Mueller Deploys Attack Against Trump while he is exposed in Attempted Coup...


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
As I watched events unfold today I wondered why Mueller would drop all of his eggs in one day. Why would he unleash everything he had in one day prior to the midterm elections? What is so damaging he would burn all of his ammunition?

There are actually two lines of thought on this.

The first is Democrats are hoping to create enough drama to help them in the coming weeks to foment hatred of Trump and pander to the democrat base stopping the Red wave that is forming. Sadly for them, the red wave is rapidly enlarging and this will only bring out the Republican base in an effort to keep both the House and the Senate. This attack is going to make the conservative base show up in massive numbers.

The second is the damaging information about Bruce Ohr, James Comey, John Breenen, Robert Mueller, Hillary Clinton and the information and evidence of a Coordinated Coup using the FBI, CIA, NSA and DOJ against a sitting US president and Candidate Trump. Evidence has been uncovered that links these people into the illegal use of US resources to target an opposing political opponent..

As more and more information is revealed, this was very organized and directed criminal conduct.

I wonder which of these is the most likely issue or is it the combination of the two. If Mueller quickly wraps up and closes his investigation with no prosecutions for the reason he was seated, it will be a huge blemish... Rod Rosenstine is pulling the "secret" reasoning card to keep as many e-mails and communications as he can from public view. Next week however, Bruce Orr and several others will be deposed about this and when the information about this Coup becomes more widely known, things will get real ugly for democrats.. I fully expect most questions will be bypassed with a constitutional assertion against self incrimination..

Personally I think its combination of the two and its going to backfire on democrats...
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For the record the chink's name is not spelled like Bobby Orr the greatest hockey player of all time. That said, Mueller is dragging the Witch Hunt out to the election because it is total fail, and he hopes the anti-White, anti-American POS democrats take over the House this September.
For the record the chink's name is not spelled like Bobby Orr the greatest hockey player of all time. That said, Mueller is dragging the Witch Hunt out to the election because it is total fail, and he hopes the anti-White, anti-American POS democrats take over the House this September.
I've heard from a significant number of conservative groups and they see this as a blatant attack on Trump and just like Hillary calling us 'deplorable' it has struck a nerve.. And were coming out in force.

The blatant FISA abuses and use of our institutions to target political opponents has really pissed a lot of conservatives and moderates off and we want it cleaned up. That wont happen if democrats take back the house.
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I think the 2018 election dynamics changed a lot after today's announcements. After today, the 2018 mid terms are about impeachment. If the Dems win, the Dem supporters are going to demand impeachment. If the GOP/Trump wins, the Trump supporters will demand that Mueller and the gang be fired and to put an end to the Russia investigation.

I am not sure either party wanted these mid terms to be a national referendum on impeachment. But, here we are. For GOP, I am certain they want to run on the economy. For the Dems, I think they wanted to move any impeachment stuff to the back burner until after election. With the impeachment/no impeachment at stake, the GOP enthusiasm is going to be much higher than it otherwise would have been this cycle. We could see Presidential level turnout this November now that Trump's impeachment hangs in the balance.
As I watched events unfold today I wondered why Mueller would drop all of his eggs in one day. Why would he unleash everything he had in one day prior to the midterm elections? What is so damaging he would burn all of his ammunition?

There are actually two lines of thought on this.

The first is Democrats are hoping to create enough drama to help them in the coming weeks to foment hatred of Trump and pander to the democrat base stopping the Red wave that is forming. Sadly for them, the red wave is rapidly enlarging and this will only bring out the Republican base in an effort to keep both the House and the Senate. This attack is going to make the conservative base show up in massive numbers.

The second is the damaging information about Bruce Orr, James Comey, John Breenen, Robert Mueller, Hillary Clinton and the information and evidence of a Coordinated Coup using the FBI, CIA, NSA and DOJ against a sitting US president and Candidate Trump. Evidence has been uncovered that links these people into the illegal use of US resources to target an opposing political opponent..

