MSNBC, CNN Ratings Plunge as O'Reilly Reigns


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
MSNBC and CNN’s primetime news programs have suffered an incredible nosedive in ratings since Barack Obama was elected president, Newsmax has learned.

Ratings for “Countdown With Keith Olbermann” on MSNBC at 8 p.m. have plunged a dizzying 42 percent since October, shortly before the election. CNN’s 8 p.m. show, now being hosted by Roland Martin, has seen a 49 percent plunge over that time period, while “The O’Reilly Factor” on Fox News has dipped only 15 percent, according to Nielsen Media Research.

Bill O’Reilly’s 8 p.m. show remains the top-rated cable news program, averaging 2,650,000 million households per night in April, more than the combined totals for Olbermann’s program (938,000) and CNN’s 8 p.m. offering (613,000) — with more than a million households to spare.

In the key demographic of viewers 25 to 54 years old, Olbermann has lost 53 percent of his average nightly audience, a precipitous plunge. Rachel Maddow, who follows him at 9 p.m. on MSNBC, has lost an astounding 65 percent of her 25-to-54 audience since October, and her 819,000 households in April compare poorly to Sean Hannity’s 1,953,000 households on Fox.

O’Reilly has also trounced Olbermann among viewers aged 35 to 64 in April, with 1,724,000 viewers, down 19 percent since October. Olbermann suffered a 49 percent drop in that demographic and had 1,151,000 viewers.

The solid showing of “The O’Reilly Factor” and the plunging numbers for Keith Olbermann further belie Olbermann and MSNBC’s occasional claim that he is winning the ratings war in his time slot.

MSNBC took out a full-page ad in The New York Times last November proclaiming “A Sweeping Victory” for its ratings and declaring “Countdown With Keith Olbermann” the No. 1 cable news program.

But fine print at the bottom of the ad acknowledged that the “victory” referred only to the 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. time slot for the dates Oct. 27 through Oct. 31, for viewers between 25 and 54 years of age.

Overall, however, O’Reilly’s show averaged twice as many viewers as Olbermann’s.

Read more at below link. - MSNBC, CNN Ratings Plunge as O'Reilly Reigns

Most people watch things that they agree with. The handwriting is on the wall.

It will be interesting to see how soon Janeane Garofalo will be invited back.

Remember this class act? Calling Teabaggers "Racist Rednecks."

Overall, however, O’Reilly’s show averaged twice as many viewers as Olbermann’s.

Read more at below link. - MSNBC, CNN Ratings Plunge as O'Reilly Reigns

Most people watch things that they agree with. The handwriting is on the wall.

It will be interesting to see how soon Janeane Garofalo will be invited back...... Calling Teabaggers "Racist Rednecks.".....

From your Link - The O’Reilly-Olbermann feud has been ongoing for years. O’Reilly denies that there is a feud, and says he won’t even mention Olbermann by name. But Olbermann for his part has made O’Reilly the frequent recipient of his nightly “Worst Person in the World” award.

O'Reilly presents a balanced viewpoint criticizing both ends of the political spectrum, which is a winning format. I've never heard O'Reilly mention Olbermann in any kind of disparaging way, but on the other hand, early on in his show, he was somewhat critical of Rush.

In a recent interview with Broadcasting & Cable magazine, O’Reilly said “The O’Reilly Factor” has fared well since Obama entered the White House because CNN and MSNBC comprise the “Obama cheerleading crew,” and viewers are tuning in to Fox because it is “more skeptical of the president.”

The stuff from Olberman about Obama sounds too much like propoganda and too hateful, especially for "older" ears. Some of the "kids" may go for it, but they're the same audience as go for the Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report with Steven Colbert, who are too clever by half. Too clever because they and their audience think they are fooling anyone about the value of their content.

And Newsmax reported earlier that Obama’s win on Election Day “may be a Pyrrhic victory” for Olbermann, who “had positioned himself as the anti-Bush, anti-Republican news source on MSNBC. With Democrats firmly in control of the White House and Congress, it’s questionable that his audience will grow.”

Yeah, and his audience is made up of the same crazies who think they are getting news from Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert, and at the same time think that conservatives are confused about the aim and intent of that so-called 'humor'.
Have you watched Olberman and Maddow,,?? night after night after night their programs are made up of bitching about republicans, it's boring as hell. go look at media matters, it exists solely to bash republicans, talk radio, and Fox news.. these are pathetic asshole losers..
MSNBC and CNN’s primetime news programs have suffered an incredible nosedive in ratings since Barack Obama was elected president, Newsmax has learned.

Ratings for “Countdown With Keith Olbermann” on MSNBC at 8 p.m. have plunged a dizzying 42 percent since October, shortly before the election. CNN’s 8 p.m. show, now being hosted by Roland Martin, has seen a 49 percent plunge over that time period, while “The O’Reilly Factor” on Fox News has dipped only 15 percent, according to Nielsen Media Research.

