
Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
Thought these guys were a problem only in the Southwest and Southern California. Now, according to Malkin, they're prowling the East Coast.

The Gangstas in My Neighborhood
By Michelle Malkin, World Net Daily
August 31, 2005

The peaceful suburbs of Washington, D.C., are beginning to look and feel like East Los Angeles. The violent illegal alien gang Mara Salvatrucha (or MS-13) has thoroughly penetrated the region – and its murderous members continue to be aided and abetted by reckless government officials at every level who refuse to enforce our immigration laws.

As I've reported over the past year, MS-13 is the most notorious criminal alien gang enterprise on the American landscape. The Justice Department's (belated) summer crackdown on the crime racket has resulted in the arrest of 515 MS-13 gang members who will be prosecuted for criminal cases and/or deported (many after having re-entered the country illegally despite multiple convictions and deportations).

At the local malls in Montgomery County, Md., where I live, gang stabbings are increasingly common. Earlier this summer, a spate of knifing attacks involving reputed MS-13 gangsters took place at a nearby Target store. Yes, Target – where the only fights that shoppers should have to worry about are the tug-of-war spats between soccer moms battling over Sonia Kashuk makeup bags on sale in Aisle 2.

MS-13 thugs are packing weapons far more lethal than blush brushes. The El Salvador-based syndicate has a special love affair with machetes. Earlier this month, a jury convicted one MS-13 member for a machete attack at a Fairfax County, Va., movie theater. The brutal crime left a rival gang member with three severed fingers. If MS-13 limited its violence to killing off its competitors, maybe the rest of us could afford to shrug off the illegal alien gang takeover of the mid-Atlantic corridor. But innocents from Boston to Raleigh have been caught up in the violence, and cops are in the crosshairs as well.

full article:
Fierce Urban Competition Forcing Urban Hispanic Gangs Into Rural Areas

The murder of El Salvadoran immigrant and MS-13 gang member Brenda Paz in rural Shenandoah Valley Virginia by MS-13 gang members led investigators to a web of connections across rural America. A New York Times article reveals that Hispanic gangs are being forced by an excess of competition in urban areas to expand out into rural America.

Gang activity has traditionally been a function of immigration and labor-migration patterns. Today, with those patterns changing -- with unskilled jobs shifting from cities to rural regions, with sprawl pushing suburbs and exurbs deeper into the countryside -- gangs are cropping up in unexpected places: tiny counties and quaint villages, farming communities and cookie-cutter developments, small towns and tourist resorts. In Toombs County, Ga., for instance, 10 Hispanic gangs roam an area marked by cotton, tobacco and onion fields, according to Art Villegas, who tracks gang activity there for the sheriff's office.
... Consider, too, the picture of a far-flung criminal network that emerges from the details disclosed in law-enforcement documents about Paz's murder. Jailhouse recordings of her ex-boyfriend (against whom she was expected to testify) include calls from the detention facility in Virginia where he was held, in which he said that she needed to be ''planted so hard, she would never get up.'' MS-13 members called her in Kansas City, Mo., where United States marshals from the Witness Protection Program had her stashed away in a Marriott hotel, and were presumably able to persuade her to leave the program voluntarily. The white S.U.V. that drove her to the site of her death in Virginia had license plates from Georgia.

There is a surplus of Hispanic gang members. They can't find enough criminal work being gang members in cities and so they are franchising their gang operations into the unexplored virgin territory of rural America.
Gangs are a major problem here in Ga. now. A neighboring county has counted several hundred different gangs operating there.
Abbey Normal said:
Celebrate Diversity! :bang3:
Let gays marry.
Don't discipline children, they have rights too, ya know.
Always rehabilitate, never incarcerate.
Always trust the public schools to raise you child...the NEA knows MORE than you do.
Never ever, defend the Constitution or the Country.
And for God sakes, NEVER EVER SAY, AMEN or GOD in PUBLIC ever again!!!!

Everything will be'll see.

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