MSNBC Ignores Catastrophic U.S.-Backed War in Yemen


Gold Member
May 3, 2017
Northern WI.
For the popular US cable news network MSNBC, the largest humanitarian catastrophe in the world is apparently not worth much attention—even as the US government has played a key role in creating and maintaining that unparalleled crisis. An analysis by FAIR has found that the leading liberal cable network did not run a single segment devoted specifically to Yemen in the second half of 2017. And in these latter roughly six months of the year, MSNBC ran nearly 5,000 percent more segments that mentioned Russia than segments that mentioned Yemen.- Source

#1 - Another reason the corporate owned MSM is totally without credibility. In this case "omission" is just as bad as propaganda. Control over what people see and hear.

#2 - Fox is no more bias than MSNBC and CNN.

#3 - So-called liberal sources are just as bad as conservative sources.
The US has no role in the ongoing civil conflict in Yemen. The current ESCALATION of the \
LONG TERM civil conflict in Yemen is sponsored by IRAN. Iran SALIVATES over the
strategic port cities of yemen-------control of which can provide Russia and Iran with MARITIME
CONTROL OVER a huge portion of international trade. Of course---Iran also sees an entry into
Saudi Arabia------for capture of the black rock for the MADHI-----who awaits the glorious deed in
a well in the "holey" city of Qom. WAKE UP!!!!!
For the popular US cable news network MSNBC, the largest humanitarian catastrophe in the world is apparently not worth much attention—even as the US government has played a key role in creating and maintaining that unparalleled crisis. An analysis by FAIR has found that the leading liberal cable network did not run a single segment devoted specifically to Yemen in the second half of 2017. And in these latter roughly six months of the year, MSNBC ran nearly 5,000 percent more segments that mentioned Russia than segments that mentioned Yemen.- Source

#1 - Another reason the corporate owned MSM is totally without credibility. In this case "omission" is just as bad as propaganda. Control over what people see and hear.

#2 - Fox is no more bias than MSNBC and CNN.

#3 - So-called liberal sources are just as bad as conservative sources.

What kinda head line is this , it's a damn Iran led war.
For the popular US cable news network MSNBC, the largest humanitarian catastrophe in the world is apparently not worth much attention—even as the US government has played a key role in creating and maintaining that unparalleled crisis. An analysis by FAIR has found that the leading liberal cable network did not run a single segment devoted specifically to Yemen in the second half of 2017. And in these latter roughly six months of the year, MSNBC ran nearly 5,000 percent more segments that mentioned Russia than segments that mentioned Yemen.- Source

#1 - Another reason the corporate owned MSM is totally without credibility. In this case "omission" is just as bad as propaganda. Control over what people see and hear.

#2 - Fox is no more bias than MSNBC and CNN.

#3 - So-called liberal sources are just as bad as conservative sources.

MSNBC Ignores Catastrophic U.S.-Backed War in Yemen

I can't believe you are this ignorant op...that's pathetic..
For the popular US cable news network MSNBC, the largest humanitarian catastrophe in the world is apparently not worth much attention—even as the US government has played a key role in creating and maintaining that unparalleled crisis. An analysis by FAIR has found that the leading liberal cable network did not run a single segment devoted specifically to Yemen in the second half of 2017. And in these latter roughly six months of the year, MSNBC ran nearly 5,000 percent more segments that mentioned Russia than segments that mentioned Yemen.- Source

#1 - Another reason the corporate owned MSM is totally without credibility. In this case "omission" is just as bad as propaganda. Control over what people see and hear.

#2 - Fox is no more bias than MSNBC and CNN.

#3 - So-called liberal sources are just as bad as conservative sources.
There was a time when U.S. Presidents remarked upon such things, and by doing so called attention to them and the world, in turn, listened and undertook action to attenuate the situation. The current POTUS hardly cares, however, about the least among his own countrymen, so it's no surprise that he's had nothing to say about the humanitarian crisis in Yemen or anywhere else. Given his induracy toward anyone other than himself, that's no surprise.

