MSNBC Doctor's Conspiracy Theory: White Racist Pols Use Anti-Vaxxers to Endanger Blacks


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

MSNBC Doctor's Conspiracy Theory: White Racist Pols Use Anti-Vaxxers to Endanger Blacks

11 Jul 2021 By Mark Finkelstein
Appearing on Tiffany Cross's MSNBC show today to discuss the problem of portions of the population who refuse to be vaccinated against Covid, Dr. Chris Pernell decried "people unfortunately who have become susceptible to the conspiracy theories."
But ironically, Pernell floated a paranoid conspiracy theory of her own: that anti-vaxxers are white supremacists who are targeting communities of color.
She seemed to be saying that the white supremacists are encouraging POC to refuse vaccination so that they'll contract the potentially fatal disease. Now that's paranoid.

Said Pernell:
"I don’t have any tolerance for the anti-vaxxer movement. And I don’t have any tolerance for politicians who befriend, who cozy up to, or become allies of that movement. I actually see that as another example of the proliferation of white supremacy.
"Because in particular, they are targeting communities of color, and they are targeting the historical injustices, the atrocities, that communities of color have experienced, as a way to play on their vulnerabilities."
No specifics were offered in this conspiracy theory. Nobody needs any evidence on this "news channel"! Dr. Pernell is a more regular guest on CNN than she is on MSNBC.

Obviously, the accusations by Pernell are worse than any tinfoil hat conspiracies I’ve heard...
It sounds like this kook is saying that anti-vax white supremacists are try to convince blacks not to get vaccinated, as a means to expose them to COVID. Which makes no sense, because by definition anti-vaxxers don’t believe the vaccine is helpful!
Anyhow, since when do blacks look to white supremacists as a trusted source of info?
Factually here are the statistics:
CDC Covid-19 Survival Rates as of 10/2020
Age 0-19 — 99.997%
Age 20-49 — 99.98%
Age 50-69 — 99.5%
Age 70+ — 94.6%​
Pandemic Death Toll by % of Population Year of Population Estimate
Black Death 51.0% 1300
Plague of Justinian 19.1% 500
Smallpox 12.1% 1500
Antonine Plague 2.6% 200
The Third Plague 1.0% 1850​
Spanish Flu 2.5% 1919
HIV/AIDS 0.7% 1981
COVID-19 0.03% 2021 (as of March 15)​
You can't put anything past crackas. The only reason I go the shot was because I figured they wouldn't kill off millions of white people just to kill off some Black people.
COVID affected people across the Globe you Racist POS.
You can't put anything past crackas. The only reason I go the shot was because I figured they wouldn't kill off millions of white people just to kill off some Black people.
You got the shot because your white betters in the big white house told you so, Toby.
Actually my daughters told me so cracka.
Suuuure they did....Now go tote that bail, s0n.
A wise vodun priest once told me.

"The closer you draw to home the stronger the urge to defecate."
You can't put anything past crackas. The only reason I go the shot was because I figured they wouldn't kill off millions of white people just to kill off some Black people.


With all the DNA studies in the past few decades so they can target specific DNA sequences, and it is a promoted as a gene therapy treatment, how do you know it isn't targeted to do things to dark skinned people?


You can't put anything past crackas. The only reason I go the shot was because I figured they wouldn't kill off millions of white people just to kill off some Black people.

View attachment 511516

With all the DNA studies in the past few decades so they can target specific DNA sequences, and it is a promoted as a gene therapy treatment, how do you know it isn't targeted to do things to dark skinned people?



Cause this lady is still alive and kicking.

You can't put anything past crackas. The only reason I go the shot was because I figured they wouldn't kill off millions of white people just to kill off some Black people.
You got the shot because your white betters in the big white house told you so, Toby.
Actually my daughters told me so cracka.
Does your daughter know you talk like this?
She talks worse about you crackas.
Actually my daughters told me so cracka.
Bummer but that should give you a clue to how indoctrinated the young ones are now days. Perhaps you may have gotten lucky and got the saline instead of the real deal.
I know a bunch of Black people that have gotten the vax including my parents. Zero side affects. The only person I know that had a reaction was a white woman and she just got sick for a day.
You can't put anything past crackas. The only reason I go the shot was because I figured they wouldn't kill off millions of white people just to kill off some Black people.

View attachment 511516

With all the DNA studies in the past few decades so they can target specific DNA sequences, and it is a promoted as a gene therapy treatment, how do you know it isn't targeted to do things to dark skinned people?



Cause this lady is still alive and kicking.



Looks like she might be useful and productive so it was probably the placebo or perhaps she'll have a reaction sometime in the future.


You can't put anything past crackas. The only reason I go the shot was because I figured they wouldn't kill off millions of white people just to kill off some Black people.

View attachment 511516

With all the DNA studies in the past few decades so they can target specific DNA sequences, and it is a promoted as a gene therapy treatment, how do you know it isn't targeted to do things to dark skinned people?



Cause this lady is still alive and kicking.


View attachment 511525

Looks like she might be useful and productive so it was probably the placebo or perhaps she'll have a reaction sometime in the future.



They must have given an awful lot of Black people a placebo then. I dont know anyone that is Black and had a bad reaction to it. Is your avatar a pic of that retarded bitch that got shot trying to take over the capitol?
They must have given an awful lot of Black people a placebo then. I dont know anyone that is Black and had a bad reaction to it.

We shall see ten to twenty years from now.

Is your avatar a pic of that retarded bitch that got shot trying to take over the capitol?

If you're referring to the unarmed white female protestor who was murdered by the Capitol police on the 6th of January then yes it is.




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