MSNBC host mocks Romney's adopted black grandchild


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Sarah Palin: MSNBC ?despicable? - Lucy McCalmont -

During a segment of “Melissa Harris-Perry” on Sunday on the most-talked about photos of the year, the host and a panel of guests turned to the subject of a Romney family picture that included his recently adopted grandson, Kieran Romney, who is black.

One panelist, actress Pia Glenn, sang “one of these things is not like the other,” with another joking that it was representative of the Republican Party’s lack of diversity. “It really sums up the diversity of the Republican Party, the RNC. At the convention, they find the one black person,” said comedian Dean Obeidallah.

Harris-Perry herself joked about Romney’s grandson marrying the child of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.

Palin said the “leftist media” has reached a “new low” and praised the Romneys for adopting the child.

“You really need a conscience, yellow journalists. May your 2014 New Year’s Resolution be to find one,” she added.

Libtards are closet racists and always have been. Their posturing as antiracists since the end of WW2 has been purely for convenience sake as they needed the Civil Rights movement to break down the Christian establishment's control and replace it with a leftwing establishment supposedly based on freedom, but recent events are illustrating that illusion with the Phil Robertson, George Zimmerman and Paula Dean incidents.

As long as the libtars use their control of the federal government to buy off the leaders of the black community, one can expect black to continue to give the libtards 90+% of their vote.

But when the libtards think they no longer need them they will likely jettison the blacks over board like they have done to evangelical groups of both races.

There has never been a libtard worth trusting since the Jacobins set the mold back in the late 1700's and they started sending each other and their own supporters to the gallows. This is a pattern that the far left has repeated since, and genuine liberals of our day are fools to trust them.
Even CNN's wading into this one. Pretty much condemned MSNBC last night on-air.

Well, it is no news that even CNN is to the right of MSNBC, but it is news that they would actually speak out on the topic.

The slut has apologized.... Like that makes a difference.

If you want to see it, it's here. pMSNBC is fast scrubbing it. See it while you can

Melissa Harris-Perry Panel Mocks Black Romney Grandchild As Token » The Right Scoop -
Even CNN's wading into this one. Pretty much condemned MSNBC last night on-air.

Well, it is no news that even CNN is to the right of MSNBC, but it is news that they would actually speak out on the topic.

The slut has apologized.... Like that makes a difference.

If you want to see it, it's here. pMSNBC is fast scrubbing it. See it while you can

Melissa Harris-Perry Panel Mocks Black Romney Grandchild As Token » The Right Scoop -

Just old racists being racists.
It really sums up the diversity of the Republican Party -- can't really argue with that.

I watched that show. It was a panel full of comedians going over all the stories of the past year. They poked fun at everything. But their humor was hardly malicious. They didn't call the child a "tar baby" or the types of things you would expect the Republicans to say.


And you have to admit, one child definitely "stands out". What's wrong with bringing attention to that?

Look at Tank. Now there is an honest Republican: Homosexuality, welfare, unemployment, dropouts, STD.s. obesity, fatherless children, abortion, rape, murder are not Republican values, so thats why blacks, hispanics and gays are democrats

I can't recall anyone on the board condemning that. Course, I could be wrong.
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It really sums up the diversity of the Republican Party -- can't really argue with that.

I watched that show. It was a panel full of comedians going over all the stories of the past year. They poked fun at everything. But their humor was hardly malicious. They didn't call the child a "tar baby" or the types of things you would expect the Republicans to say.


And you have to admit, one child definitely "stands out". What's wrong with bringing attention to that?

Look at Tank. Now there is an honest Republican: Homosexuality, welfare, unemployment, dropouts, STD.s. obesity, fatherless children, abortion, rape, murder are not Republican values, so thats why blacks, hispanics and gays are democrats

Thank you RDean for being the token racist on the thread.
It really sums up the diversity of the Republican Party -- can't really argue with that.

I watched that show. It was a panel full of comedians going over all the stories of the past year. They poked fun at everything. But their humor was hardly malicious. They didn't call the child a "tar baby" or the types of things you would expect the Republicans to say.


And you have to admit, one child definitely "stands out". What's wrong with bringing attention to that?

Look at Tank. Now there is an honest Republican: Homosexuality, welfare, unemployment, dropouts, STD.s. obesity, fatherless children, abortion, rape, murder are not Republican values, so thats why blacks, hispanics and gays are democrats

Thank you RDean for being the token racist on the thread.

"Token?" What the fuck do you mean, "token"?

They're ALL racists. Especially rdouche.

