MSNBC Panelist On Most White People: "Destroy Them"


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
MSNBC Panelist On Most White People: "Destroy Them"

MSNBC Panelist On Most White People: 'Destroy Them'
August 12, 2019 ~ By David Marcus
In a feisty segment on Sunday's A.M. Joy", Elie Mystal of Above the Law made an inflammatory comment in which he said white people who voted for Donald Trump should be destroyed. This came after a segment in which he argued there is no moral difference between avowed white supremacists and any white person who votes for Trump. In the clip, host Joy Reid asked how those who are "drugged" by the president's rhetoric should be communicated to and convinced they are wrong. That's when Mystal got even more heated, saying:
"You don't communicate to them, you beat them. You beat them. They are not a majority of this country” the majority of white people in this country are not a majority of the country. All the people who are not fooled by this need to come together, go to the polls, go to the protests, do whatever you have to do. You do not negotiate with these people, You Destroy Them.

Had anything remotely like this been said about our friends on the left, the ranter would have already lost his job and be facing the requisite hour of hate to force him to recant his disgusting racism. That this nut job has not been similarly treated speaks volumes about both the sincerity of the left and the MSM (but I repeat myself) and the validity of their accusations of racism and incitement to violence on the right. TDS is a horrible mental disease. Please seek help because the next 5 five years are going to be tough on all of you. As an empathetic person it IS hard watching TDS sufferers.
Destroy them? The only thing this guy has ever destroyed is a box of donuts. ridiculous. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA group have a superiority complex. They say Trump supporters are racists and hate other groups but they're the ones who hate. They're attempting to create the narrative they wish to happen. Trump 2020 and likely a reality 'The Hunt'. Wiping out 10s of millions like a replay of Russia, China and Cambodia, all while deleting truth, and creating all kinds of false narratives (re-writing history books) to the masses via MSM. The left has made political ideology personal. Their raison d' etre is The State. Conservatives are an existential threat to the Left and that is why they want to destroy us. In the past we could say, "Well, we're all Americans." No longer.... That’s why the “working class” they are concerned about doesn’t include whites even though they are the majority of the working class. Marxist Socialists are just the useful idiots in a tribal war who think that they will get something at the end. But they won’t because Marxist Socialism isn’t that important to the power players here.
“It is Salvation by Society in Drucker's terms. Conservatives are an existential threat and that is why they want to destroy them.”
Only because conservatives represent and promote a government that whites created and therefore a government many minorities see as hostile. Obviously most of the conservatives think their vision for government is better for everyone, including minorities and I happen to agree but that’s not how others see it. To many the Constitution is a structure of white oppression since whites created it and promote it.
“In the past we could say, "Well, we're all Americans." No longer... at least not for the leftist Boomer generation and their kids.”
Hmm...., these are the same people that are calling for the confiscation of all firearms. And here's a nice graphic on the latest gambit:
These four red flags of major totalitarian countries make a graphic illustration of why the media flipped the red/blue designations of the political parties. I had not realized that all four had red flags though I knew that written and spoken references to 'red' atrocities would become confusing for younger generations. The majority of our media is devious, powerful, smart and dishonest.

MSNBC has the ugliest, stupidest, most racist Negros as hosts and guests.
"You don't communicate to them, you beat them. You beat them. They are not a majority of this country” the majority of white people in this country are not a majority of the country. All the people who are not fooled by this need to come together, go to the polls, go to the protests, do whatever you have to do. You do not negotiate with these people, You Destroy Them.

POLITICALLY moron...with your VOTE
"You don't communicate to them, you beat them. You beat them. They are not a majority of this country” the majority of white people in this country are not a majority of the country. All the people who are not fooled by this need to come together, go to the polls, go to the protests, do whatever you have to do. You do not negotiate with these people, You Destroy Them.

POLITICALLY moron...with your VOTE

Yeah sure...these are yours by the way.

He looks like the nutty professor. Lol he would be the first to hit the dirt.
He knows white people are not doing anything about it. Why wouldn't he spout the crap. You can see he never had an honest job in his life. And whn he wins, we will end up a post high tech failure in which we have been trending. The Lake of Fire.....old27

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