Muslim Brotherhood TV Clerics Launch Campaign to Replace Egypt's Religious Leadership


Changes aren't permanent, but change is...
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2010
Following are excerpts from an address delivered by Egyptian cleric Muhammad Zoghbi, which aired on Azhari TV on February 15, 2011. He called on the government-appointed religious leaders of Egypt to resign their positions; this includes the sheikh of Al-Azhar, which is the preeminent education center of Sunni Islam.

To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit:

Muslim Brotherhood-Affiliated TV Clerics Launch Campaign to Replace Egypt's Religious Leadership


Muhammad Zoghbi: "Al-Azhar was subjected to a dangerous scheme, which was intended to shatter it and bring it down. This scheme consisted of three aspects: First, the politicization of the positions of the sheikh of Al-Azhar and the mufti of Egypt, as well as the position of the minister of religious endowments. These positions must be filled through elections. By no means should these officials be appointed by the president. Why? Because this politicization has led the people to lose their trust in Al-Azhar and its sheiks. [...]

"Therefore I say to the 'sons' of Al-Azhar: Let us all join the campaign, led by Sheik Khaled Al-Gindi, until we liberate Al-Azhar, just like Egypt was liberated. The liberation of Al-Azhar is even better than the liberation of Egypt, because while Egypt is the mother of the Arab region, Al-Azhar is the mother of all the Muslims on planet Earth. If Al-Azhar gets back on its feet, the entire nation will be back on its feet, and if Al-Azhar is back on track, the entire nation will be back on track. The president of Egypt must be subordinate to Al-Azhar and respect it. [...]

"Therefore, I say to the sheikh of Al-Azhar: You should be above all this. You are like a father to us. We consider you to be a symbol. Place your trust in Allah, and resign immediately.

"I say the same to the mufti of Egypt, so that people won't say that I am addressing only the sheikh of Al-Azhar. The mufti and the minister of religious endowments should step down, leaving their positions to God-fearing imams, so that Al-Azhar can regain its status of the past, and so that we, just like the youth of the revolution, can say with pride: We, the heroic sons of Al-Azhar, have taken an oath that cannot be broken, and with the Koran in our hand, we will storm all of the land."

The mufti and the minister of religious endowments should step down, leaving their positions to God-fearing Imams

So, the move onward is now showing where the wings sprout.

Now they call for Religious leadership change.
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The entire idea of a government creating a position like "Grand Mufti" is ridiculous. The Ahl us-Sunnah have no clergy or religious hierarchy -- any person can become an 'alim/'alimah if he or she completes the necessary courses of study and nobody is under any obligation to favor the opinions or fatawa of one 'alim over another. Which of our four imams was appointed "Grand Mufti"? The Ikhwan are beginning to resemble the ghayr muqallid; they reek of Saudi influence.
The entire idea of a government creating a position like "Grand Mufti" is ridiculous. The Ahl us-Sunnah have no clergy or religious hierarchy -- any person can become an 'alim/'alimah if he or she completes the necessary courses of study and nobody is under any obligation to favor the opinions or fatawa of one 'alim over another. Which of our four imams was appointed "Grand Mufti"? The Ikhwan are beginning to resemble the ghayr muqallid; they reek of Saudi influence.

The Saudis have been building influence in Egypt for years, you think this has something to do with it?
Time will tell HG and it will not be a long time to tell. Either parties are created with legitimacy in a parliament or they are not. If there is a call for theocratic change, we will see it because it's not as though it will be accomplished with greatly hidden subtlety.
Time will tell HG and it will not be a long time to tell. Either parties are created with legitimacy in a parliament or they are not. If there is a call for theocratic change, we will see it because it's not as though it will be accomplished with greatly hidden subtlety.

I see Egypt being run similar to the way Hezbollah runs Lebanon, the Brotherhood won't have one of its own as President but will run the majority of the parliament and top government posts with its own members.
The entire idea of a government creating a position like "Grand Mufti" is ridiculous. The Ahl us-Sunnah have no clergy or religious hierarchy -- any person can become an 'alim/'alimah if he or she completes the necessary courses of study and nobody is under any obligation to favor the opinions or fatawa of one 'alim over another. Which of our four imams was appointed "Grand Mufti"? The Ikhwan are beginning to resemble the ghayr muqallid; they reek of Saudi influence.