One's normative view of it notwithstanding, what a POTUS talks about is what mostly makes its way into American and global news reporting. Trump has repeatedly taken actions that incrementally denude America's position as the world's leader. It's only a matter of time before the leader of one of the nations that would assume that privileged role starts remarking consistently on the humanitarian crises in Yemen and elsewhere and in so doing takes yet a bit more of America's position as world's acknowledged and de facto leader. After all and at the end of the day, election or no election, no leader or nation that would lead others is so without the tacit approbation of those who'd be led.

the largest humanitarian catastrophe in the world
I think what be the "the largest humanitarian catastrophe in the world" has several candidates, though to be sure, the happenings in Yemen are among them.

An analysis by FAIR has found that the leading liberal cable network did not run a single segment devoted specifically to Yemen in the second half of 2017
The US has no role in the ongoing civil conflict in Yemen. The current ESCALATION of the \LONG TERM civil conflict in Yemen is sponsored by IRAN. Iran SALIVATES over thestrategic port cities of yemen-------control of which can provide Russia and Iran with MARITIME CONTROL OVER a huge portion of international trade. Of course---Iran also sees an entry intoSaudi Arabia------for capture of the black rock for the MADHI-----who awaits the glorious deed in
a well in the "holey" city of Qom. WAKE UP!!!!!

What you say is your opinion, which I have no problem with but I posted this in the "Media" category. What does your post have to do with the media?
The US has no role in the ongoing civil conflict in Yemen. The current ESCALATION of the \LONG TERM civil conflict in Yemen is sponsored by IRAN. Iran SALIVATES over thestrategic port cities of yemen-------control of which can provide Russia and Iran with MARITIME CONTROL OVER a huge portion of international trade. Of course---Iran also sees an entry intoSaudi Arabia------for capture of the black rock for the MADHI-----who awaits the glorious deed in
a well in the "holey" city of Qom. WAKE UP!!!!!

What you say is your opinion, which I have no problem with but I posted this in the "Media" category. What does your post have to do with the media?

I am posting in response to the content of DA MEDIA. My "opinion" reflects the FACTS of history---
and that which is known by Yemenis --
For the popular US cable news network MSNBC, the largest humanitarian catastrophe in the world is apparently not worth much attention—even as the US government has played a key role in creating and maintaining that unparalleled crisis. An analysis by FAIR has found that the leading liberal cable network did not run a single segment devoted specifically to Yemen in the second half of 2017. And in these latter roughly six months of the year, MSNBC ran nearly 5,000 percent more segments that mentioned Russia than segments that mentioned Yemen.- Source

#1 - Another reason the corporate owned MSM is totally without credibility. In this case "omission" is just as bad as propaganda. Control over what people see and hear.

#2 - Fox is no more bias than MSNBC and CNN.

#3 - So-called liberal sources are just as bad as conservative sources.
The problem here is that it's a war that's bipartisan: both Democrats and Republicans support it, with very few exceptions on both sides.
For the popular US cable news network MSNBC, the largest humanitarian catastrophe in the world is apparently not worth much attention—even as the US government has played a key role in creating and maintaining that unparalleled crisis. An analysis by FAIR has found that the leading liberal cable network did not run a single segment devoted specifically to Yemen in the second half of 2017. And in these latter roughly six months of the year, MSNBC ran nearly 5,000 percent more segments that mentioned Russia than segments that mentioned Yemen.- Source

#1 - Another reason the corporate owned MSM is totally without credibility. In this case "omission" is just as bad as propaganda. Control over what people see and hear.

#2 - Fox is no more bias than MSNBC and CNN.

#3 - So-called liberal sources are just as bad as conservative sources.

MSNBC Ignores Catastrophic U.S.-Backed War in Yemen

I can't believe you are this ignorant op...that's pathetic..
Believe it. Read past posting contributions, and build a profile... And you'll wonder how you missed it.
For the popular US cable news network MSNBC, the largest humanitarian catastrophe in the world is apparently not worth much attention—even as the US government has played a key role in creating and maintaining that unparalleled crisis. An analysis by FAIR has found that the leading liberal cable network did not run a single segment devoted specifically to Yemen in the second half of 2017. And in these latter roughly six months of the year, MSNBC ran nearly 5,000 percent more segments that mentioned Russia than segments that mentioned Yemen.- Source

#1 - Another reason the corporate owned MSM is totally without credibility. In this case "omission" is just as bad as propaganda. Control over what people see and hear.

