Muslim employer files discrimination complaint against DMV over prayer schedule dispute


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A Muslim employee of the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles has filed a discrimination complaint alleging his requests for special scheduling to accommodate prayer and Ramadan observances were rejected.

Muslim Employee Files Discrimination Complaint Against DMV Over Prayer Schedule Dispute

LOL but you sure in the hell couldn't do this and if you don't pay attention sheep your going to looks just like Minnesota's right around " mall of america



You get that employee and employer aren't synonyms, right?
If a person cannot work the time required by the employer that person should not apply for the job. If the employer changes those times he is always free to quit.
Hey, even the military allows Muslim soldiers to do their prayers.

Ramadan and religious accommodation for Soldiers

Question: What religious accommodation issues do Muslim Soldiers typically have as they observe Ramadan?

Chaplain Shabazz: The issues involving religious accommodation during the month of Ramadan typically occur in three areas: training exercises in the field; physical training; and proper hydration. Commanders can help Muslims Soldiers fulfill their religious requirements during Ramadan by accommodating them in a couple of ways.

First, when possible, commanders can allow Muslim Soldiers to participate in light duty when on an exercise or in the field, as opposed to strenuous duty.

Second, they can grant liberal leave during part or all of the 30-day fasting period, and grant practicing Muslim Soldiers three days of leave for Eid-Al-Fitr, the celebration that ends the 30-day fast of Ramadan.

Third, commanders can exempt Muslim Soldiers from physical training or grant them limited time outdoors during the fasting period. It's important to keep in mind that Soldiers will spend approximately 16 hours with no food or water during daylight hours, so ensuring proper hydration is a serious concern.

Finally, commanders can allow observing Muslim Soldiers time to observe the five daily prayers at a Mosque or at a designated prayer location during this time.
The part time employee's original request was honored and he used his lunch hour for prayers. Then the prayer schedule was changed. The lunch hour could no longer be used. That was denied to the part time employee. The request to have off from 11:30 to 3:15 was also denied. The demands became unreasonable.
Muslims get too demanding and think they can use their religion as a cudgel over everyone else.
The part time employee's original request was honored and he used his lunch hour for prayers. Then the prayer schedule was changed. The lunch hour could no longer be used. That was denied to the part time employee. The request to have off from 11:30 to 3:15 was also denied. The demands became unreasonable.

You do know that Muslims are required to pray 5 times per day, right?
The part time employee's original request was honored and he used his lunch hour for prayers. Then the prayer schedule was changed. The lunch hour could no longer be used. That was denied to the part time employee. The request to have off from 11:30 to 3:15 was also denied. The demands became unreasonable.

You do know that Muslims are required to pray 5 times per day, right?
Yes. That's their problem.

The law says reasonable accommodation. He got reasonable. When it became unreasonable he lost.
The part time employee's original request was honored and he used his lunch hour for prayers. Then the prayer schedule was changed. The lunch hour could no longer be used. That was denied to the part time employee. The request to have off from 11:30 to 3:15 was also denied. The demands became unreasonable.

You do know that Muslims are required to pray 5 times per day, right?
Yes. That's their problem.

The law says reasonable accommodation. He got reasonable. When it became unreasonable he lost.

I actually agree with the DMV here.

Of course the right only cares about exceptions for religion when Christians demand exceptions to the law.
They suspend Christian kids for carrying a Bible to class. The ACLU threatens local jourisdictions with killing law suits over Christmas traditions but Islamic cultures get to disrupt business with prayer chants. Go figure.
The part time employee's original request was honored and he used his lunch hour for prayers. Then the prayer schedule was changed. The lunch hour could no longer be used. That was denied to the part time employee. The request to have off from 11:30 to 3:15 was also denied. The demands became unreasonable.

You do know that Muslims are required to pray 5 times per day, right?
Yes. That's their problem.

The law says reasonable accommodation. He got reasonable. When it became unreasonable he lost.

I actually agree with the DMV here.

Of course the right only cares about exceptions for religion when Christians demand exceptions to the law.
Can you give us an example? The last one I can think of was when a teacher made a first grader wash the ash from Ash Wednesday off his forehead claiming that leaving the ash was an unreasonable accommodation.
The part time employee's original request was honored and he used his lunch hour for prayers. Then the prayer schedule was changed. The lunch hour could no longer be used. That was denied to the part time employee. The request to have off from 11:30 to 3:15 was also denied. The demands became unreasonable.

You do know that Muslims are required to pray 5 times per day, right?

This is America. We don't have required time off for prayer. There are some Christian sects, that pray at routine times. You don't see Christians getting a job, and demanding time off to pray.

You want time off during work, to pray, Egypt, Libya, and many other Islamic dominated countries a Muslim can immigrate to, and be allowed to simply wander off to pray by law.

Here in the US, either your employer allows it.... and that's fine... or the employer does not. It is not right to allow foreign people to just change the rules of this land, to fit their desires.

Everyone should be under the same law. If I can be fired for wandering off to pray, then so should the Islamist.
If a person cannot work the time required by the employer that person should not apply for the job. If the employer changes those times he is always free to quit.
I agree...same for christians on Sunday or religious holidays....same for Orthodox Jews on Friday nights to Saturday nights. Too bad for their religion. Same for those not wanting to provide wedding whatever for people their so-called religion doesn't recognize as married. Get another job
The issue is not whether the employee can have time off to pray. He got time off to pray. Then he wanted more and was told that further accommodation would not be made. Naturally to the evil snake poison left denial of clearly unreasonable demands is the same as denial of all demands.

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