As more and more information is revealed, this was very organized and directed criminal conduct.

I wonder which of these is the most likely issue or is it the combination of the two. If Mueller quickly wraps up and closes his investigation with no prosecutions for the reason he was seated, it will be a huge blemish... Rod Rosenstine is pulling the "secret" reasoning card to keep as many e-mails and communications as he can from public view. Next week however, Bruce Orr and several others will be deposed about this and when the information about this Coup becomes more widely known, things will get real ugly for democrats.. I fully expect most questions will be bypassed with a constitutional assertion against self incrimination..

Personally I think its combination of the two and its going to backfire on democrats...

Wow! That’s a very worded opinion.
But it appears you overdosed on Kool-aid. Your post is like a summary of just about every shrill and paranoid thing I have read/heard from the purveyors of alarm and fear.
Bruce Ohr is a filthy Swamp Rat who attacked our democracy to pacify Brock Hussaine and Crooked Hillary and their stooges like Mueller...

Here is Bobby Orr!

As I watched events unfold today I wondered why Mueller would drop all of his eggs in one day. Why would he unleash everything he had in one day prior to the midterm elections? What is so damaging he would burn all of his ammunition?

There are actually two lines of thought on this.

The first is Democrats are hoping to create enough drama to help them in the coming weeks to foment hatred of Trump and pander to the democrat base stopping the Red wave that is forming. Sadly for them, the red wave is rapidly enlarging and this will only bring out the Republican base in an effort to keep both the House and the Senate. This attack is going to make the conservative base show up in massive numbers.

The second is the damaging information about Bruce Orr, James Comey, John Breenen, Robert Mueller, Hillary Clinton and the information and evidence of a Coordinated Coup using the FBI, CIA, NSA and DOJ against a sitting US president and Candidate Trump. Evidence has been uncovered that links these people into the illegal use of US resources to target an opposing political opponent..

As more and more information is revealed, this was very organized and directed criminal conduct.

I wonder which of these is the most likely issue or is it the combination of the two. If Mueller quickly wraps up and closes his investigation with no prosecutions for the reason he was seated, it will be a huge blemish... Rod Rosenstine is pulling the "secret" reasoning card to keep as many e-mails and communications as he can from public view. Next week however, Bruce Orr and several others will be deposed about this and when the information about this Coup becomes more widely known, things will get real ugly for democrats.. I fully expect most questions will be bypassed with a constitutional assertion against self incrimination..

Personally I think its combination of the two and its going to backfire on democrats...

Wow! That’s a very worded opinion.
But it appears you overdosed on Kool-aid. Your post is like a summary of just about every shrill and paranoid thing I have read/heard from the purveyors of alarm and fear.
Funny how you went right to democrat talking points and your devoid of cognitive thought..

The IRS was used to keep you from making money and asserting your political belief's..

The EPA was used to take away your lands and our ability to be self sufficient..

The FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA were used against a political opponent.

The FISA court was lied too and a warrant to survail a US citizen was used for political purposes.

The US government was weaponized against its people to keep democrats in power.

Here we go... Its time to fight back!
As I watched events unfold today I wondered why Mueller would drop all of his eggs in one day. Why would he unleash everything he had in one day prior to the midterm elections? What is so damaging he would burn all of his ammunition?

There are actually two lines of thought on this.

The first is Democrats are hoping to create enough drama to help them in the coming weeks to foment hatred of Trump and pander to the democrat base stopping the Red wave that is forming. Sadly for them, the red wave is rapidly enlarging and this will only bring out the Republican base in an effort to keep both the House and the Senate. This attack is going to make the conservative base show up in massive numbers.

The second is the damaging information about Bruce Orr, James Comey, John Breenen, Robert Mueller, Hillary Clinton and the information and evidence of a Coordinated Coup using the FBI, CIA, NSA and DOJ against a sitting US president and Candidate Trump. Evidence has been uncovered that links these people into the illegal use of US resources to target an opposing political opponent..