#2 - Fox is no more bias than MSNBC and CNN.

#3 - So-called liberal sources are just as bad as conservative sources.
The problem here is that it's a war that's bipartisan: both Democrats and Republicans support it, with very few exceptions on both sides.

what else is new? think back-------did our then PRES make a big issue of the
genocide in Cambodia? In Biafra? In East Pakistan? I do not remember that
those issues were addressed AT ALL-------AT THE TIME.. If you were not PAYING |
ATTENTION-----you missed the whole damn BLOODY DISASTER. btw---starvation
and cholera is nothing new in Yemen. Iran is USING it as a tool
For the popular US cable news network MSNBC, the largest humanitarian catastrophe in the world is apparently not worth much attention—even as the US government has played a key role in creating and maintaining that unparalleled crisis. An analysis by FAIR has found that the leading liberal cable network did not run a single segment devoted specifically to Yemen in the second half of 2017. And in these latter roughly six months of the year, MSNBC ran nearly 5,000 percent more segments that mentioned Russia than segments that mentioned Yemen.- Source

#1 - Another reason the corporate owned MSM is totally without credibility. In this case "omission" is just as bad as propaganda. Control over what people see and hear.

#2 - Fox is no more bias than MSNBC and CNN.

#3 - So-called liberal sources are just as bad as conservative sources.
The problem here is that it's a war that's bipartisan: both Democrats and Republicans support it, with very few exceptions on both sides.

what else is new? think back-------did our then PRES make a big issue of the
genocide in Cambodia? In Biafra? In East Pakistan? I do not remember that
those issues were addressed AT ALL-------AT THE TIME.. If you were not PAYING |
ATTENTION-----you missed the whole damn BLOODY DISASTER. btw---starvation
and cholera is nothing new in Yemen. Iran is USING it as a tool
I don't remember, did the US supply arms to Pol Pot, Biafra, East Pakistan? I vaguely remember something I read about Cambodia, but I can't say for sure...I just remember US troops going into Cambodia.
For the popular US cable news network MSNBC, the largest humanitarian catastrophe in the world is apparently not worth much attention—even as the US government has played a key role in creating and maintaining that unparalleled crisis. An analysis by FAIR has found that the leading liberal cable network did not run a single segment devoted specifically to Yemen in the second half of 2017. And in these latter roughly six months of the year, MSNBC ran nearly 5,000 percent more segments that mentioned Russia than segments that mentioned Yemen.- Source

#1 - Another reason the corporate owned MSM is totally without credibility. In this case "omission" is just as bad as propaganda. Control over what people see and hear.

#2 - Fox is no more bias than MSNBC and CNN.

#3 - So-called liberal sources are just as bad as conservative sources.
The problem here is that it's a war that's bipartisan: both Democrats and Republicans support it, with very few exceptions on both sides.

what else is new? think back-------did our then PRES make a big issue of the
genocide in Cambodia? In Biafra? In East Pakistan? I do not remember that
those issues were addressed AT ALL-------AT THE TIME.. If you were not PAYING |
ATTENTION-----you missed the whole damn BLOODY DISASTER. btw---starvation
and cholera is nothing new in Yemen. Iran is USING it as a tool
I don't remember, did the US supply arms to Pol Pot, Biafra, East Pakistan? I vaguely remember something I read about Cambodia, but I can't say for sure...I just remember US troops going into Cambodia.
When the US withdrew from Vietnam... Vietnam ended the bloody reign of terror in Cambodia in less than a month. How soon could these atrocities have been stopped, had we never gotten involved in a civil war to begin with?
For the popular US cable news network MSNBC, the largest humanitarian catastrophe in the world is apparently not worth much attention—even as the US government has played a key role in creating and maintaining that unparalleled crisis. An analysis by FAIR has found that the leading liberal cable network did not run a single segment devoted specifically to Yemen in the second half of 2017. And in these latter roughly six months of the year, MSNBC ran nearly 5,000 percent more segments that mentioned Russia than segments that mentioned Yemen.- Source

#1 - Another reason the corporate owned MSM is totally without credibility. In this case "omission" is just as bad as propaganda. Control over what people see and hear.