Didn't you hear the laughter, the mocking, the taunting, the 'who gives a fuck' attitude in the video? Listen, go watch it. It's disgusting.

libturds are the most racist cocksuckers alive.

They just have the power of the press and and continuously lie about who they are.

I promise you, if that had been an FNC host, she would be fired right now.

If Roger Ailes personally had to leave his Office and finish the Show, that host would have been fired ON THE SPOT and within seconds.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. Never forget that.

It really sums up the diversity of the Republican Party -- can't really argue with that.

I watched that show. It was a panel full of comedians going over all the stories of the past year. They poked fun at everything. But their humor was hardly malicious. They didn't call the child a "tar baby" or the types of things you would expect the Republicans to say.


And you have to admit, one child definitely "stands out". What's wrong with bringing attention to that?

Look at Tank. Now there is an honest Republican: Homosexuality, welfare, unemployment, dropouts, STD.s. obesity, fatherless children, abortion, rape, murder are not Republican values, so thats why blacks, hispanics and gays are democrats

Thank you RDean for being the token racist on the thread.

When you condemn "one of these children is black"

but not

Homosexuality, welfare, unemployment, dropouts, STD.s. obesity, fatherless children, abortion, rape, murder are not Republican values, so thats why blacks, hispanics and gays are democrats

It proves there are people who "drum up" racism to deflect the conversation away from their own racist beliefs.

GOP Convention: Republican Attendees Threw Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman, Called Her An 'Animal'
last month it was Bashir, now this lowlife woman

that should tell you all about that sick station

nothing but racist, bigots, some of the most hateful ignorant people ever

Shun that that station folks

They've always had trouble controlling their hatred on MSNBC.

Imagine if there were a picture of a large black family with the dad holding a white baby, and Fox made fun of it.

Holy shit, front page news for a freakin' month.

Nasty, nasty, nasty.


no kidding, where's mediamatters now?
won't hear a peep out of them about it you can bet on it

They've always had trouble controlling their hatred on MSNBC.

Imagine if there were a picture of a large black family with the dad holding a white baby, and Fox made fun of it.

Holy shit, front page news for a freakin' month.

Nasty, nasty, nasty.


The only refreshing thing about MSNBC is that at least they don't hide who they are.
In the days of past we were well aware of the political slant any "news" organization possessed as they were not ashamed to identify their obvious bias.

I certainly don't put a lot of stock in what MSNBC produces and calls "news" ... But they are honest enough to express that they are Progressive Liberal in their bias.

yeah, the people on Msnbc show us the real progressives

nothing but hateful people who has no problem spreading it on the people in this country

It's one reason we are such divided country...they really came out in force when Bush was President

now look at them under the Progressive Obama
Sarah Palin: MSNBC ?despicable? - Lucy McCalmont -

During a segment of “Melissa Harris-Perry” on Sunday on the most-talked about photos of the year, the host and a panel of guests turned to the subject of a Romney family picture that included his recently adopted grandson, Kieran Romney, who is black.

One panelist, actress Pia Glenn, sang “one of these things is not like the other,” with another joking that it was representative of the Republican Party’s lack of diversity. “It really sums up the diversity of the Republican Party, the RNC. At the convention, they find the one black person,” said comedian Dean Obeidallah.

Harris-Perry herself joked about Romney’s grandson marrying the child of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.

Palin said the “leftist media” has reached a “new low” and praised the Romneys for adopting the child.

“You really need a conscience, yellow journalists. May your 2014 New Year’s Resolution be to find one,” she added.

Libtards are closet racists and always have been. Their posturing as antiracists since the end of WW2 has been purely for convenience sake as they needed the Civil Rights movement to break down the Christian establishment's control and replace it with a leftwing establishment supposedly based on freedom, but recent events are illustrating that illusion with the Phil Robertson, George Zimmerman and Paula Dean incidents.

As long as the libtars use their control of the federal government to buy off the leaders of the black community, one can expect black to continue to give the libtards 90+% of their vote.

But when the libtards think they no longer need them they will likely jettison the blacks over board like they have done to evangelical groups of both races.

There has never been a libtard worth trusting since the Jacobins set the mold back in the late 1700's and they started sending each other and their own supporters to the gallows. This is a pattern that the far left has repeated since, and genuine liberals of our day are fools to trust them.

Wow, what a bunch of lowlife shitbags those MSNBC folk are.

I don't think they should apologize though, they fairly represent the progressives and their hateful bitterness towards anyone Republican. We know the apology they gave was a hollow one, we saw what their true feelings are on the matter.

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