Murdoch unloads on Kerry, Obama, the left


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Not that I think Murdoch is a spoke person for me or anyone else, it just seems his comments are in line with what I am seeing in the news.

News Corp CEO Rupert Murdoch, in a discursive speech Monday evening, blasted Secretary of State John Kerry and attacked the left for creating an “identity crisis” that he charged has undermined American strength and fostered terrorism around the world.

And he drew a connection between U.S. foreign policy and domestic culture, arguing that “in recent years, there has been far too much institutionalization of grievance and victimhood.”


“For a U.S. secretary of state to suggest that Islamic terrorists had a ‘rationale’ in slaughtering journalists is one of the low points of recent Western diplomacy and it is indicative of a serious malaise,” Murdoch said, referring to Kerry’s recent mangled attempt to draw a distinction between the assault on the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and the more recent Paris attacks. “For America to be embarrassed by its exceptionalism is itself exceptional and absolutely unacceptable.” (Kerry quickly walked back those comments, remarking the next day that “such atrocities can never be rationalized, and we can never allow them to be rationalized.”

Read more: Murdoch unloads on Kerry, Obama, the left
What's he talking about? Everyone has a rationale for what they do. Kerry didn't say it was a good rationale, did he?
What's he talking about? Everyone has a rationale for what they do. Kerry didn't say it was a good rationale, did he?

Kerry's words, you honestly make a determination:

“There’s something different about what happened from Charlie Hebdo, and I think everybody would feel that," Kerry said in Paris, according to a transcript of his remarks. "There was a sort of particularized focus and perhaps even a legitimacy in terms of — not a legitimacy, but a rationale that you could attach yourself to somehow and say, OK, they’re really angry because of this and that.”

Read more: Kerry sees 'rationale' in Charlie Hebdo murders, unlike Friday's attacks in Paris
"Murdoch unloads on Kerry, Obama, the left"

With the same ridiculous, partisan lies as most everyone else on the right.

This is typical of the problem since 2009, where most republicans have no interest in good faith debate, intelligent disagreement, and constructive, factual criticism.

Instead most on the right attack the Administration with misinformation, spin, and idiotic lies – ridiculous contrivances and fallacies so extreme and other the top that they render meaningful exchange impossible.

This message board alone provides abundance evidence of that.
"Murdoch unloads on Kerry, Obama, the left"

With the same ridiculous, partisan lies as most everyone else on the right.

This is typical of the problem since 2009, where most republicans have no interest in good faith debate, intelligent disagreement, and constructive, factual criticism.

Instead most on the right attack the Administration with misinformation, spin, and idiotic lies – ridiculous contrivances and fallacies so extreme and other the top that they render meaningful exchange impossible.

This message board alone provides abundance evidence of that.

I think your post is really all anyone needs to see.

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