Muppets get canceled

Disney IS the left.
Disney used to be the family friendly alternative to Hollywood trash.

Now they are the Hollywood trash. The lefties with big money come in
and hollow out the corpse and take over. Just like in America, as a whole.
They put the front on like they are family oriented and wholesome. But are not. Not going to their themes parks would be a good start.
Disney IS the left.
Disney used to be the family friendly alternative to Hollywood trash.

Now they are the Hollywood trash. The lefties with big money come in
and hollow out the corpse and take over. Just like in America, as a whole.
They put the front on like they are family oriented and wholesome. But are not. Not going to their themes parks would be a good start.
They were always about making money.

They just recognize that to make money today, they have to lick the boots of Leftists like Crep or wind up like Trump.

I reckon they were upset with such things as the Swedish chef being Swedish.

Animal chased attractive women.

And miss piggy..........well........I reckon a fat female pig.

All that was funny, all that was pure, all that was of value, the Left destroys.

America sucks ass for letting this continue.
Do not include disney with us on the left. They are batshit crazy.
You and Disney have become one,

Just like you and Twitter and Facebook, and pretty much all corporations around the world.

Nope. I ain't got nuthin' to do with facebook nor twitter neither.
Is that any way to talk about your peeps?

The Left and the filthy rich in corporate America are now kissing cousins.

I wonder if Crep uses his tongue
Well, I suspected it all along, but you proven it beyond all reasonable doubt.

You're too stupid to have this conversation.

Maybe you can get marvin to do the tongue thing you were talking about.

Have a nice night.

I reckon they were upset with such things as the Swedish chef being Swedish.

Animal chased attractive women.

And miss piggy..........well........I reckon a fat female pig.

All that was funny, all that was pure, all that was of value, the Left destroys.

America sucks ass for letting this continue.
Do not include disney with us on the left. They are batshit crazy.
You and Disney have become one,

Just like you and Twitter and Facebook, and pretty much all corporations around the world.

Nope. I ain't got nuthin' to do with facebook nor twitter neither.
Is that any way to talk about your peeps?

The Left and the filthy rich in corporate America are now kissing cousins.

I wonder if Crep uses his tongue
Well, I suspected it all along, but you proven it beyond all reasonable doubt.

You're too stupid to have this conversation.

Maybe you can get marvin to do the tongue thing you were talking about.

Have a nice night.
How does it feel to be blood brothers with the 1%'ers?

You need them as much as they need you.


I reckon they were upset with such things as the Swedish chef being Swedish.

Animal chased attractive women.

And miss piggy..........well........I reckon a fat female pig.

All that was funny, all that was pure, all that was of value, the Left destroys.

America sucks ass for letting this continue.
Do not include disney with us on the left. They are batshit crazy.
You and Disney have become one,

Just like you and Twitter and Facebook, and pretty much all corporations around the world.

Nope. I ain't got nuthin' to do with facebook nor twitter neither.
Is that any way to talk about your peeps?

The Left and the filthy rich in corporate America are now kissing cousins.

I wonder if Crep uses his tongue
Well, I suspected it all along, but you proven it beyond all reasonable doubt.

You're too stupid to have this conversation.

Maybe you can get marvin to do the tongue thing you were talking about.

Have a nice night.
How does it feel to be blood brothers with the 1%'ers?


I reckon they were upset with such things as the Swedish chef being Swedish.

Animal chased attractive women.

And miss piggy..........well........I reckon a fat female pig.

All that was funny, all that was pure, all that was of value, the Left destroys.

America sucks ass for letting this continue.
Do not include disney with us on the left. They are batshit crazy.
You and Disney have become one,

Just like you and Twitter and Facebook, and pretty much all corporations around the world.

Nope. I ain't got nuthin' to do with facebook nor twitter neither.
Is that any way to talk about your peeps?

The Left and the filthy rich in corporate America are now kissing cousins.

I wonder if Crep uses his tongue
Well, I suspected it all along, but you proven it beyond all reasonable doubt.

You're too stupid to have this conversation.

Maybe you can get marvin to do the tongue thing you were talking about.

Have a nice night.
How does it feel to be blood brothers with the 1%'ers?

View attachment 460521
Yes, says it all.

I bet Crep even sends Disney money now for their efforts.

Pretty soon Mickey will open an abortion booth.

I reckon they were upset with such things as the Swedish chef being Swedish.

Animal chased attractive women.

And miss piggy..........well........I reckon a fat female pig.

All that was funny, all that was pure, all that was of value, the Left destroys.

America sucks ass for letting this continue.
Do not include disney with us on the left. They are batshit crazy.

Disney IS the left.

Disney is asshoe.
There's a Christian principle that dictates that when one knows better, one must do better.

Republicans, and other self-professed Conservatives and/or Christians, know nothing about this.
It's comedy, you humorless Marxist.

I reckon they were upset with such things as the Swedish chef being Swedish.

Animal chased attractive women.

And miss piggy..........well........I reckon a fat female pig.

All that was funny, all that was pure, all that was of value, the Left destroys.

America sucks ass for letting this continue.
Pepe is Kermit's bastard son by this trailer park methed up frog chick~

There's a Christian principle that dictates that when one knows better, one must do better.

Republicans, and other self-professed Conservatives and/or Christians, know nothing about this.

Yes we must let other dictate to us what is better? Often however, what is better is completely subjective. Everybody has an opinion. Some people think its better to let biological males compete with girls in sports. If you disagree you must be a bigot. Guess what well that is an opinion for example. So someone in all their wisdom gets to decide this is better?
What I see is a mad rush to cancel culture and they cant keep it straight.

I reckon they were upset with such things as the Swedish chef being Swedish.

Animal chased attractive women.

And miss piggy..........well........I reckon a fat female pig.

All that was funny, all that was pure, all that was of value, the Left destroys.

America sucks ass for letting this continue.

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