#2 - Fox is no more bias than MSNBC and CNN.

#3 - So-called liberal sources are just as bad as conservative sources.
The problem here is that it's a war that's bipartisan: both Democrats and Republicans support it, with very few exceptions on both sides.

what else is new? think back-------did our then PRES make a big issue of the
genocide in Cambodia? In Biafra? In East Pakistan? I do not remember that
those issues were addressed AT ALL-------AT THE TIME.. If you were not PAYING |
ATTENTION-----you missed the whole damn BLOODY DISASTER. btw---starvation
and cholera is nothing new in Yemen. Iran is USING it as a tool
I don't remember, did the US supply arms to Pol Pot, Biafra, East Pakistan? I vaguely remember something I read about Cambodia, but I can't say for sure...I just remember US troops going into Cambodia.
When the US withdrew from Vietnam... Vietnam ended the bloody reign of terror in Cambodia in less than a month. How soon could these atrocities have been stopped, had we never gotten involved in a civil war to begin with?
That wasn't the point though, the US armed Saudi Arabia, I was trying to draw an analogy.
For the popular US cable news network MSNBC, the largest humanitarian catastrophe in the world is apparently not worth much attention—even as the US government has played a key role in creating and maintaining that unparalleled crisis. An analysis by FAIR has found that the leading liberal cable network did not run a single segment devoted specifically to Yemen in the second half of 2017. And in these latter roughly six months of the year, MSNBC ran nearly 5,000 percent more segments that mentioned Russia than segments that mentioned Yemen.- Source

#1 - Another reason the corporate owned MSM is totally without credibility. In this case "omission" is just as bad as propaganda. Control over what people see and hear.

#2 - Fox is no more bias than MSNBC and CNN.

#3 - So-called liberal sources are just as bad as conservative sources.
The problem here is that it's a war that's bipartisan: both Democrats and Republicans support it, with very few exceptions on both sides.

what else is new? think back-------did our then PRES make a big issue of the
genocide in Cambodia? In Biafra? In East Pakistan? I do not remember that
those issues were addressed AT ALL-------AT THE TIME.. If you were not PAYING |
ATTENTION-----you missed the whole damn BLOODY DISASTER. btw---starvation
and cholera is nothing new in Yemen. Iran is USING it as a tool
I don't remember, did the US supply arms to Pol Pot, Biafra, East Pakistan? I vaguely remember something I read about Cambodia, but I can't say for sure...I just remember US troops going into Cambodia.
When the US withdrew from Vietnam... Vietnam ended the bloody reign of terror in Cambodia in less than a month. How soon could these atrocities have been stopped, had we never gotten involved in a civil war to begin with?
That wasn't the point though, the US armed Saudi Arabia, I was trying to draw an analogy.

you failed. the Yemeni catastrophe does not exist because Saudi Arabia is armed BY THE USA.
It exists because the Houthi Yemenis exist and Hezbollah has gone in ---(that is Iranian aggression)
and those Iranian proxies have taken Yemen BY FORCE and ARE attacking Saudi Arabia--------
Saudi Arabia can buy weapons on the OPENED (read that "arab black" ) Market it its heart
you failed. the Yemeni catastrophe does not exist because Saudi Arabia is armed BY THE USA.
It exists because the Houthi Yemenis exist and Hezbollah has gone in ---(that is Iranian aggression)
and those Iranian proxies have taken Yemen BY FORCE and ARE attacking Saudi Arabia--------
Saudi Arabia can buy weapons on the OPENED (read that "arab black" ) Market it its heart

What the hell does your incessant babbling have to do with this topic? It's not about the war. It's how it's being reported.
you failed. the Yemeni catastrophe does not exist because Saudi Arabia is armed BY THE USA.
It exists because the Houthi Yemenis exist and Hezbollah has gone in ---(that is Iranian aggression)
and those Iranian proxies have taken Yemen BY FORCE and ARE attacking Saudi Arabia--------
Saudi Arabia can buy weapons on the OPENED (read that "arab black" ) Market it its heart

What the hell does your incessant babbling have to do with this topic? It's not about the war. It's how it's being reported.

how a war is being reported has "NOTHING TO DO" with the facts of that war?

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