MSM/Hollywood.. YOU can't have it both ways!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Pious MSM/Hollywood vehemently contend their news/movies don't influence people as the follow shows... reported the 2011 Academy Award nominees’
“campaign cash benefited Democrats or left-leaning groups 99 percent of the time.” Wealth and status buy left-wing celebrities influence and access to the highest levels of government, where they advocate for a variety of liberal causes. The White House has in turn looked to the entertainment industry to help get its message out on economic recovery and health care. The networks simply don’t cover it.
Off Camera: Networks Ignore Liberal Hollywood

Then we have the MSM liberal/democrat bias as illustrated by this :
Bill Maher also contributed $1 million to a pro-Obama super PAC.
Bill Maher made a comedy/documentary called "Religulous" that's most famous for mercilessly mocking Christianity
But what people forget is that the last twenty-minutes or so of the film make a damning case against Islam.

So where is the anger against Maher/Obama?? Where is the NEWS media coverage of this movie???

" identified 144 journalists who made political contributions from 2004 through the start of the 2008 campaign, according to the public records of the Federal Election Commission.
Most of the newsroom checkbooks leaned to the left: 125 journalists gave to Democrats and liberal causes.
Only 17 gave to Republicans.
Two gave to both parties."
Journalists give campaign cash - politics | NBC News

MONEY talks and if those 125 "journalists" articles were examined there would be many articles critical of GOP, many positive of Dems and most slanted favoring Democrats!
Po' babys. Whatever was said in that film did not ignite the violence that the other film did. Not that it matters in any case. Violence because of free speech, even a viewpoint that most of us do not approve of, is unacceptable. The people in the mid-east are going to have to learn this.

In the meantime, we have terrorists in Libya to take care of. And from the last 3+ years experiance, they will be taken care of. Whether by Seals, Marines, or drones, their days are numbered.
So where was the same official stance regarding this latest film for Maher's film that insulted Islam?

If the official Obama stance is the film caused the riots and deaths.. then why didn't Maher's film?

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