite ring around your neck at the rate you're going. :)
My parents were married 60 years, when my mom died. That was 2 years ago, my dad misses her terribly. What's funny, they fought constantly.

Not so funny, my ex and I rarely 'fought' until after I filed for divorce, difference was my parents liked each other or were committed to liking each other. My ex wasn't, and I had to cut the loses. In our first year of marriage, our income was 3 times my parents at their highest.
Johnney said:
aint a ring on my finger yet.... :teeth:
I was going to post this with your recent post about you being "joined at the hip with your fiancee". But I couldn't find it. So, I'll do it here.

For all it's worth, I think, you'd better be glad Jessie is willing to put up with your shit.

When we set out to meet & I found out you were bringing your girlfriend, I have to admit that I was REAL wary of the meeting. I imagined you & Musicman having a wonderful time & I was going to be stuck with some goth looking chick or some airhead I'd have to entertain.
Much to my delight, Jessie not only turned out to be cute, she was funny, personable and a good conversationalist....with people she'd never even exchanged a word with before.

I'm glad to see you realized what you have! (I also know you're teasing)
sitarro said:
I remember thinking that everything in the Soviet Union was black & white , .

dude i have been there trust me it is all black and white

nice pic of your folks.....i work every day to make it 60 years with my with...unfotunately i am 45 and only been married 7 years so my guess is i will check out before then...but death do us part is the only way to go
Joz said:
I was going to post this with your recent post about you being "joined at the hip with your fiancee". But I couldn't find it. So, I'll do it here.

For all it's worth, I think, you'd better be glad Jessie is willing to put up with your shit.

When we set out to meet & I found out you were bringing your girlfriend, I have to admit that I was REAL wary of the meeting. I imagined you & Musicman having a wonderful time & I was going to be stuck with some goth looking chick or some airhead I'd have to entertain.
Much to my delight, Jessie not only turned out to be cute, she was funny, personable and a good conversationalist....with people she'd never even exchanged a word with before.

I'm glad to see you realized what you have! (I also know you're teasing)

Why am I NOT surprised? Congrats Johnney, may you have 90 or more anniversaries!
Kathianne said:
Why am I NOT surprised? Congrats Johnney, may you have 90 or more anniversaries!
who the hell wants to live that long? id be happy with 40 or 50 anyway.
Joz said:
I was going to post this with your recent post about you being "joined at the hip with your fiancee". But I couldn't find it. So, I'll do it here.

For all it's worth, I think, you'd better be glad Jessie is willing to put up with your shit.

When we set out to meet & I found out you were bringing your girlfriend, I have to admit that I was REAL wary of the meeting. I imagined you & Musicman having a wonderful time & I was going to be stuck with some goth looking chick or some airhead I'd have to entertain.
Much to my delight, Jessie not only turned out to be cute, she was funny, personable and a good conversationalist....with people she'd never even exchanged a word with before.

I'm glad to see you realized what you have! (I also know you're teasing)

i knew that would come back to bite me on the ass sooner or
but seriously Joz...goth? i can deal with airhead, cause were all airheaded (did i just invent a new word?) at some point in time. but goth people give me the creeps. make me want to deliver the ass whooping their parents didnt!
Johnney said:
who the hell wants to live that long? id be happy with 40 or 50 anyway.
Only because you are a child. :cof:
Johnney said:
i knew that would come back to bite me on the ass sooner or
but seriously Joz...goth?.... i can deal with airhead.....
Hey, remember? It was the day you posted your shaved eyebrow!
Dealing with an airhead and having to spend dinner trying to communicate with one is two different things entirely.
Kathianne said:
Only because you are a child. :cof:
Didn't mean that the way it sounds. ~bad me!~You should be glad you are so young, I'm projecting my cynicism. Truly, all the best!
Joz said:
Hey, remember? It was the day you posted your shaved eyebrow!
Dealing with an airhead and having to spend dinner trying to communicate with one is two different things entirely.
hey now, that was a ....ummm.... trimmer malfunction! no airhead there :halo:

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