MS 13 are just Kids on Bikes.

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
Just saw on Fox some Liberal reporting that the Street gang are nothing but a bunch of Kids who ride bikes and have heavy tats. I can not and do not understand the thinking of these people who are Democrats, that try to show pity on street thugs and murders. The high court Judge Sommelier
what obamma left behind.jpg
(~sp)~ even joins in showing pity towards Child molesters. Gotta be something in the air or water.
Yes this was a story on Vox. What amazed me was they showed no concern for the fact that the suburban "kids on bikes" were recruited into MS-13 by the face tatooed machete murderers. I mean for the love of God how can you be that ignorant?
And the douches say the media isn't the enemy of the people. I saw those animals up close in person in the pen. They are monsters.
WHERE IS MY BICYCLE??????????????????????????? I WANNA BICYCLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.:206::206::206:

herd of savages!:mad-61:

Switch over to FBN....they are still sane over there and they know a thug when they see one....or better yet get CRTV...
yeah, kids on bikes..who kidnap and butcher other kids (including babies) with machetes, knives, and whatever.

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