Bill O’Reilly’s 8 p.m. show remains the top-rated cable news program, averaging 2,650,000 million households per night in April, more than the combined totals for Olbermann’s program (938,000) and CNN’s 8 p.m. offering (613,000) — with more than a million households to spare.

In the key demographic of viewers 25 to 54 years old, Olbermann has lost 53 percent of his average nightly audience, a precipitous plunge. Rachel Maddow, who follows him at 9 p.m. on MSNBC, has lost an astounding 65 percent of her 25-to-54 audience since October, and her 819,000 households in April compare poorly to Sean Hannity’s 1,953,000 households on Fox.

O’Reilly has also trounced Olbermann among viewers aged 35 to 64 in April, with 1,724,000 viewers, down 19 percent since October. Olbermann suffered a 49 percent drop in that demographic and had 1,151,000 viewers.

The solid showing of “The O’Reilly Factor” and the plunging numbers for Keith Olbermann further belie Olbermann and MSNBC’s occasional claim that he is winning the ratings war in his time slot.

MSNBC took out a full-page ad in The New York Times last November proclaiming “A Sweeping Victory” for its ratings and declaring “Countdown With Keith Olbermann” the No. 1 cable news program.

But fine print at the bottom of the ad acknowledged that the “victory” referred only to the 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. time slot for the dates Oct. 27 through Oct. 31, for viewers between 25 and 54 years of age.

Overall, however, O’Reilly’s show averaged twice as many viewers as Olbermann’s.

Read more at below link. - MSNBC, CNN Ratings Plunge as O'Reilly Reigns

Most people watch things that they agree with. The handwriting is on the wall.

It will be interesting to see how soon Janeane Garofalo will be invited back.

Remember this class act? Calling Teabaggers "Racist Rednecks."


why not? they put a man in office who sat around for twenty years while his pastor railed racist remarks about rich white people (then moved into a gated community with rich white people :lol:) their party leaders sit in committee and blatantly say jobs and money should not be given to white people. I know where she's coming from.. It's what they believe. You see it on this board every day..
Most people watch things that they agree with. The handwriting is on the wall.

I beg to differ. I think that a lot of people watch what they disagree with so they can see what the loonies on the other side are plotting.

At least I do.
Have you watched Olberman and Maddow,,?? night after night after night their programs are made up of bitching about republicans, it's boring as hell. go look at media matters, it exists solely to bash republicans, talk radio, and Fox news.. these are pathetic asshole losers..

Shhhhh..........! They are, and I for one am glad they're fooling themselves, because they aren't fooling anyone with a lick of sense. Ordinary folks can see through that, but only when they take a look at it. Their audiences go to them for their daily dose of HATE, which is all they really have to offer.
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Most people watch things that they agree with. The handwriting is on the wall.

I beg to differ. I think that a lot of people watch what they disagree with so they can see what the loonies on the other side are plotting.

At least I do.

:clap2: You took the words right out of my mouth. I watch Michael Savage. He is funny - especially when he does not intend to be.
Most people watch things that they agree with. The handwriting is on the wall.

I beg to differ. I think that a lot of people watch what they disagree with so they can see what the loonies on the other side are plotting.

At least I do.

:clap2: You took the words right out of my mouth. I watch Michael Savage. He is funny - especially when he does not intend to be.

He has a TV show? Is it on a network?
Remember this class act? Calling Teabaggers "Racist Rednecks."

She (Janeane) and all the rest of those who say that today's "Teabaggers don't understand what the original Boston Tea Party was all about" seem to not understand what the ordinary person who attended the Tea Parties realizes: That outrageous spending leads to outrageous taxes, and if not direct taxation, then indirect taxation and taxation through inflation which is worse on the poor and middle-class than on the wealthy.

Her opinion is "Tell them the truth and they become confused, angry, and highly volatile....." it has to do with the "limbic brain" ....dontcha know.....(says she) it "is much larger in their is a neurological problem that we are dealing with.....this is almost pathological...elevated to a philosophy or a lifestyle....this is about racism...they hate that a black guy is in the White House....Fox News likes to foment this...because it's their bread and butter....if you have a cerebral electorate, Fox News goes down the toilet, very very fast....that's why Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch started this disinform and to coarsen and dumb down a certain segment of the electorate..."

So she's got it all figured out; that the Teabaggers have a physical impairment in their brains; over developed limbic systems....I don't suppose a frontal lobotomy would help with that....anybody?
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Most people watch things that they agree with. The handwriting is on the wall.

I beg to differ. I think that a lot of people watch what they disagree with so they can see what the loonies on the other side are plotting.

At least I do.

You may be right:
"Nielsen’s analysis found that the cable programs that received the highest overall engagement scores — meaning viewers were most engaged in the shows’ content — also received the most bipartisan support, drawing high engagement scores from viewers of both parties, as well as from viewers who identify as political “Independents.”

