My Favorite Part Of The Green Bew Deal Is Upgrading EVERY Existing Building In The US


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
While Biden's 'forced transition' of abandoning / outlawing fossil fuel use is still 'extremely popular', my personal favorite part of of AOC's / the Democrats' The original Green New Deal was their goal of upgrading every existing, standing building in the US to 'Green Energy Standards' ... or suggesting they be torn down and rebuilt (something Democrats quickly backed away from after being soundly and appropriately being mocked).

"One of the Green New Deal’s concrete goals is to upgrade every existing building in the United States. Another focuses on new buildings built in the U.S., which should “achieve maximal energy efficiency, water efficiency, safety, affordability, comfort, and durability, including through electrification.

Anyone want to take a guess how much that would cost / add to the debt?

... upgrade every existing building in the United States ...

We did this in the 1980's if you'll remember ... new insulation, windows and doors ... the government issued tax credits and grants for close to ten solid years to get our nations energy usage down ... and less dependent on them fuckers in Saudi Arabia ...

My very first business was focused on providing these services ... submitting bids to the government is a skill `in-to-it-self` ... [giggle] ...
We did this in the 1980's if you'll remember ... new insulation, windows and doors ... the government issued tax credits and grants for close to ten solid years to get our nations energy usage down ... and less dependent on them fuckers in Saudi Arabia ...

My very first business was focused on providing these services ... submitting bids to the government is a skill `in-to-it-self` ... [giggle] ...

Upgrading your home in the 80s was not MANDATED by the government, as the original Green New Deal called for.
Upgrading your home in the 80s was not MANDATED by the government, as the original Green New Deal called for.

Why do you think the original Green New Deal mandated building upgrades? ... most States do this on a regular basis, the ones with building codes ... that's right!, in the more affluant States where real estate has financial value, laws are created to protect that value ... and are mandated on all the people, whether they care about the value of their own home or not ...

I have a 700 page National Park Service regulation I have to follow anytime I want to even sneeze on my home ... and I LIVE IN TOWN ... what the fuck? ... the thought of pulling a forest ranger out of the wilderness and sending him into a city with a gun on his hip is crazy scary ... totally pussy to worry about having to shut your windows when it's -35ºF outside ...

The Green New Deal calls for full funding of the clean up at Oakridge and Hanford ... if you disagree, then you're a bastard, or a Russian ...
Another focuses on new buildings built in the U.S., which should “achieve maximal energy efficiency, water efficiency, safety, affordability, comfort, and durability, including through electrification.

A noble goal
I don’t see why Republicans would object
This part alone would cost in the hundreds of trillion$ but it's always overlooked when people talk about the consequences of the GND. Thanks for bringing it up.
After the mandated upgrades, the climate bed wetters would come back & demand more/different changes.
It would be a never ending circle of trying to keep up with their insane demands on us & our pocketbooks so they could maybe sleep in a dry bed for once.
A noble goal
I don’t see why Republicans would object
Trillions spent on disability upgrades. For minimal performance. And contractors getting rich off of it The green deal will ten times worse or more. Progs have already stated that all current construction would need to be torn down to build new structures.
Trillions spent on disability upgrades. For minimal performance. And contractors getting rich off of it The green deal will ten times worse or more. Progs have already stated that all current construction would need to be torn down to build new structures.
ADA was a great service to the country

Almost every American Will use those facilities that opened up access to disabled Americans
Upgrade every building? Force building owners to upgrade? You would spend more in energy than you would recover and either way it would cost more than building a city on mars. It's just about as big a fantasy embraced by people who have no idea about how the world works.
ADA was a great service to the country

Almost every American Will use those facilities that opened up access to disabled Americans
True...however it is and was expensive. The coming dictatorship will eliminate that problem. In fact, if Joe was in charge at that time, he would do it.
Upgrade every building? Force building owners to upgrade? Either way it would cost more than building a city on mars and just about as stupid.

Provide an incentive to upgrade your buildings energy efficiency.
New construction should meet stricter standard
True...however it is and was expensive. The coming dictatorship will eliminate that problem. In fact, if Joe was in charge at that time, he would do it.

ADA upgrades were expensive but once they were made, they are there for good.
While most Americans may not be disabled, they will eventually be old or get injured and need those facilities.

My mom is 91 and those ADA upgrades are essential in allowing her access to public facilities
While Biden's 'forced transition' of abandoning / outlawing fossil fuel use is still 'extremely popular', my personal favorite part of of AOC's / the Democrats' The original Green New Deal was their goal of upgrading every existing, standing building in the US to 'Green Energy Standards' ... or suggesting they be torn down and rebuilt (something Democrats quickly backed away from after being soundly and appropriately being mocked).

"One of the Green New Deal’s concrete goals is to upgrade every existing building in the United States. Another focuses on new buildings built in the U.S., which should “achieve maximal energy efficiency, water efficiency, safety, affordability, comfort, and durability, including through electrification.

Anyone want to take a guess how much that would cost / add to the debt?

That is indeed the highlight of their idiocy.
ADA upgrades were expensive but once they were made, they are there for good.
While most Americans may not be disabled, they will eventually be old or get injured and need those facilities.

My mom is 91 and those ADA upgrades are essential in allowing her access to public facilities
I am not debating it. It is a sensitive subject though. The number of resources used for many of our agendas is enormous. People pay more in everything they do because of it. This is why euthanasia is going to be on the political docket at some point. The elderly and the sickly will be aborted. Contractors raked in trillions of dollars with the ADA. The same with Asbestos removal and Caustic chemicals. Lots of people have gotten rich and the taxpayer paid through the nose.

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