As more and more information is revealed, this was very organized and directed criminal conduct.

I wonder which of these is the most likely issue or is it the combination of the two. If Mueller quickly wraps up and closes his investigation with no prosecutions for the reason he was seated, it will be a huge blemish... Rod Rosenstine is pulling the "secret" reasoning card to keep as many e-mails and communications as he can from public view. Next week however, Bruce Orr and several others will be deposed about this and when the information about this Coup becomes more widely known, things will get real ugly for democrats.. I fully expect most questions will be bypassed with a constitutional assertion against self incrimination..

Personally I think its combination of the two and its going to backfire on democrats...

Wow! That’s a very worded opinion.
But it appears you overdosed on Kool-aid. Your post is like a summary of just about every shrill and paranoid thing I have read/heard from the purveyors of alarm and fear.

Despite the swimming pools of kool aid these morons consume on a daily basis, the integrity of Mr. Mueller, the FBI, CIA, NSA are all still firmly intact.
25 People have been demoted, fired or have resigned from the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA over this criminal misconduct...

Let that sink in for a bit... Then remember that this is just scratching the surface...

That is your "witch hunt" right there.

As I watched events unfold today I wondered why Mueller would drop all of his eggs in one day. Why would he unleash everything he had in one day prior to the midterm elections? What is so damaging he would burn all of his ammunition?

There are actually two lines of thought on this.

The first is Democrats are hoping to create enough drama to help them in the coming weeks to foment hatred of Trump and pander to the democrat base stopping the Red wave that is forming. Sadly for them, the red wave is rapidly enlarging and this will only bring out the Republican base in an effort to keep both the House and the Senate. This attack is going to make the conservative base show up in massive numbers.

The second is the damaging information about Bruce Orr, James Comey, John Breenen, Robert Mueller, Hillary Clinton and the information and evidence of a Coordinated Coup using the FBI, CIA, NSA and DOJ against a sitting US president and Candidate Trump. Evidence has been uncovered that links these people into the illegal use of US resources to target an opposing political opponent..

As more and more information is revealed, this was very organized and directed criminal conduct.

I wonder which of these is the most likely issue or is it the combination of the two. If Mueller quickly wraps up and closes his investigation with no prosecutions for the reason he was seated, it will be a huge blemish... Rod Rosenstine is pulling the "secret" reasoning card to keep as many e-mails and communications as he can from public view. Next week however, Bruce Orr and several others will be deposed about this and when the information about this Coup becomes more widely known, things will get real ugly for democrats.. I fully expect most questions will be bypassed with a constitutional assertion against self incrimination..

Personally I think its combination of the two and its going to backfire on democrats...

Wow! That’s a very worded opinion.
But it appears you overdosed on Kool-aid. Your post is like a summary of just about every shrill and paranoid thing I have read/heard from the purveyors of alarm and fear.

Despite the swimming pools of kool aid these morons consume on a daily basis, the integrity of Mr. Mueller, the FBI, CIA, NSA are all still firmly intact.

Liberals have no cognitive thought capability... Speaking of drinking the Koolaid, your leader Jim Jones is calling...
... the integrity of Mr. Mueller, the FBI, CIA, NSA are all still firmly intact.

This is so insane...but very important in that it shows some TDS folks are beyond help.
The criminal actions of these people are well documented and now that the documentation is becoming public, we have to deal with them harshly or we have no government integrity.. They refuse to deal with it because they think the ends justify the means... TDS is a real problem in these people.
As I watched events unfold today I wondered why Mueller would drop all of his eggs in one day. Why would he unleash everything he had in one day prior to the midterm elections? What is so damaging he would burn all of his ammunition?

There are actually two lines of thought on this.

The first is Democrats are hoping to create enough drama to help them in the coming weeks to foment hatred of Trump and pander to the democrat base stopping the Red wave that is forming. Sadly for them, the red wave is rapidly enlarging and this will only bring out the Republican base in an effort to keep both the House and the Senate. This attack is going to make the conservative base show up in massive numbers.

