Must See!this guy makes great points against the health care mandate


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles

try to ignore everyone's smirking

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Can you find any link to written transcript of the points you want to highlight
debunking the health care plans as problematic mandates?

All I could find is this summary:

Dispute over details of health care plan said:
The flashpoint was a pair of mailings from the Obama campaign to Ohio voters that Clinton said unfairly depicted her positions on health care coverage and the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Clinton objected to Obama’s accusation that she advocated measures to force all Americans to purchase health care coverage. Obama repeated the charge in the first exchange of the debate Tuesday, describing her position as a “mandate” to buy coverage.

“It’s been unfortunate that Senator Obama has consistently said that I would force people to have health care [coverage] whether they can afford it or not,” she said. “We should have a good debate that uses good information, not false, misleading and inaccurate information.”

Video: Clinton, Obama debate in Ohio Clinton said her proposal would not force low-income Americans into poverty by compelling them to pay for full health care coverage. She said it included surplus funding to subsidize coverage for families that could not afford it.

Can you cite or transcribe and post the exact comments you are referring to?
Right now I can't access or watch youtube things, can you find a link or written quotes?

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