The Saudis have been building influence in Egypt for years, you think this has something to do with it?

They have global influence. The good thing about 'Ali Gumaa (the grand mufti) and al-Azhar is that they still seem to be the major religious influences in Egyptian society. Al-Azhar is a pluralistic institution and Shaykh 'Ali follows the jurisprudence of Imam ash-Shafi'i, so he doesn't reject the four traditional schools of jurisprudential thought like those who call themselves Salafis. He is also very liberal.

But not every part of the Muslim world has institutions and figures whose influence can counteract that of the Wahhabis. Even places that do aren't safe; some prominent Deobandi scholars have praised the Taliban. A'udhu billah min dhalik.
Even places that do aren't safe; some prominent Deobandi scholars have praised the Taliban.

Why am I not surprised? I mean, they are Sunni Muslims. So are the Taliban majorly Sunni. This just makes my point that the problem is not Muslims or Islam. It is the interpretation of Islam by Muslim leaders and teachers. (Clerics) Anyone can be a Muslim. Let Islam into your system long enough and the extreme ideology becomes the mainstream. The Deobandi are proof of this extension.

Everywhere the book goes, extremist Islam follows with its interpretations.

Whether it is Sunni, Shia or Sufi, the deaths continue and the support for these deaths even extend to Indians who have submitted to Allah. Even to Chinese who have submitted to Allah. Even to Spaniards who have submitted to Allah. Even to Blacks who have submitted to Allah.


Deoband has been criticized for a failure to reconcile Islam with modern values. One particular topic which has sparked criticism are fatwas issued by Deobandi clerics regarding the behavior of women in the political and economic spheres. For example, in August, 2005, Deobondi clerics from Darul, Uloom, a Deoband seminary, issued a fatwa stating that while Muslim women may contest political elections, they must observe purdah while doing so.[15] In May 2010, clerics from the same seminary issued a fatwa stating men and women cannot work together in public offices unless the women are properly clothed.

Cash for fatwas scandal

Following a sting operation, StarTV Channel showed clerics belonging to Darul Uloom Deoband demanding and receiving cash for fatwas. The fatwas issued allegedly mandated that Muslims not use credit cards, double beds or camera-equipped cell phones; that Muslims not act in films, donate their organs or teach their children English; and that Muslim girls not wear jeans.[19] One of the clerics caught on video, Mufti Habibur Rehman, was suspended from the fatwa department on Sunday after the television report, according to a Press Trust of India news agency report. Regarding these fatwas, a member of the All-Muslim Personal Law Board stated that "Fatwas are issued on religious matters but the fatwa loses its importance once clerics start issuing it on mundane matters."

Deobandi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I could continue. I won't.
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Even places that do aren't safe; some prominent Deobandi scholars have praised the Taliban.

Why am I not surprised? I mean, they are Sunni Muslims. So are the Taliban majorly Sunni. This just makes my point that the problem is not Muslims or Islam. It is the interpretation of Islam by Muslim leaders and teachers. (Clerics) Anyone can be a Muslim. Let Islam into your system long enough and the extreme ideology becomes the mainstream. The Deobandi are proof of this extension.

Everywhere the book goes, extremist Islam follows with its interpretations.

Whether it is Sunni, Shia or Sufi, the deaths continue and the support for these deaths even extend to Indians who have submitted to Allah. Even to Chinese who have submitted to Allah. Even to Spaniards who have submitted to Allah. Even to Blacks who have submitted to Allah.

I could continue. I won't.

Saudi Arabia was one of the few countries that recognized the Taliban rule in Afghanistan before 9/11, even now the Taliban go to the Saudis to try and "negociate" a ceasefire with the NATO forces in Afghanistan, its really one big joke Ropey.
It's one big mess. Too many cooks arguing, not enough cooking, and the soup has gone bad.
Yes, maybe so, the menu is certainly created.

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