The second is the damaging information about Bruce Ohr, James Comey, John Breenen, Robert Mueller, Hillary Clinton and the information and evidence of a Coordinated Coup using the FBI, CIA, NSA and DOJ against a sitting US president and Candidate Trump. Evidence has been uncovered that links these people into the illegal use of US resources to target an opposing political opponent..

As more and more information is revealed, this was very organized and directed criminal conduct.

I wonder which of these is the most likely issue or is it the combination of the two. If Mueller quickly wraps up and closes his investigation with no prosecutions for the reason he was seated, it will be a huge blemish... Rod Rosenstine is pulling the "secret" reasoning card to keep as many e-mails and communications as he can from public view. Next week however, Bruce Orr and several others will be deposed about this and when the information about this Coup becomes more widely known, things will get real ugly for democrats.. I fully expect most questions will be bypassed with a constitutional assertion against self incrimination..

Personally I think its combination of the two and its going to backfire on democrats...

I am sure that the Russia rhetoric is going to very greatly resonate with the American people. Perhaps next you can tell us how cosmic ghosts are responsible for Hillary's loss and because of them we should vote democrats -- who are actively campaigning against all of our values.

It's amazing to watch how Trump has played you with his 3D chess moves and managed to keep the crazy conspiracy theory alive. Of course it's sad that the democrat party refuses to become American and learn how to get the votes of Americans instead believing a conspiracy theory carries them to victory. Oh well, we will have to just elect someone else.
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25 People have been demoted, fired or have resigned from the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and NSA over this criminal misconduct...

Let that sink in for a bit... Then remember that this is just scratching the surface...

That is your "witch hunt" right there.

As I watched events unfold today I wondered why Mueller would drop all of his eggs in one day. Why would he unleash everything he had in one day prior to the midterm elections? What is so damaging he would burn all of his ammunition?

There are actually two lines of thought on this.

The first is Democrats are hoping to create enough drama to help them in the coming weeks to foment hatred of Trump and pander to the democrat base stopping the Red wave that is forming. Sadly for them, the red wave is rapidly enlarging and this will only bring out the Republican base in an effort to keep both the House and the Senate. This attack is going to make the conservative base show up in massive numbers.

The second is the damaging information about Bruce Orr, James Comey, John Breenen, Robert Mueller, Hillary Clinton and the information and evidence of a Coordinated Coup using the FBI, CIA, NSA and DOJ against a sitting US president and Candidate Trump. Evidence has been uncovered that links these people into the illegal use of US resources to target an opposing political opponent..

As more and more information is revealed, this was very organized and directed criminal conduct.

I wonder which of these is the most likely issue or is it the combination of the two. If Mueller quickly wraps up and closes his investigation with no prosecutions for the reason he was seated, it will be a huge blemish... Rod Rosenstine is pulling the "secret" reasoning card to keep as many e-mails and communications as he can from public view. Next week however, Bruce Orr and several others will be deposed about this and when the information about this Coup becomes more widely known, things will get real ugly for democrats.. I fully expect most questions will be bypassed with a constitutional assertion against self incrimination..

Personally I think its combination of the two and its going to backfire on democrats...

Wow! That’s a very worded opinion.
But it appears you overdosed on Kool-aid. Your post is like a summary of just about every shrill and paranoid thing I have read/heard from the purveyors of alarm and fear.

Despite the swimming pools of kool aid these morons consume on a daily basis, the integrity of Mr. Mueller, the FBI, CIA, NSA are all still firmly intact.

Liberals have no cognitive thought capability... Speaking of drinking the Koolaid, your leader Jim Jones is calling...

That makes no sense...not surprisingly it comes from a Trump supporter.
Candycorn, not to get too personal, but did you graduate from high school or are you a practicing religious jew? Those retarded things seem to coincide with utter stupidity quite often.
a little late to smear Meuller after he produced two guilty confessions today - but thanks for playing Normieboi.

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