Do Dem & GOP Viewers Respond Differently To TV Shows? | Nielsen Wire

More interesting production seems to be the key.

But I do like the idea of you begging.
The late October rating of MSN--PMS is obvious--The November election was just days away & liberals needed to "HYPE" up before the November 4th election. The "tingly" feelings! Then add to that the "hate"--that comes from the above shows--is quite entertaining to some in the populace.

WHAT IS ASTOUNDING: Media coverage of President Obama over this last 100 days is more than that of President Bush & President Clinton COMBINED.

Olbermann--Criss Mathews--the Rachel--PMS show is definitely for left wing nut cases--that are more interested in conspiracy theories than real news. That along with the CNN female reporter that literally attacked a Tea Party protestor. That is exactly why FOX is kicking their behinds.

Oreilly-on FOX-is an registered independant & goes after everyone. I also like Greta VanSestran show--she has great guests. Hannity--is right wing, & I really don't care to watch him much--his bias is obvious--& to me Rush Limbaugh is losing it. Yesterday he was on the radio stating we might as well sign over a power of attorney to this administration. That turns people off--I turned him off. Rush Limbaugh & Sean Hannity need to cool it--they really don't need to act like the MSN-PMS channel or eventually they eventually will start losing their ratings too.

I don't mind real issues being discussed--but to go way off the charts--in order to make a simple point--bothers me--& I will turn the station.
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OMG, Garofalo is such an embarrassment. Olbermann is a tool, but even he at some point had to be thinking why the hell did I put this babbling idiot on my show. No wonder his ratings are in the toilet. This interview is classic. Garofalo's character on "24" is just as annoying. I can only hope Jack Bauer bitch slaps her.
MSNBC and CNN’s primetime news programs have suffered an incredible nosedive in ratings since Barack Obama was elected president, Newsmax has learned.

Ratings for “Countdown With Keith Olbermann” on MSNBC at 8 p.m. have plunged a dizzying 42 percent since October, shortly before the election. CNN’s 8 p.m. show, now being hosted by Roland Martin, has seen a 49 percent plunge over that time period, while “The O’Reilly Factor” on Fox News has dipped only 15 percent, according to Nielsen Media Research.

Bill O’Reilly’s 8 p.m. show remains the top-rated cable news program, averaging 2,650,000 million households per night in April, more than the combined totals for Olbermann’s program (938,000) and CNN’s 8 p.m. offering (613,000) — with more than a million households to spare.

In the key demographic of viewers 25 to 54 years old, Olbermann has lost 53 percent of his average nightly audience, a precipitous plunge. Rachel Maddow, who follows him at 9 p.m. on MSNBC, has lost an astounding 65 percent of her 25-to-54 audience since October, and her 819,000 households in April compare poorly to Sean Hannity’s 1,953,000 households on Fox.

O’Reilly has also trounced Olbermann among viewers aged 35 to 64 in April, with 1,724,000 viewers, down 19 percent since October. Olbermann suffered a 49 percent drop in that demographic and had 1,151,000 viewers.

The solid showing of “The O’Reilly Factor” and the plunging numbers for Keith Olbermann further belie Olbermann and MSNBC’s occasional claim that he is winning the ratings war in his time slot.

MSNBC took out a full-page ad in The New York Times last November proclaiming “A Sweeping Victory” for its ratings and declaring “Countdown With Keith Olbermann” the No. 1 cable news program.

But fine print at the bottom of the ad acknowledged that the “victory” referred only to the 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. time slot for the dates Oct. 27 through Oct. 31, for viewers between 25 and 54 years of age.

Overall, however, O’Reilly’s show averaged twice as many viewers as Olbermann’s.

Read more at below link. - MSNBC, CNN Ratings Plunge as O'Reilly Reigns

Most people watch things that they agree with. The handwriting is on the wall.

It will be interesting to see how soon Janeane Garofalo will be invited back.

Remember this class act? Calling Teabaggers "Racist Rednecks."


I actually watch Fox more than MSNBC, because if I'm going to take a position on something, I want to hear what the other side's position is.

But it is probably true that most watch what they agree with.

I wonder how many conservatives watch MSNBC and how many liberals watch Fox.
You rightwingers are a funny bunch.

You say the media is liberal, but we liberals disagree. We think all the TV channels are rightwing. Sure, Olberman and Maddow's shows are liberal, but MSNBC has a bunch of right wing windbags too.

And we don't care if CNN, MSNBC, ABC (Hannity's employer), CBS, and NBC go into the toilet.

We get our news online. We liberals are the reason television news, in general, and newspapers are biting the dust.

We don't trust any of them.

So, in conclusion, when you say that most of TV is biased, we agree. So let's all let them fail.

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